54} B06-32, Part 4

Book 7} Decision
Chapter 54
B06-32, Part 4

If I were to die,
I know a few things.

My family wouldn't die with me,
I'd be the cause of it,
I'd be happy.


"Move it. Give it to me and get out of here,"
the man said.

I tried to get out of his grasp.
He's bluffing.

Ray stayed quiet, obviously in thought.
I grunted.

"I'm glad you're a man. This is so much easier,"
I sighed out before elbowing him in that place.

I rushed out of his grip and Ray wrapped his arms around me protectively.
Everyone looked surprised by my action, but dude, I couldn't breath.

The man groaned in pain.
"Guys!! Get out of this room!"
Emma started to shout commands, gripping my hand softly before.

"You blockhead! What were you thinking?"
Ray asked.
"Yeah, what if he'd pulled the trigger by mistake?!"
Gilda added.

"Then good riddance,"
I said, putting my hand to my throat, gripping my teeth.
"I thought I would suffocate!"

"But he didn't shoot,"
I quickly added, facing the man. Ray kept an arm around me, clutching the pen in his other hand.

"You're bluffing about killing us. You just want to chase us out, right?"
Emma asked.

The man shot at me, and it only brushed by my cheek, but nonetheless, it was a purpose miss.

"It wasn't a bluff,"
He grumbled.

"See? You missed. We're in your way. But you don't want to kill us yourself. That's why you're telling us to leave,"
I said.

"It's true. It makes more sense to kill us rather than kicking us out. We might go out and call the attention of demons to this place, after all,"
Nat said.

"Shut up! I'm only chasing you out because I don't want to deal with 16 corpses! You weaklings better shut your mouths. Don't get carried away. I'm not going to miss this time. I'm not lying. I'm going to shoot all of you. So get out!!"
He told us, his voice shakily as he was wobbling.

I tilted my head, then smiled.
{ I like this guy! }

"No way. We're not going to leave. We're not giving you our pen. And also!!"
Emma started.

"My family is not useless!
You've had your say about us dying or being useless! But listen to me!
Our family... our hope... and our compassion... are not useless!! All of it... is necessary to us!!"

She told him.

He grit his teeth, then started to shake as his eyes went wide slightly.
His breathing quickened as he held his head.
My expression turned worried.

No. That's not true...
Lucas, you need to shut up!!"

he yelled.

They flinched.
It seemed familiar... what I was seeing.

"No. No. Dammit...
Oh no... it's them."

And with that, he collapsed.

I checked him.
"He's not pretending. He's knocked out for real,"
I stated.

"Why though?
Why'd he suddenly faint?"

Don asked.

I shuddered.
"I dunno,"
I lied.

"And who the heck is Lucas?
Do you think he's okay?"
"What exactly happened?"
"What did he mean by "Them"?"

"All right! It's nap time for the old geezer. So let's have a look around while we have the chance,"
Ray said, looking at a notebook.

They sweat-dropped.

"This is a shelter Minerva left us. But Minerva isn't here. So let's start looking for leads... about Minerva and the world by using what's here. So the reference room comes first,"
Ray said.

"Yeah," Emma agreed.

"The reference room?"

"Remember what the old geezer said? That there was information and materials about the world here."
Ray said.

"Emma and I will look for the reference room.
Don and Nat, can you guard the old man?"

Ray asked.

"Got it"
They responded.

"Y/n, you know what to do,"
Ray told me, shooting me a knowing look,
well, knowing wink?

"Ha. Of course,"
I chuckled.

Everyone looked confused, but Ray only smiled.

"Everyone else, can you look for rooms for us to sleep in?"
He then said.



I took a deep breath as I looked at my amulet.
I then smirked and put it back inside my shirt.

I walked into a room and started scooping it out.
And so, I started what I needed to do.


Word Count: 666
