154}} Breakthrough

Book 18

Chapter 154



Okay guys, these are my accounts for each, so you'll know when I friend you!

Instagram: (p.s. my edits were shitty, please don't watch)




And I will be adding you all to a group shortly!




Reader's POV

"But it's just not possible.
Because of the dugs administered to us at Lambda, we don't have much time left. 
I can't live with you,"
he cried, tears running down his face.

"Help me... Y/n,, Emma,,, Ray,"
he muttered.

I muttered, kneeling down in front of him.

"What? "We"? What are you talking about?"
"I thought we were okay."
"Because you were from Grace Field. You were highest grade and a special sample... you were the only one who wasn't a guinea pig, so..."

"That was a lie. It's true that at the facility I was kept separately.
But I was also experimented on with the drugs. My seizures have already advanced to level 4,"
Norman told them, my eyes widened. It was more worrying to hear him say it himself.

Cislo muttered.

"Why did you lie to us?!"
Vincent exclaimed.

He was mad... Cislo wasn't.
That's what I was thinking.

"I wanted to be a boss you could rely on... I didn't want to cause concern or for anyone to feel hesitant,"
Norman replied in a soft voice.

"Sorry. Everyone, I'm really sorry."
He told them.

"Is that all the secrets you have?"
Ray asked.

Norman said.

"And? Now tell us what you really want to do,"
Emma said.

"Well... I don't regret killing the Queen and the Aristocrats.
But if we don't have to kill anymore, then we don't have to.
I don't want to eradicated them. I want to end what I already did, including the poison I spread in town.
"And I don't want to give up on the lives of the Lambda group."
Norman told us.

"Even if the possibility is close to zero... I want to try again. No, I want to try as many times as I can.
To save everyone, including myself."
He said softly.

"Got it. Leave it to us. We'll help you,"
Ray said. Norman's expression was hopeful, but broken.

"It's going to be okay. Let's do something about it together,"
Emma said.

"All of us! Let's do it together,"
I said softly, hugging him once more.

"Are you kidding me?! How can you be saying this now?!
I don't care anymore about our lives! Eradicating the demons is our only salvation!
And we're going to build a new world! You said that you weren't going to look back, Boss!"
Vincent yelled.

"But now you're saying this?!
And you're not just abandoning the plan— you're going to get in our way!! No!!
I'm not stopping! Never! Even if you quit, even if you get in the way, I'm going to..."
Vincent yelled.

"It's enough, Vincent. It's enough.
I've been sensing it. How you've been suffering. What you're feeling.
But because he's amazing and can do anything... we've been dependent on him, taking advantage of his ability and kindness. We make him shoulder everything.
We used him as a tool for our revenge. Even though he's human, just like us.
You do what you want to do, Boss.
If you want to stop the eradication plan, that's fine."
Cislo said softly.

"We did this much, and it's enough. I still hate the demons. They piss me off, and I can't forgive them.
And I want revenge. But you're more important to me than that. I'll follow your lead, Boss,"
Cislo said.

(Awwww babyyy)

Barbara smiled.

"Agh, ugh,"
Was Zazie's response as he put his paper bag back on.

Vincent gritted.

"Norman... we've heard about the Lambda seizures from Don and Gilda already."
Emma then said.

"'The specific experimental drugs that were administered to the children in Lambda 7214. Are causing lethal side effects and seizures.'"
Ray said, exactly what Gilda told us.

"How did she..."
Norman sweatdropped.

"And then Don and Gilda realized something. What about... Adam?"
Emma said.


"Adam doesn't get seizures. He should have been on the same drugs. But in the two years since he left the Lambda, he's supposedly never had any of those symptoms,"
I state.

"But wait. Maybe he just... hasn't had a seizure yet. There are individual differences. We can't say for sure that he's not going to have any seizures in the future."
Cislo said.

"But not even once, you say? After leaving the Lambda without getting any treatment."
Vincent said.

"But if it's true that he took the drugs and hasn't had any side effects or seizures... Adam could be the breakthrough to save everyone in the Lambda group."
Norman said.

"But we can't be taking our time. A large group of Imperial soldiers are searching for the base."
Ray stated.

"Imperial soldiers?"
"Yeah, we saw them on the way here. In the morning two days ago. Norman, they're the soldiers you got rid of, right?"
Ray said.

Norman covered his mouth in thought.

"Oliver, Zack, Nigel, and Gillian took care of letting the base know, and they're handling the situation for now. But if that large army finds them, there's nothing we can do.
We should get out of here and return to the base,"
Ray said.

"Of course, after we do something about the confusion in town,"
Emma added.

"Heh. But how? All the citizens in town are probably poisoned by now.
The bodies and blood of the Royal Family, the dead Geelan Clan and the Five Regent Houses... are all tainted with the same poison."
Vincent said.

"It's fine! Don and Gilda are in town too, and with Mujika and Sonju, they're doing what they can do to keep the damage to a minimum,"
Emma said.

"Yeah, we asked them too,"
Ray said.

"Don and Gilda?"
"Wait, you were able to find the evil-blooded?"
Their faces were in shook.

"Let's split up. Ray, Emma, and I will remain here to help the town.
Norman, you return with everyone to protect the base."
I stated.

"Got it!!"
Norman told us.

"Can you move?"
Cislo asked Barbara.

"Yeah. Even though it hurts like hell. Don't take Lambda lightly. I'm not going to die!!"
She cheered.

"Cislo can you go ahead and get the horses?"
Norman asked.

"Got it.
Barbara, it's just a little more,"
He told her.

"Heh, I'm fine!"
She reassured him.

"Vincent, can I ask you to secure the escape route?"
Norman asked Vincent.

"Got it..."
He stated.

"But how did the Imperial soldiers find out?"
Barbara then asked.

"That's probably..."
My eyes widened.

I yelled.





Word Count- 1121
