160 }} Shackles

Book 18

Chapter 160






Reader's POV.

We continued running to the base.

And soon... we ran into Gilda and Don.

Don smiled.

"Emma! Ray!"
Gilda smiled.

We all hugged each other.

"Don! Gilda!"
"I'm glad you're okay!"
I said with a bright smile.

"I-I'm glad you're okay too!"
Don said.

"Yeah, me too!"
Gilda said.

Then she noticed Norman.
He looked scared to approach them.

Gilda smiled.

his expression fell.

"You had us worried, man!"
Don said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Gilda agreed.

Norman said.

I smiled and hugged him as well.

he smiled back, hugging back.

Norman approached Ayshe and said something to her in demon language. 

(ahhh what do you guys think he told her? Or is it said in the book?)


From her expression, it shook her.

"We have no time. We have to return to the base."
Norman told us.

"We need to understand the current situation. The position of the Imperial Soldiers. The safety of the base."
Ray then stated.

"Let's meet up with Oliver's group,"
Emma said, which we all agreed to.





7. 14. 2020
Word count: 154
