chapter seven

"jae, where are we going?" taeyong asked curiously when he got pulled by jaehyun.

"we will watch a sunset," jaehyun said seriously and hopped on his horse before guiding taeyong. "at the shore."

everything surrounding taeyong admired it. he never felt so happy like this, he didn’t imagine himself riding a horse and admiring the beautiful nature.

a few minutes later, taeyong already heard the sound of waves which made his eyes widened. he thought that jaehyun would just bring him to the river or somewhere else.

"you fucking did not..." taeyong said as jaehyun gently assist him to come down.

"yes, i did." he smiled.

taeyong didn’t wait for jaehyun to come down, but instead he straightly made his way to the shore. the waves are not that high and the sea is just calm. taeyong was so happy, his heart was jumping.

jaehyun, who just came down from the horse. he has a smile on his face as he watches taeyong playing in the water. he didn’t even take long to come closer which made taeyong look at him.

jaehyun felt his heart stop again when he saw his doe eyes, his smile slowly disappeared. taeyong was now running towards him and seconds after, jaehyun felt a pair of arms wrapped in his waist.

"jaehyun, thank you!" he giggled. "i never felt so happy like this before, thank you so much." he pouted and hugged him more.

"i... can't breathe," he gulped.

"that was not even tight!" he hissed.

but his annoyed face changed to a bright one and smiled widely, taeyong went back to the shore, leaving jaehyun behind who's now flustered. he even felt his ears heating up that's why he immediately covered it.

"jaehyun! let's swim!" taeyong said.

"we don't have any clothes," jaehyun said calmly as he recovered from being flustered.

just don't make him see taeyong's doe eyes again.

"come on!" he stomped his feet.

"no." jaehyun shook his head.

"jaehyun!" taeyong shouted as he walked closer to jaehyun.

and jaehyun started to walk backwards, a smile showed on taeyong's face and started to run which made jaehyun do the same. running away from him.

"what the fuck, i said no!" he shouted.

"jaehyun-ah!" he called teasingly.

"fuck off!" he hissed.

the two were now running at the shore. if someone were just seeing them right now, they would probably say that the two look like they do in the movie.

they were so beautiful to watch.

you would probably think that they were a couple who's having fun, enjoying their time together. no one would really think that they were enemies unless they knew the real relationship of these two.

"okay, i'm tired now!" taeyong said and took a seat on the white sand.

"weak." jaehyun said and smirked before taking a seat beside taeyong.

"tss," taeyong rolled his eyes. "i just want to swim though, but the sun is already setting down. that's why the waves became bigger." he pouted.

"it's either it will rain or the waves are just big," jaehyun said, hugging his knees while taeyong did the same.

"did you know that i'm scared of thunder?" taeyong suddenly said, eyes were widened. "is there thunder here?" he asked.

"yeah? neo universe is just like your world though." jaehyun said.

"that's kinda disappointing," he pouted.

jaehyun looked at taeyong. the older one is now looking at the sky, pouting. jaehyun clearly hears his thoughts, looks like taeyong was not lying when he said he was scared in thunders. he was trembling whenever he hears thunder and the only thing he has whenever he hears them is the peach plushie he had.

jaehyun couldn't help not to laugh and just let the silence cover them. he didn’t listen to taeyong's thoughts anymore to give the older one privacy. taeyong might be keeping a lot that he can't let out.

"i never felt this freedom in my entire life..."

taeyong spoke, finally breaking the silence.

"i never imagined being in the other universe, being not pressured... even if it was just a few days ago when i came here, it feels really different..." he continued. "i'm so happy... that even words can't explain it..." he smiled, looking down and fidgeting with his hands.

"i feel so free..." and he looked at jaehyun, which made their eyes meet. "i never get treated like this and i never feel so free to let my feelings out before..."

"thank you, jae..." he smiled genuinely. "thank you for letting me stay here..."

and i'm scared that one day you will find out that i really don't own this place and you will leave me...

when jaehyun realized what he just thought, he suddenly looked away and cursed himself. what the heck is he thinking?

did he just fall for this annoying human being? it was just a few days ago when they met. it's impossible for him to fall in love that fast. he knew that those feelings he felt when he was seeing taeyong's doe eyes were the same he felt back then to selena.

but these feelings... it was more different than before... and jaehyun cannot explain it.

"you have the ability to teleport, why do you even use a horse?" taeyong asked randomly as they finally came back home.

"you and your random questions, can you please stop?" jaehyun said.

"i'm just asking!" taeyong said.

"it was so random!" jaehyun shouted back. "the previous question you ask, why did the dog bark, like what the fuck? how could i know?!" he hissed.

and seeing his angry face made taeyong satisfied, he was now laughing as he finally made jaehyun mad. he didn’t even know why he suddenly became like this, he was just... comfortable.

with him.

"jaehyun! oh my god, i've been looking for you!" someone shouted.

the two stopped on their tracks, taeyong's smile slowly faded away when he saw who's person it was.

"is there any problem?" jaehyun asked calmly, frowning.

"yeah, we're going to discuss something." she smiled.

"i'm going now, jae. thank you for today." taeyong immediately excused himself after hearing that they had an important thing to do.

jaehyun watched him leave, making his way to the kitchen. he just came back to his senses when selena wrapped her arm around his.

"let's go?" she smiled sweetly.

jaehyun didn’t bother to remove selena's arm and just walked to go into their conference room.

while taeyong on the other side witnessed that thing, he suddenly felt hurt and he didn't want to admit the truth. he doesn't even have the right to be hurt. he was just a human being that needed to look for a while.

when the sun was completely gone, taeyong and ten already made their way to their room. they just finished eating their dinner, that's why.

"thunderstorms are expected this week, always lock your window." ten said. "if you can't stand the thunder, just tell me." he finished off.

"yes, thank you." taeyong said and smiled.

"are you going to rest now?" ten asked.

taeyong just nodded and lay down on his bed, looking like ten is going somewhere because taeyong heard him leave after closing the lights.

there's even no problem with that, taeyong was even thankful because he can think peacefully. these kinds of nights were taeyong's escape in the chaos world.

the first thing that came to his mind was jaehyun, that guy was the only person that treated him like this. taeyong was right when he knew he was easy to get attached to someone. he didn’t know why he suddenly felt like this towards jaehyun. is it because he didn’t entertain anyone back then or because his love language is an act of service and physical touch?

he actually didn’t know, but he was aware of what feelings he had towards jaehyun. he was just confused. why does it feel so fast?

is it even right? to fall in love with him?

"good morning,"

a smile flashed on his face when jaehyun greeted him as soon as he arrived at the kitchen, it looked like jaehyun was expecting him.

"hi," someone also greeted.

his smile slowly faded away but he still gave her a small smile, he actually didn’t expect her, he was even about to come closer to jaehyun.

"yong?" jaehyun suddenly called when taeyong was about to leave.

"hmm?" he immediately responded.

"could you help me here?"
