117 } Breaking into the Cage, Part 2


Chapter 117
Breaking into the Cage, Part 2




Okay... honestly. I should've listened to you guys.

I should rest and take a break...
but I didn't and know I'm getting sick.

But it's okay, it's okay.
I'll fight it and bring you all chapters.





Reader's POV

I entered the room and my eyes widened.
We're supposed to find the medicine out of all of this...

Anna, Emma, and I hurried to find the medicine.

"Found it! This shelf!!"
Anna called out.

"First, we need that one,"
Anna said, pointing to it. I nodded and started climbing up.

"I'll get it, so keep looking for the others!"
I said, they nodded.

Anna and Emma continued to search.



We had gotten the medicine, and were now leaving.
I just had to hope Ray and Hayato were okay.

"They're going to be fine,"
Emma said, I looked up.

"Ray will protect Hayato. And it's more likely Ray won't die if he had someone to protect,"
Emma added.

She was right.
I muttered.

"We just have to go outside... and meet up with them, then we'll go home immediately,"
I muttered.

{ We'll return soon... }



Emma opened the latch, then her eyes widened and she immediately shut it.
"Anna, Y/n, go back!!

"Run!! There are demons out there-"
then, it opened again and she was taken.

My eyes widened.
I exclaimed.

We got down and I hugged Anna, my eyes wide and heart beating fast.
Anna started crying out of fear, I wanted to do the same.

We couldn't get back up now.


Hayato got us up quickly.

I hurried over to Emma, hugging her quickly.
There was a man about to hurt her, so I dragged her away from him.

"Hold it, hold it, hold it!!"
Hayato shouted.

"She's one of us! She also saved our lives!"
Hayato added.

Anna cried, hugging her as well.

"Oh my gosh! I was so scared! I'm so glad you're okay,"
Anna said.

I smiled,

"This person saved me from the demons,"
Emma then said.

"Hayato, is he with you? Is he also part of Mr. Minerva's..."
Ray started.

"Yes. This is Zazie. A confident of the boss,"
Hayato said as Zazie ruffled his hair.
"Probably came to look for us because Jin and I took too long... Ow, ow, that hurts!!"
he then winced.

Zazie let him go and started looking around.
"Zazie's really strong but, it's hard to know what he's thinking. And he only obeys the boss.
He's a rabid dog. Be careful,"
Hayato gossiped to us.

I chuckled slightly by the way he told us.
And he smiled brightly.

"Let's go. If we stay here, more demons might come out,"
Ray then interrupted, standing up.

"Yes. I got the medicine. We should hurry back,"
Anna said.

Hayato said.

"Come on, you're coming too, Zazie!"
Hayato shouted.

I smiled.







Word Count: 490
