01 - the elevator, the care home, and the plane

   Lilith Brooks was in a rush. She had woke up late this morning and desperately needed to get to her grandmothers care facility to say goodbye before her flight left.

   Lilith Brooks was not a late person, she was also a safe person. The 23 year old would never usually take an elevator but today, being in a particular rush after not packing the night before, it seems taking the elevator was in the cards for her.

   As she stepped into the box she noticed the ground floor button was already lite up, so she did the logical thing and settled into the corner of the elevator. If she had two railings to grip onto maybe it would sooth her anxiety the slightest bit.

   This elevator seemed rickety, making a slight screeching noise as it stopped at floor 19, the floor right below her own.

   Stupid people, she wanted this to be over quickly. There was no need to stop more than necessary. That didn't mean Lilith would be rude though, offering a small smile to the pretty boy who stepped in beside her.

   The elevator doors closed again, Lilith kept her focus on the numbers above the floor numbers which were slowly going door above the door. No one else had gotten on.

   12... 11... 10... 9... 8...



   Now that wasn't right. The numbers stopped moving.

Lilith knew there was a reason she never took elevators.

  The man beside her was having similar feelings, he was in a rush and was forced onto the elevator in an attempt to save some time. Looks like that did not seem to be the case.

   "Fuck." Lilith said, reaching forward to press the help button. The buzzer rang and someone responded before either occupant of the elevator could speak.

   "Sorry folks! We were having work done on the electrical stuff downstairs and it seems like something affected the movement of the elevators. We will have you moving within 5 minutes!"

   Well now it seems that it would've been faster to take the stairs. Lilith could only pray she made her flight, her goodbye to her grandma would have to be quick.

  "Hey, are you okay?" The man from floor 19 asked. "I hate elevators too, if that's what's bothering you".

  Lilith hadn't realized her breathing had picked up as she thought more and more about being stuck in the elevator.

   "Oh, yeah sorry. Elevators just freak me out. Like 40 people a year die in elevator related incidents..." She trailed off, not wanting to make the man with her uncomfortable.

   "Actually, it's around 50 in the US annually, usually due to brake system failure or door malfunctions. Neither of which are happening here".

   "Oh. I'm Lilith by the way" she said sticking her hand out. While his statistic didn't help her feel better at all, Lilith was at least going to introduce herself to the cute boy before the died in this death trap.

  The man only stared at her hand for a moment before stating "With the amount of pathogens passed in a handshake its actually safer to kiss", pausing before introducing himself. "I'm Dr. Spencer Reid".

   "Doctor huh? Well the whole kissing thing can definitely be arranged if we don't die in here". Lilith responded in a sudden moment of confidence. If she was going to die, why not flirt a little on the way out.

   Before Spencer could respond the elevator lurched forward, both letting out a breathe of relief when the quickly reached the bottom floor.

   Lilith didn't have time to stick around, so as soon as the door opened she started walking, "Nice meeting you Spencer!" She stated before marching towards the front doors and hailing a cab.


   "Grandma I told you I couldn't stay long, I love you but I have to go before I miss my flight".

   "Lilith you should visit longer next time, I always miss you when your away".  Darlene Brooks was an eccentric old woman and her granddaughter missed her dearly when she was back home.

Darlene had raised her three grandchildren as her own for the better part of their lives after a traumatic incident involving their parents when they were young. It took everything in Lilith to leave after each visit.

"I love you grandma. I'll be back soon". The girl stated before kissing her grandmother's forehead and leaving the room. She found it better to get these over with quicker rather than drawing it out for long periods of time.

She didn't even make it three steps out of the room before bumping into a figure. "Woah! Sorry!" The girl said to the person before looking up.



   "What are you doing here?"

   "Visiting my dear old grandma, what about you?"

   "Visiting my mom."

  The two fell into silence for a moment before an alarm on Lilith's phone went off.

   "That's my cue!" Lilith said "Lovely running into you again, bye Spencer!"

   And then the girl was off, leaving through the front door, suitcase in hand once again.


   Spencer Reid was heading home after a trip to visit his mom back in Vegas. He had run into a beautiful brunette girl twice now. If he had been more like Derek Morgan he might have asked the beautiful girl for her number, but that seemed a little out of his comfort zone.

   He settled into his seat, opening a new book on physics. He couldn't have been reading for more than 20 seconds when someone cleared their throat in the aisle.

   "We meet again Dr. Spencer Reid", Lilith.

   He raised his head to see the beautiful girl once again. What are the chances of that, running into her three times in one day? If he hadn't have been a profiler he might have thought she was stalking him, but her demeanor said otherwise.

   The young girl sat down beside him before speaking, "What are the chances, running into each other three times in one day? That kiss you mentioned earlier might just be fate".

   "Oh I didn't mean... I just... Shaking hands is..." Lilith's laugh interrupted him, "I'm messing with you", she paused "You seem a little young to be a doctor you know".

   This launched Spencer into his brief introduction of his various degrees and high IQ, it was so easy to remember what to say after saying the same thing over and over again to everyone who asked.

   "Cute and smart" Lilith said with a small smile.

   Things grew quiet between the two as the speakers started playing the safety tutorial.

If elevators were scary, planes were scarier. Lilith wouldn't admit it to many people but most transportation methods other than biking and walking freaked her out. Barreling forward in big metal cages was not something she loved.

Lilith grabbed the sides of her seat, her grip tightening so much that her knuckles went white. As a distraction the young girl decided reading was probably in her best interest.

   As the flight took off, Spencer couldn't help but grow more curious about the girl sitting next to him. He glanced over at the book she had just pulled out of her bag.

   "What are you reading?" He asked, too curios for his own good.

  The cover revealed it to be Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, Lilith revealed it to be her favourite, asking if the doctor had ever read it.

   Spencer nodded. "I have! It's a great book".

   This sparked a conversation about favorite books and authors. Spencer was fascinated by Lilith's knowledge and passion for literature

   "So, Lilith, what's your all-time favorite classic then?" Spencer asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

   Lilith thought for a moment before answering. "It's tough to choose just one, but I would have to say the one I've got with me, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. I love the way she portrays the struggle of women in the Victorian era and the themes of love, independence, and self-discovery."

   Spencer nodded. "That's a great choice. I've always been a fan of the Bronte sisters. Wuthering Heights is brilliant."

   Lilith smiled. "Ah, Heathcliff and Catherine. It's a tragic love story, but it's so beautifully written. Emily Bronte had such a way with words."

   Both felt drawn to the other, this conversation only furthering that. They knew their flight wasn't a long one but this conversation was making the flight completely worth the stress.

   "I've always been interested in the Romantic poets. Wordsworth, Keats, Shelley. Their poetry is so full of emotion and vivid imagery," Spencer said.

   Lilith nodded. "I completely agree. I think my favorite poem of all time is 'Ode to a Nightingale' by John Keats. The way he describes the bird's song and the escape it provides from the world is just breathtaking."

   Spencer smiled. "That's a great choice. I've always been partial to 'Ozymandias' by Percy Bysshe Shelley myself. The way he captures the fleeting nature of power and fame is so profound."

   As the flight continued, Spencer couldn't help but feel drawn to Lilith. She was smart, funny, and had a unique perspective on life that he found refreshing. He found himself more willing to let her know details about himself.

   "Woah! So your a profiler? That's so cool! What does that entail?"

   "It can be really stressful, what do you do for work?"

   "I hop around museums right now, I specialize in biographical studies. I like getting to know individual people, family histories and what not".

   Both listened to the other intently, and as the flight began to descend, Spencer realized that he didn't want the conversation to end.

   It didn't seem as though fate was not on his side though, Lilith getting selected for a random search post flight before he even had the chance to ask for her number.

"I hope I'll run into you again soon!" Lilith spoke as she was ushered into a side room, not even having the chance to finish speaking. Stupid airport security.

   Spencer hoped the odds would be on his side just this once and that a chance meeting between the two would occur again.

