Back to the 80s

Everyone was sitting around minding their own business when J.R. came waltzing in. Walking to the table he dumped a bag of 80s toys on the table, "Say hello to today's mission!" Everyone looked around at the stuff on the table and Gigi asked him what sort of mission it was.

"Are we assassinating a 1980s sleepover?" Myc asked while messing around with a carebear and pony.

"Not directly. Still Valley, Wyoming," he spoke starting a presentation. Apparently, the town was under mind-erasing chemicals. The town had been stuck in 1984 for years making it perfect for selling recalled and outdated products.

"We're trapping a town in the '80s to sell them recalled crap? That is radically unethical." Reagan asked.

"Anyway every few years we give them a fresh spritz of a chemtrail called Nostalgia max," J.R. informed them of the plan and gave Brett the keys to the jet.

"Hey J.R., how about on this mission, we all really immerse ourselves in the 1980s? No phones, no social media, just a group of seven-way best friends really connecting face to face," Brett smiled.

"Ughhh," Glenn groaned.

"'Sometime's I don't like talking to people!" Myc yelled.

"Bullshit," Andre frowned.

"I'd rather die," Y/n glared hiding her phone.

"Wait, guys! Bretts got a point for the first time ever. Using modern devices could totally blow our cover," Reagan spoke up.

"Then it's settled. Get ready to have a great time in the past," J.R. left the room.

"Alright everyone, hand over your devices," Reagan opened her computer. The robot arms then quickly moved around the room removing everyone's phones.

"No. No, no, no! Not my Instagram! You son of a bitch. I'll fucking murder you! I know where you sleep!! In the walls!" Gigi fell to her knees as Reagan turned to Y/n.

"Y/n give me your phone," Reagan looked up at her.

"I don't have one," Y/n looked the opposite way.


"NO," Y/n jumped up from her seat running towards the doors only for one of the robot hands to grab her ankle. It pulled her into the air, hanging her upside down in front of Reagan.


"But-" Y/n pouted.

"Cute but no," Reagan reached up taking Y/n's phone and passing it to another robot arm. The robot holding Y/n let go and she fell face-first into the table.

"I fucking hate this job."

Everyone was eventually crammed into the jet and they took off. Y/n sat next to Gigi completely invested in her magnetic polly pocket. She kept ramming the girl into walls as Gigi watched. The count down to release the gas eventually started and as it hit 0 the doors to the jet opened. Myc fell out during the process and everyone gasped in shock. Everyone ran over to the doors watching as he fell.

"Ugh, we have to go down there and get him now!" Reagan complained. "If he's seen he could blow our cover and that would cost a fortune. Glenn take us down outside of town!"

"Leave no mushroom behind!" Brett smiled. They eventually landed the plane and started looking around the woods for Myc. After being unsuccessful they all headed back to the jet to change before they headed into town. Y/n didn't know what to wear so Brett put together an outfit and gave it to Y/n. She went into the Jet's bathroom to change and when she came out she looked mad. She wore a pink crop that hung over her shoulder with a purple skirt. She also had on Blue leg warmers. Her hair was up to show her huge hoop earrings.

"Brett I look like I'm about to go Jazzercise. I look awful," She frowned.

"No, you don't!"

"I look like radioactive vomit Brett."

"No, you don't! Anyways we need to get going come on!!!" He pulled her out of the jet and into a white van.

"I feel like I'm being kidnapped," she frowned taking a seat in the back.

"Looking colorful Y/n," Andre looked at her outfit and she smiled briefly. Eventually, they all arrived in town and filed out of the car. Their arrival caught the attention of the cops which led to the gang all chipping in and buying a house. "Ah, I still can't believe we were able to buy a 1980s family home with just the cash in our wallets."

"Look we're just staying in this house as a cover while we hunt for Myc," Reagan spoke.

"I have undercover roles for everyone! Glenn, you'll be the dad, a gruff yet lovable teacher at the high school. Gigi, you'll be our mom/editor of the local paper. Andre, you'll be a local Chinese restaurant owner. Reagan, we're fraternal twins. I'll be the boy! Lastly, Y/n, you'll be the youngest child that's crazy popular. You're the family model and successful child that everyone adores!" Brett went around talking to everyone.

"Fine. Let's just go investing wherever normal kids hang out," Reagan sighed.

"We're going to the mall! 80's wipe!"

Reagan, Brett, Y/n, and Andre strolled through the mall. "So this is where Cognito unloads all of the hazardous products they can't sell anymore." They walked over to the TV watching one of J.Rs's ads. Y/n quickly got bored walking away when suddenly a crowd surrounded her.

"I haven't seen you before," a guy approached her.

"Yeah! Your outfit is totally on fleek right now," a girl joined in.

"Totally rocking that skirt," the guy grinned as Y/n uncomfortable looked to the side.

"Hey whose the chic!" Another guy walked up checking out Y/n.

"She's the new girl in town. Cute right," the first dude grinned.

"Hey I appreciate it and all but I've got to go..." Y/n slowly backed away. As soon as she turned she felt a pair of hands on her waist.

"Where do you think you're going sweetheart?" he asked and Y/n panicked swinging around and punching him across the face. Everyone gasped in shock as he grabbed the side of his face. His nose bled while he glared at Y/n. Inching forward he tightly grabbed onto her wrist, " Who do you think you are."

"Let go of me," she glared.


"Dude I swear to-"

"There's my bitch!" A voice suddenly shouted causing everyone to turn around. "Y/nnnn there you are! I've been looking allll over the place for you," Andre walked up to Y/n throwing an arm around her shoulder. Everyone just stared in shock. "Sorry bout her, It's been a longg day. It was an even longer night," Andre winked. "Let's get you home," Andre grabbed her hand pulling her away from the 80s assholes.

"Thanks, man," Y/n looked back and saw the group of people staring at her. She made an impulsive decision and quickly kissed Andre on the cheek, watching as the group stormed away.

"Yup anytime," he smiled. He was about to say something else but Brett came out of nowhere with Reagan wrapping his arms around Andre who dragged Y/n along.

"No. We're doing this together!" Brett walked.

"What is your deal? You have been super clingy ever since we got here." Reagan asked.

"Because in the 80s everyone has a clique," Brett pointed out the various groups of people. "Hey, we need our own group name. How about the Brett Pack?"

"When would we even use that?"

"Brett Pack never says die!" Brett smiled while they all headed home. Eventually, night had fallen and they excepted the fact that they'd be staying in the house for the night.

"Okay me and you Reagan," Gigi gave Andre a look and pulled Reagan upstairs.

"I'm just gonna go choose a room," Y/n got up and headed upstairs. Getting settled Y/n crashed on the bed grabbing a remote. Y/n was laying on the king-sized bed in the room she chose when Andre walked in. "Mind if I crash in here."

"Aw did you get the short straw?" Y/n turned to face him.

"Nah, Glenn just refused to share a room with me," Andre shrugged sitting on the edge of the bed as Y/n laughed.

"Well I don't mind you staying the night, I was just about to watch Child's play though," Y/n turned on the Tv in the room.

"Oh is that movie the one with the killer doll?" Andre moved to lean against the headboard.

"Yup!" Y/n laid on her stomach slightly swinging her legs in the air. She found the movie starting it.

"I actually don't believe I've seen this before."

"Really?!?! I love this movie! It's such a classic," Y/n turned back to face him.

"My parents refused to let me watch it as a kid and then I honestly just forgot about it."

"Ugh strict parents are the worstttttt," Y/n groaned.

"Tell me about it. My parents used to make me go to sleep at like 7 when I was younger!"

"My parents used to forget I existed when I was younger," Y/n turned back to the TV.


"I wasn't the most intelligent child. I also pretty much lack all common sense. However look where I am now, they just don't know that" Y/n rolled off the bed. "I'm gonna get some snacks! Whoop! Whoop!"

"You're gonna miss the movie though!" Andre already seemed pretty invested.

"I've seen this movie a bunch of times. I could practically recite the whole thing, I'm not missing anything!" Y/n exited the room heading to the kitchen. Grabbing a jug of animal crackers she turned around and almost ran into Brett. "Sorry!"

"What? You're good!" Brett laughed, "How are you holding up???"

"Fine? You know I don't know why you guys have such a problem with Andre he's not even that-"

"I'm not talking bout that! I'm talking about being here because don't you like hate the 80s?"

"What no," Y/n scoffed.

"But you and the phone thing earlier-"

"Brett, I love the 80s but I'd rather enjoy it with my phone at arm's length ya know. I have never gone this long without Spotify," Y/n shivered, "I mean my fav era of music is literally the 80-the 90s though so the radio has sufficed."


"Yes really!!"

"Well see yah tomorrow. Night Night," Y/n headed back upstairs. When she entered the room Andre's gaze didn't even falter off the tv. "I'm back~" Y/n sang walking back over to the bed and sitting next to him.

"What did you get?!?"

"Animal crackers!"

"Nice," he smiled. The movie continued and they both snacked on the crackers. It was towards the middle of the movie when there was a jumpscare and Y/n shrieked jumping a bit. This caused Andre to giggle, "I thought you've seen this a billion times?"

"I have! Jumpscares are still scary though!!"

"Aww does N/N need me to hold her hand?" Andre teased.

"Um no?!" She tensed up thrown off by his comment. The two continued the movie and after it was over Andre spoke up.

"I still don't get why the people didn't think to just kick him. Chucky was a doll."

"I'm with you on that one," Y/n nodded in agreement. "Yet again nobody in Horror movies ever use common sense. I outsmart killers for a living with a breeze," Y/n shrugged turning off the tv and throwing the remote to the side. "Anyways I'm beat. You fine with going to bed?"

Andre took the time to look at the clock and his eyes widened in surprise when he realized it was 2 in the morning. "Fine with me."

"Kay kay, Night Night," Y/n turned over pulling the covers above her head.

"Goodnight N/n," Andre turned to face the other side.

It was the next morning and Y/n woke up, almost falling out of bed when she did. Andre had his arms wrapped around her and she didn't know what to do. She didn't want to wake him up but she really needed to go to the bathroom. Y/n slowly slid out of his grasp and slowly made her way out of bed.

"Come backkkkkkkk," Andre complained as she got up.

"Dude I have to piss!" Y/n walked towards the door.

"Hmph," he frowned turning to face the other side and she giggled. After going to the bathroom she headed downstairs and had breakfast with Brett. Andre eventually joined them too. After that everyone went their separate ways until night.

It was dinner time and everyone was gathered in the living room when Brett walked in. "So, how was everyone's day??"

"Exhausting. I had to make up a whole 24-hour news cycle out of thin air," Gigi replied.

"I had to stay three hours late to supervise the brats I sent to detention," Glenn complained.

"Come on it's not that bad! Andre?" Brett turned.

"This town is racist as hell. Everyone keeps bowing at me. A kid challenged me to a karate fight, and every time I say anything somebody rings a gong!" Andre complained and a gong was struck. He quickly stuck his head out of the window. "Who are you?!?!?!" Brett walked over comforting Andre.

"Y/n how about you?!"

"God I hate this fucking place. The only thing men know how to do is objectify women! I've been harassed all day and asked the most bizarre things. If it wasn't for Andre the other day I most likely would have been kidnapped!" Y/n flopped down next to Gigi on the couch.

"You know what I'm hearing? A lot of feelings. And we never open up like this at work. Right, Reagan?"

"huh. Booyah. While the rest of you guys were playing house, I macgyvred together a homing device. Let's go grab him and get out of here!" Reagan walked towards the door.

No, we were supposed to watch Growing years as a family."

"Brett it aired 40 years ago. When we get home you can stream it," Reagan sighed.

"You can't stream me back to my childhood!"

"Okay, I see what's going on. This wasn't a plan to find Myc. It was your weird plan to spend more time in fantasyland," Reagan said and the two started arguing. Eventually, the argument led to Brett fleeing the scene.

"I thought I raised you better than this," Gigi frowned. Everyone headed to find Myc and when they got to the house he was tracked back to he was gone.

"God dammit!" Glenn yelled realizing the room was empty. After looking around some more Reagan came to the realization that she had been too hard on Brett. The Gang then encouraged her to go watch some 80s movies to make it up to him so she set off. This left the remaining 4 to continue searching for Myc. As they drove around town suddenly the signal grew stronger.

"Oh the signals back, It's coming towards us very quickly," Andre spoke as everyone looked down at the device."It's like he's right on top of us." Y/n decided to look up and screamed.

"Myc?!?!?" Y/n's jaw dropped as Myc crashed into the front of the van and flung it back into a mailbox.

"Found him!!" Glenn climbed out of the van.

"I- I remember everything," Myc grabbed his head as everyone approached him. "It's you guys! I hate you guys! Wait there's one missing." Myc spoke as a green Brett floated behind him. Everyone gasped in shock.

"Cool," Y/n grinned watching in amusement.

"Oh my god, Brett!" Gigi's eyes widened.

"Yeah, Brett, that big dumb idiot! He's floating right behind me, isn't he?" Myc turned screaming, "Oh my god! Oh shit!"

"Omg he's right behind me isn't he?" Y/n mimicked Myc.

"Shut it Bitch!" Myc yelled back and Y/n laughed.

"I am the Mighty Nostalgia Max! Bow before my totally tubular power!" Brett floated over them.

"Guys I vote we sacrifice Myc! He's the reason we're here anyways!" Y/n shouted as Myc pulled her in front of him as a shield.

"It's the chemtrails!" Gigi shouted.

"He must have gotten an overdose!" Andre grabbed onto his head.

"He's turned into some sort of nostalgia monster!" Gigi panicked before running over to the news reporting knocking them out of the way. Andre, Glenn, Myc, and Y/n then ran to hide behind a car.

"Don't let him spray you. You'll become a stunted man-child!" Andre peeked over the car.

"What if I want to be a man child," Y/n crossed her arms.

"What if you killed yourself," Myc shot back.

"Okay," Y/n shrugged standing up only to be pulled back onto the ground by Andre.

"Y/n don't be stupid, Myc shut up!" Andre glared. Brett shot a beam of nostalgia causing everyone to dive onto the ground as the car flipped over them. Brett possessed a bunch of toys and pointed them toward the others.

"Don't let them leave!" Brett commanded as the toys ran after them.

"Holy shit!" Myc screamed as he ran towards the car. Everyone climbed onto the roof.

"Oh god, it's ready player one again!" Andre yelled as the toys climbed the car.

"This is Lit-erally my worst nightmare," Y/n looked over the side of the car. The toys had almost reached the top when Reagan came out of nowhere and blasted them away. "Oh my god, she made one of the ghostbuster thingys!" Y/n gasped as Brett and Reagan started to fight.

"Brett why are you doing this?!?" Reagan yelled as he pinned her against the clock tower.

"I just... wanted a... a loving family," Brett frowned.

"Hey, I get it, man. My family was dogshit too. But you don't need a fake family when you've got real BFFs!" Reagan spoke as Brett turned around to see Y/n and Andre waving as Glenn looked behind him.

"Oh my fucking god Glenn," Y/n's jaw dropped as she elbowed him very hard causing him to start waving as well.

"My BFFs?" Brett turned back to face Reagan.

"We're your business family forever!" Reagan smiled as Brett snapped out of his trance. As Reagan and Brett landed back onto the ground Y/n, Andre, Glenn, and Myc ran over trapping them in a group hug.

"Whoa, I really got hit hard with nostalgia," Brett nervously scratched his head. "I'm sorry guys. I guess I got carried away with this fake 80s town. However, I'm ready to go back to the 2020s!"

"Wait a minute fake 80s town?" One of the cops spoke.

"And what do you mean by 2020s?" Another cop asked. The gang turned to see a group of people from the town and all nervously looked at each other.

"Are you from the future??"

"Uhh yes, let's go with that." Reagan rubbed her hands together.

"We'll see you guys in like 30-something years," Y/n grinned leaning on Reagan's shoulder.

"Wait can we use your time machine!" We want to go back to that one perfect decade, the 1950s!" A cop spoke up.

"Huh, I guess everyone's nostalgic for the simpler times that never existed," Brett watched. The conversation continued for some reason and the cop made a racist remark towards Andre.

"I really fucking hate this town," Andre turned to face the opposite way shaking his fist. A gong then suddenly rang, "Goddamn it!"

"Assholes," Y/n scoffed turning around to see Myc talking with a bunch of kids.

"Guess you'll be going back to your home planet," One of the kids spoke.

"It's actually a brownstone in Alexandria. But don't worry Kevin. I'll be right here..." Myc touched the kid's hair pushing him off a bike.

"Myc what the hell! Stop bullying kids!" Y/n socked Myc across the head.

"Y/n I'm gonna kill you!" Myc wrapped a tentacle around her leg pulling her onto the ground as she attempted to get away. She flipped him off as he gasped in shock.

"How old are you?!?" The kid from earlier asked and Myc and Y/n both started wheezing.

"About 20 years too old for you loser! You seriously think you'd have a chance with her! She's undateable! I can't even win her over!" Myc laughed.

"Myc he probably didn't mean it in that way-" Y/n tried to be sensible.

" Y/n are you forgetting something?!?! I can read minds, dumbass!" Myc laughed and Y/n's eyes widened in embarrassment as she awkwardly started walking away.

"Y/n where are you going?!?" Andre called out after her.

"I'm getting out of this stupid ass town," Y/n continued walking away.

"Take me with you!" Andre ran to catch up with her.                                                                                        

Hey guys! Would you guys be interested in like some filler chapters just to like add more to this story and all? Like id be down to writing some off-script stuff that doesn't actually happen in the show as like extras. Anyways thanks for reading I appreciate it.
