Chapter 20

Nuclear Exploration

    In Xiao Lan's laboratory, many people gathered. Ling Jiu, Xie Qing, Tian Yi, Li Changqing, and even Feng Yan and Zhou Mingyang were summoned by Xie Qing.

    "...This piece of tissue taken from the brain of an infected blue whale is actually the product of biological rejection, and it can also be called the prototype of viral antibodies. But what surprised me is that the main components of this piece of tissue are The unit turned out to be ES cells, also known as embryonic stem cells. It has the characteristics of infinite proliferation, self-renewal and multi-directional differentiation in vitro, and can be induced to differentiate into almost all cell types in the body... God..."

    Xiao Lan said , while stroking the large sealed flask containing the blue whale tissue, murmuring tones and obsessed eyes, as if seeing an old lover whom he hadn't seen for many years.

    This piece of tissue is smaller than when Ling Jiu dug it out of the whale's brain, but the color is brighter. It floats in the culture medium, undulating gently as if breathing, and it looks like a small mass life.

    "Not long ago, I have successfully used the combined effect of XX reagent, YY solution and ZZ mixed gas to restore the activity of stem cells in this tissue! Yes, it means-" He suddenly paused and took a big mouth. He was panting heavily, and there were even beads of sweat oozing from his forehead, as if he had just done some strenuous exercise.

    And all the people present, except Ling Jiu and Xie Qing, seemed to be listening but not understanding.

    "Cough, Xiao Xiao, can you explain this in a more simple way—"

    Before Li Changqing could finish speaking, Xiao Lan suddenly slammed the table, and everyone shuddered. They saw him stand up abruptly, and said in an unprecedented impassioned tone: "Do you know what this means? It means The first case of self-regeneration of infected organisms has appeared! This means that the powerful self-healing power that nature endows the organism's cellular functions has begun to work! This means that this inconspicuous piece of meat can completely regenerate into another complete health The blue whale! This means that the most difficult problem of Solanum virus anti-venom is about to be overcome! This means that this unprecedented strange virus is about to be trampled on the soles of my feet     by Xiao Lan. Hahahahaha-"

    Everyone: "..."

Xiao Lan burst into madness and laughed for a while, but everyone still understood what he said. For a while, except for Ling Jiu's expressionless face, everyone else was all excited, and they all knew that the anti-venom was coming soon. The development was successful. Since Xie Qing had been involved in the whole process of tackling the problem, the reaction was relatively calm, while Tian Yi and Li Changqing were already crying and crying, and Zhou Mingyang and Feng Yan were clamoring to open a few bottles of beer to celebrate.

    Antiviral serum developed!

    what does that mean? This means that the end of the world is about to pass, which means that zombies will permanently become specimens in medical schools and photos in history books, which means the awakening and recovery of mankind!

    "Bang - bang bang bang bang bang dong bang!"

    Suddenly a loud noise came, everyone calmed down a little from the madness, and looked after the sound, only to see Ling Jiuzheng blowing his fist lightly, next to a bunch of crooked waste Iron, I can barely tell that the thing was a stainless steel test bench before it was alive.

    "What's the noise, the serum hasn't come out yet." Ling Jiu frowned.

    "...To be precise, the situation is indeed like this." Xiao Lan returned to his usual deadness, "Now it's just a prototype, and a lot of experiments are needed in the future. Therefore, I need an absolutely closed and safe environment, To do the final research, the current laboratory building is definitely not acceptable."

    Tian Yi nodded without hesitation: "It's no problem, just ask if you have any requirements, just rush this anti-venom serum, and it will satisfy you all."

    Li Changqing, however, restrained her smile and cleared her throat: "Then... I can ask What is the deadline? Dr. Xiao can be sure when the serum product will be developed?"

    "Seven months." Xiao Lan pushed up his glasses, the lenses were slightly reflective, "Please give me seven months, that's enough time. ."

    As a result, Xiao Lan's report on embryonic stem cell research results and the application for experimental land were submitted to the desks of the bosses that night. Even these old fritters were excited about the coming dawn. They held a special meeting overnight for this matter, approved all Xiao Lan's requests, and gave the greatest support in terms of human, material and financial resources.

    At this time, the government of country Z did not hide any more secrets. They invited researchers from the M side to attend the meeting, and finally decided to jointly carry out the final stage of scientific research.

    Therefore, within two days, the participants in this seven-month closed experiment were determined. The scientific research team led by Xiao Lan and Xie Qing and the M-party delegation totaled 306 people, plus Ling Jiu, the experiment needs her blood.

    Feng Yan's military rank has been promoted to Colonel and became Tian Yi's direct secretary. He is busy with official business every day, but he wants to participate in the experiment, but unfortunately he can't find time.

    And Zhou Mingyang, as well as the hapless M-country Marine Corps lieutenant colonel Sean Jefferson, even took the initiative to ask to participate in the experiment.

    When asked why, the two answered the same thing: we volunteered to be volunteers in human experiments with antiviral serum.

    Having said all that, the superiors have nothing to do with it, so their application was successfully approved.

    As for the two male and female body No. 1, who had the same soy sauce, they did not participate in the experiment, but went dormant in the underground refrigerator of the secret laboratory that Xiao Lan applied for. Their various bodily functions are still unstable, so they do not intend to let them participate in the corpse killing operation for a long time without Xiao Lan's care.

    The laboratory is located on the outskirts of the capital. It is a secret base left by the former military scientific research institution. Due to the good sealing and security measures, all personnel were evacuated in time before the virus broke out, so there are basically no zombies here, and they can be there without any worries. Research here.

    Of course, with Ling Jiu as a killer, what would happen if there were zombies.

    half year later. The experimental base in the suburbs of the capital, the underground cold room.

    This is the room where the two No. 1 bodies are sleeping, and the room temperature is constant at minus one hundred degrees Celsius all year round.

    The two No. 1 bodies slept in two transparent dormant cabins, which looked a bit like the kind of cabin Ling Jiu was in when he just woke up. It's just that there are many wires and catheters connected to the outside of these two sleep cabins, and many small traffic lights are flashing constantly. Various data show that all vital signs of the two No. 1 bodies are normal.

    Suddenly, outside the cabin of the male No. 1, all the small lights went out.

    Male No. 1 moved his fingers, slowly opened his eyes, pushed open the hatch and climbed out. Standing there, he glanced at the female body number 1 in the cabin next to him, and a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

    He stretched his arms and legs, pulled the soft cloth in the cabin around his waist, looked down at his palms, and kept repeating the movements of stretching and clenching fists.

    Every subtle movement contains the explosive power that belongs to the 1st body.

    He walked to the door and found a hidden electric switch, which directly cut off the power supply of the entire room, then opened the hatch of the female body 1 and twisted the neck of the sleeping body 1.

    Brother... this is the real time for revenge.

    Male body number 1, perhaps - should call him the law. He smiled faintly, punched open the extremely sturdy reinforced door with ease, and walked out.

    These people... Sure enough, they are too reassured about the security measures here, and they don't even have a single person to take care of body No. 1.

    Fa Chengran thought about it as he walked, killing the scientific researchers he met on the way, and their necks were twisted before they could even scream.

    Oops... It seems that it was very wise to decide to be a volunteer for the experiment of body 1. This body is really easy to use, and I am a little reluctant to die.

    With a small smile on his lips, he walked all the way to kill people, and finally came to the door of the armory prepared by the laboratory.

    Destroying the library door easily, Fa Chengran walked in, picked up a grenade and unplugged the lead, gently placed it on the ground, then sat next to it and closed his eyes.

    At this time, what are Ling Jiu and Ming Yang doing? Must be busy with the anti-venom thing.

    They have also been tired for half a year, and it is time to rest. The smile on his lips deepened, revealing a hint of madness.

    That night, the capital survivor base received the bad news that the laboratory was bombed. It seems that someone broke into the armory of the laboratory and detonated a grenade, which caused a large amount of ammunition in the entire armory to explode. Strong, coupled with the good airtightness of the laboratory...

    All the scientific researchers were killed, there were no survivors, not even the two No. 1 bodies were able to escape. Even Ling Jiu, who was said to be destroyed only by a nuclear bomb... died in this disaster.

    Yes, this is a disaster, not just for the laboratory, but for all of humanity.

    All research results, scientific research samples, and the precious blue whale stem cell tissue were reduced to ashes in the fire.

    One million Feng Yan, Tian Yi and Li Changqing did not believe that Ling Jiu would be killed by such a small explosion, but they searched the scene many times, and after waiting for a long time, they still did not get any news of survival, so they had to be disappointed. return.

    After half a year, the proportion of the world's living dead has surged to more than 95%. Many large survivor bases are still struggling to support, and more bases have disappeared without a sound, becoming a paradise for zombies.

    It's too late...even too late to give mankind another chance to develop an anti-venom.

    At the emergency meeting held in the capital base of country Z, all the high-level personnel of party Z and party M were in a daze, and no one knew what to say or what to do.

    There were several television telephones nearby, and on several large screens were several men and women with solemn expressions, of all races, and there were a few quite familiar faces, who were the heads of state who often appeared in the news in the past. At this time, there is no need to hide anything. Humanity has reached a critical moment of survival. Scientists and superpowers have died. The fate of the human species is already in the hands of this group of people.

    After a long silence in the room, Tian Yi suddenly sighed, closed his eyes, and said in a hoarse voice: "Forget it."

    Li Changqing was surprised: "Old Tian?"

    Everyone looked at Tian Yi.

    Tian Yi stood up and waved his hand, with a ruthless look in his eyes: "Use a nuclear bomb."

    At ten o'clock in the morning on March 30, 2013, a "final meeting" was held at the survivor base in the capital of country Z. The meeting decided that the The five nuclear-capable countries Z, M, E, Y, and F use nuclear weapons including atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, and neutron bombs to destroy infected organisms around the world.

    During a nuclear explosion, cross-detonation will be used to avoid possible favoritism. Since countries M and E have the most nuclear warhead reserves, they are responsible for more regions. Country M is responsible for the whole of Asia, country E is responsible for Europe and Oceania, country Y is responsible for South America, country F is responsible for Africa, and country Z is responsible for North America.

    "This will be a disaster! That's right! A disaster that is a hundred times worse than a virus infection! Because it was caused by humans themselves!" Feng Yan, who was fortunate enough to be present and had the right to speak, couldn't help clapping the table. There was an unmistakable anger on his face, "Have you ever considered the consequences of detonating nuclear weapons on a large scale? All human settlements in the world will become heavily irradiated areas, vegetation will become desertified, rivers will dry up, and even the entire ecosystem will be changed! However, there are not many people who can survive! Their descendants will also suffer from various radiation sicknesses, and within three generations, the human species will surely perish!"

    "Even if the zombies are destroyed, humans will also die. , it's just a matter of time!" Feng Yan was extremely angry, and she roared at all the high-ranking officials regardless, "You decide...are you worthy of those who sacrificed in the experimental base?"

    Thinking of Ling Jiu's death, He just... couldn't help but explode.

    The whole place was silent.

    After a long while, someone answered him with despair in their voices: "Is there any other way?"

    Feng Yan froze for a while, then sat back in her chair slumped.

    Yes, there is no way. It's been... overwhelmed.

Dawn [END]

    Location: The underground research base of a supermarket in a rest area of ​​a highway in the suburbs of S city.

    ...Simply put, it was actually the place where Ling Jiu woke up for the first time.

    About five months ago, Ling Jiu, Xiao Lan, Xie Qing, Zhou Mingyang, Xiao En, and a dozen or so researchers secretly left the laboratory near the capital and came here.

    Yes, this trip was extremely secret. Except for the above-mentioned people, no one knew that they had left the capital, not even Feng Yantianyi and Li Changqing.

    Five months ago, after a routine examination of the dormant body No. 1, Ling Jiu couldn't help but frown. The feeling that something was wrong with the killing of the zombie blue whale has become more and more frequent with the recent inspections of No. 1 body. She has always acted without intuition, but the same ominous feeling appears more often, and it is very doubtful.

    "I think, maybe you should conduct a comprehensive examination of the two No. 1 bodies." She said to Xiao Lan after the blood was drawn.

    "What do you mean?" Xiao Lan didn't lift his head.

    "I don't know, it just doesn't feel right."

    Xiao Lan was rarely attracted by things other than the experiment. He raised his head and stared at Ling Jiu. After a long silence, he said, "If you have an opinion on those two No. 1 bodies. , I can only say, I don't have any power to move them."

    Ling Jiu raised his eyebrows and said nothing. After all, no matter how strong that feeling is, she is still the Ling Jiu who advocates violence to solve problems. When things go to the worst point, it's just a fist that decides everything. At least she can guarantee the personal safety of these people.

    However, when Xie Qing learned about Ling Jiu's thoughts, she read a lot of messy novels about Zhaidou Gongdou. I even felt that in the next second, someone with bad intentions would come to grab the serum and grab the sample and grab Ah Jiu (as if something strange had gotten in).

    So, after further discussion by everyone, it was finally decided to secretly change the experimental location. The underground research institute in S City where Ling Jiu woke up, Xiao Lan had been there before and was very familiar with it. Although the preservation is definitely not as good as the capital laboratory, the airtightness and safety are still better.

    So, one day not long after, Xiao Lan used his authority, dispatched a small passenger plane, secretly changed the flight with a plane that went out on the mission that day, and brought a few capable scientific research assistants, and the group left the capital.

    Xie Qing volunteered to be their correspondent in the capital. She helped cover up the flight changes and other things. In order to ensure that Xie Qing could go to S City safely, Ling Jiu also stayed. It wasn't until a month and a half after Xiao Lan and the others left that Ling Jiu and Xie Qing drove directly to the S city.

    The zombie monsters encountered along the way are much more than when they came before, and the number of evolutionary bodies has increased significantly. However, with Ling Jiu here, the journey was almost without danger.

    Fortunately, the decision to temporarily change the experimental site allowed them to escape.

    However... Hiding in the underground research institute in S City also has disadvantages, that is, the information is blocked. So they never had any news about the first time.

    When Ling Jiu left, he brought a radio transmitter with him, but he could only send messages but not receive them. It was planned that when the serum was developed, it was reported to the first side as soon as possible.

    On March 31, 2013, the second day of the "final meeting" and the day the meeting decided to detonate the nuclear bomb, at 5:21 a.m., the temperature of Sean Jefferson, the last volunteer vaccinated with the zombie virus and treated with serum When it returned to 36.5°C, Xiao Lan went crazy.

    "I announce!" He had red eyes, crying and laughing, and a small bulge somewhere in his crotch. Of course, no one cared about those details. "The world's first Solanum virus vaccine and anti-venom, The development is successful!"

    He held up the transparent and colorless injection in his hand, as if holding up a glittering golden trophy.

    There was a burst of cheers in the small laboratory, Xie Qing cried exaggeratedly, Xiao Entong blushed and burst out a series of bird sounds, and then rushed over to hug Ling Jiu, but Zhou Mingyang pushed him away with incredible force. It was horrifying to see him hug Ling Jiu, and then lowered his head to kiss the face of the fierce goddess.

    Ling Jiuyi squinted and pushed Zhou Mingyang away, watching him take three steps backwards, his mouth still pouting, and directly kissed the face of the Chinese who had no time to escape.

    "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, I don't want to engage in kinima—" Zhou Mingyang wailed and howled.

    Ling Jiu was in a good mood, with an imperceptible smile on his lips, turned his eyes to look at the injection in Xiao Lan's hand, the transparent prismatic glass tube reflected a rainbow-like colorful luster under the illumination of the incandescent lamp, which was beautiful and dazzling.

    Live to live? Maybe...

    She was in a daze, and suddenly, the whole room shook violently, and then there was a terrible loud noise in the distance, it felt like an earthquake.

    The vibrations only lasted for a few seconds, then returned to normal.

    Everyone's face changed, and everyone didn't react. The second wave of shocks came again. This time it was much more violent than the last time. Some utensils on the experiment table were shaken to the ground, and the walls in the four corners of the room began to fall off. .

    "No, hurry up and get out of here!" Ling Jiu suddenly realized that the situation was not good, and immediately opened the door, "Go back to the ground, this place will collapse soon!

    " It is a good habit to listen to the nine words, so Xie Qing quickly began to pack the medicines and documents that must be brought, Zhou Mingyang and Xiao En went to each room to get some necessary supplies and weapons, and Xiao Lan personally packed up the precious serum samples .

    In less than two minutes, everyone had already packed up and gathered in the hall of the laboratory. The vibrations became more and more frequent and violent. Ling Jiu held the radio transmitter in his arms, and only had time to shout "Quick!" Run", and then took the lead and flew out.

    She didn't help the others, because in her calculations, there was still a little time before the laboratory completely collapsed, enough time for everyone to run out.

    It only took a few minutes to return to the ground from the laboratory, but everyone felt that it was like a long time. The whole earth was shaking violently under their feet, and the roar was in the ear, and sand and stones kept falling. on the face. But when they returned to the ground, they were all shocked.

    It was not yet six o'clock at this time, and the sky just showed a touch of fish maw white, but it was brightly illuminated by the fire. This highway rest area has long been in ruins, filled with gunpowder smoke, huge craters and flying dust everywhere, the trees in the distance are burned by the sky-high fire, and several zombies are rolling in the fire and screaming miserably.

    "This...what's the matter..." Xie Qing murmured in a trembling voice.

    "This is a test explosion before the nuclear detonation." Ling Jiu said in a deep voice, his brows furrowed together, "Something must have happened in the capital, otherwise they would not suddenly decide to use nuclear weapons."

    "Nuclear, nuclear weapons? Isn't it? Are you going to explain it here today?" Zhou Mingyang squatted on the ground and scratched his hair.

    "Well. It's just a test explosion now, using ordinary missiles. In ten minutes, it is estimated that a nuclear warhead will be used." Ling Jiu snorted and put the radio transmitter on the ground, "Anyway, put the serum first. If the news of the successful development is sent to the capital, it may be too late to organize a nuclear explosion."

    She was about to start the operation, but Xiao En suddenly looked terrified: "Where's Xiao?"

    "Ah! Yes! What about the dead Xiao Lan?" Xie Qing screamed.

    "Wait! He is always holding back, but he still has serum!" Zhou Mingyang finally had the opportunity to scold others for holding back.

    Ling Jiu slammed the ground hard, and the concrete pavement instantly cracked a big hole. She looked back at the entrance of the supermarket that had completely collapsed, turned her head and reached out to Xie Qing: "Inject me with a violent reagent, hurry up!"

    Xie Qing knew that now was not the time to hesitate, so she nodded with red eyes, and opened the small low-temperature medicine box she had just packed. , took out a pink reagent and pushed it into a syringe.

    Ling Jiu took the syringe and directly stabbed the thick needle into the carotid artery, Xie Qing groaned and dared not look again.

    First, Ling Jiu was dizzy, and Ling Jiu could barely stand. She threw away the syringe and saw that her right arm had turned into a mechanized appearance uncontrollably. Then, the dizziness disappeared, and her body began to heat up. She felt that strange and violent thought in her heart. The desire to fight to tear everything up quickly rose; after a slight tingling, the muscles on the arms on the legs seemed to bulge in a circle, and the stature instantly became a head taller.

    As for the clothes being cracked or something... please don't pay attention to those details.

    "Xie Qing, send a message to the capital immediately." She ordered, and she no longer hesitated. She didn't even look back at her companion. She ran to the ruins a few steps, and her arms moved away like an excavator. The collapsed stones and building materials revealed the entrance.

    At the same time, the main console of the capital survivor base.

    "Report! Received a radio message!"

    Tian Yi was the commander-in-chief of the nuclear detonation operation in North America. He stared at the satellite bird's-eye view on the computer screen, frowning, and some insignificant news should be reported at this juncture. , "Speak!"

    "From the southern suburbs of S City, the content is... yes... The anti-virus serum has been successfully developed! From, Ling, Ling Jiu!" The soldiers operating the machine stuttered with excitement.

    The originally noisy console suddenly fell silent.

    After a long while, Feng Yan was the first to react, and he said with a trembling voice: "You... say it again?"

    "Antiviral serum has been successfully developed, from Ling Jiu!" This time, he didn't stutter, but his excitement changed.

    There was still silence, except for the uncontrollable sound of heavy breathing.

    After a long time, Li Changqing suddenly jumped up, pointed at Colonel Grant's nose and shouted: "You! Did you hear it! Hurry up and tell your bosses not to detonate!"

    "But, but... this is not necessarily true..." Colonel Grant Also stuttered.

    "It doesn't matter if it's true or not, I'd rather believe it or not! Terminate this mission, the mission is terminated!"

    This sentence seemed to have magic power, instantly releasing everyone's shackles, and a deafening explosion erupted from the main console. cheers.

    Tian Yi was so happy that he burst into tears and stood up, but one of them didn't stand firm, and he fell directly and gnawed at the mud. Li Changqing helped him up with a smile, Feng Yan had already opened a bottle of beer excitedly, and the foam was sprayed everywhere.

    However, what Tian Yi didn't notice is...

    Just now when he fell, his elbow accidentally touched a certain button on the computer, which directly led to the modification of the missile's path. The target was exactly -- an island country east of country Z.

    The path is automatically modified, the missile automatically enters the launch countdown program, more than a dozen nuclear warheads are ready, and the red countdown is quietly flashing on the screen, but people in the carnival can no longer notice those details...

    Ling Jiu after the riot is useless Xiao Lan, who was trapped in the ground, was easily rescued in a few minutes. His head was hit by a stone and temporarily passed out, but the serum sample was well protected and not damaged in the slightest.

    Everyone sat on the ruins to rest, Xiao Lan's breathing was light and long, apparently from a coma to sleep... He was indeed too tired.

    The sky in the east has been inlaid with a circle of gold.

    Ling Jiu lowered her head to look at her mechanical hand. There are still more than fifty minutes before the weak period after the violent transformation. At that time, she was the most vulnerable. Even an ordinary person without the power to tie a chicken could kill her.

    However, she is not afraid at all. With these people called "friends", they will not allow her to be hurt even a little bit.

    "What are you looking at, Ah Jiu?" Xie Qing saw Ling Jiu in a trance and leaned over to ask.

    Ling Jiu raised her head and looked at the eastern sky.

    "The sun is about to come out."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After the full text, the author has something to say: um...ah...then's over, hahaha...= =

so...if it takes so long for Shenma's apology, I won't Having said that, putting the ending directly in the fourth update this time is my most sincere apology, please believe me! ! QAQ

I will never let my column have a long-winded article! ! No matter how long it takes, I can finish it! ! It's really not a bad ending to make a fist, well at least I don't think it's a QAQ... Well, this is the best ending I can think of after holding back for so long =-=

In addition~ Ah ha ha, I hope the girls who have CP in this article don't cry, This article is truly no CP! No CP! When you think about which man Ling Jiu is so sweet and lingering with, won't your knee hurt? [The one who shakeswithout CP is the most loving╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭

And there's that...about the nuclear bomb, a certain island country Things like this are purely spoofs, ah, please don't pay attention to those details, if you are serious, you will lose _(:3ゝ∠)_

Well, there will definitely be new articles, and they are still in the archives. The new article is still a sci-fi female strong article, but the background will be in a more grand future... Hahahahahahahahahahaha!! That is true love, true love!

So please continue to pay attention! The new article will be published soon Ah ha ha ha! I love you (づ ̄ 3 ̄) づ

PS: The one who wrote the fanfare is the most abusive, so... ah, the only fanfare that can be written is Ling Jiu and Xie Qing's lily fanfare ah hahaha!! I believe You wouldn't want to see such a strange thing, right?╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭
