12] Traitor, Part 2

{ Why... Gilda? "There's a traitor." "If they are spies, they'll make a move for sure." Gilda was the source of information? Really...? It was all acting? No, I can't believe that. }

Gilda went inside to Sister Krone's welcome.

Book 2} Chapter 12
Traitor, Part 2

Emma and I got close to the door and tried to hear or see.
Emma tried looking through the doorknob but she couldn't.

"Talk to me, Gilda," I was able to hear.
{ I can hear some, but not much of what they're saying... }

"You want to know about the issue, right?" Gilda asked.
{ What issue? What are they talking about? }

"I'm not worried about anything. I appreciate that you were concerned for me... and checked in on me many times," Gilda said. A look of hope passed our faces. They were just talking, Gilda wasn't the spy.

"But I'm okay now. So you can leave me alone. Please excuse me," she said, her footsteps coming close to the door.

"I see. Emma and Y/n told you everything then? Gilda, you... found out everything, didn't you?" Sister asked. My heart stopped for a quick second and I tensed up.

I didn't hear the rest. I only heard until.
"So who else knows? Norman. Ray. And?"
{ C'mon Gilda... }

"I'll let you and only you go, so why don't we join hands?" Sister suggested.
"Please stop! I don't know what you're talking about! I was just fighting with them. But we made up so everything's okay!" Gilda told her.

"I see. So it was my misunderstanding. I apologize. Good night~ I'll see you later, Gilda," Sister said.

Gilda left the room to find us facing her.
"Emma! Y/n! No, this isn't..." she said, a horrified look on her face.

We engulfed her in a hug.
"I'm so glad! I'm so glad, Gilda! I'm sorry we suspected you," Emma told her.

Gilda hugged us back, her head buried in my shoulder.

Time Skip

"Y/n, could I talk to you for a bit?" Norman asked as I was walking around the halls, looking for a book I'd lost.

"Yeah sure," I said with a smile. I followed him into the dining room.
"I want your opinion," he said as I sat down.
"On what?" I asked.

"If there really is someone who is willingly being an agent of the demons and if he or she is guaranteed to live by spying on us... would you leave that person behind? Or take that person with us?" he asked.
I thought about it.

"I would take that person with us," I told him honestly.
"Even if that person didn't want that?" he asked, a surprised look on his face.
I chuckled slightly, "Maybe, yeah! I would force them to come with us," I said.

"If they came with us, their life may not be guaranteed anymore," I added.
"I see... Of course you would say that, Y/n," he said with a smile.

Time Skip

I was about to enter the room to help Norman when I heard him say, "The source of information... No... The traitor was you, Ray."

My eyes widened as I dropped the book I had just found.

Side Story Part 3:

Let's Go Visit With All the Siblings

I sat next to Emma as we were tied up, Ray with a mask on his face to keep him from talking.
"I'm not surprised," we got told.
"Why are you so adamant about this? You need to follow Mom's orders."
"And Norman needs to rest."

"But Norman is all alone every time he gets sick!" I told them.
"How lonely!" Emma said after.

"Mmmffggghhh!" Ray said, although it was muffled.
"Sorry, Ray, I have no idea what you're saying."

"Then let's all go visit him!" someone suggested.
I turned to Emma with a bright expression she gave back.

We watched them go to Mom.
"Please let us see Norman, even just for a little bit."
"Please, Mom!"
"I love your passion, but not until he's well," Mom told them.

"Please let him go!"
"Let us talk to him!"
"At least let us hear his voice!" They wailed,

Mom sweat dropped, "He's not kidnapped, you know."

Don came skipping in.
"I brought erbs from the forest!" he said holding up weeds.
"Huh? Those are just weeds."

The argument lasted until night fall... but no one was allowed inside.


Short Chapter -_-

Word Count: 680
