08. Let's Be Friends



Sleeping with Sylvia was an easy fix. It made it easier to watch Maddy Perez stroll down the hallway holding the hand of her monster of a boyfriend when she knew she was waking up in someone else's bed. It didn't help, though, that she couldn't stop thinking about that stupid phone call with Maddy a couple of nights ago. It was stupid, it didn't mean anything, it was just Maddy being horny when her boyfriend wasn't good enough. It was insulting, really, but Fawn couldn't stop thinking about it. The idea of hooking up with Maddy was far too enticing, but she didn't want to find out what Nate Jacobs would do to her. She had been through enough already, she really didn't need to be murdered on top of it all.

"Let's be friends," a voice interrupts her thoughts, and of course, it's the voice that had just been occupying her very thoughts because the universe was nothing but cruel. Fawn groans and slams her locker shut so she can face Maddy, wishing Sylvia was around to swoop in and save her from this conversation.

"I don't want to be your friend," Fawn sighed, crossing her arms as she towered over the girl. "Besides, aren't you supposed to be mad at me? I feel like we glossed over that a little bit."

"Well, if we were friends we could put that behind us," the girl shrugged, following Fawn as she adjusted her books in her arms and took off down the hallway. "Listen, you only have one friend, I really feel like you could benefit from this."

Fawn whipped around, "Yeah, I only have one friend because I was outed when I was fucking fifteen and this is a small ass town filled with assholes who think the dyke is gonna give them cooties. I only have one friend because I don't trust people and I certainly don't trust you. I already know what you want from me and I know it isn't friendship."

"Keep your voice down, Jesus," Maddy scoffed, crossing her arms as she lifted her gaze to meet Fawn. "I shouldn't have called you, okay? I had a weird night with Nate, he's been so... off lately, like, always on his phone and shit, I think he's cheating on me."

"Cool, I don't care," the girl turned on her heel and tried to walk away, but the other wouldn't give up on following her. "Men will do as men do, you should know this by now considering your boyfriend is the literal worst. All boys of his breed are."

Maddy groaned at this, jogging slightly to catch up to Fawn who made incredible speed trying to get away from her thanks to her long legs. "Stop taking your vendetta against football players out on Nate, he's a good guy. He's not like the other ones, he would never... do that."

"Good for him, he's the bare fucking minimum," the girl pushed into the bathroom, knowing Maddy was going to follow her anyway. She pulled out her makeup bag and began to touch up her eyeliner in the mirror while Maddy watched. "Listen, Maddy, I really appreciate this, don't get me wrong, but you and I as friends will not work. Don't ask me why or how I know, I just do. We are two incredibly different people and I'm pretty sure the only thing we're good for is being a quick fuck for each other, let's keep it that way."

"Says the one who won't even fuck me," Maddy retorts with a matter-of-fact expression as her eyes meet Fawn's in the mirrored reflection of the two girls.

Fawn hesitates, a silence overtaking her as she twists the lid back onto her eyeliner, satisfied with her result before she turns around to face Maddy with her hands braced on the sink behind her, spitting out, "You. Have. A. Boyfriend. I don't fuck girls with boyfriends. If you're so worried about him cheating on you, maybe it's because you're doing the exact same thing. I'd probably cheat on you, too, if you were walking around begging someone else to give you what he can't. We're not friends, Maddy."

"You're fucking psychotic," she scoffed, taking a step back from where Fawn had been leaning down to be level with her gaze. Her back pressed up against the divider between stall doors, her eyes not leaving Fawn's. "What happened to you to make you this much of a bitch?"

"You already know, everyone fucking knows," Fawn spat, beyond fed up with this conversation, "Sometimes, people get fucked over so much they just give up on trying to be a nice person because last time I was a nice person, I got a summer of therapy and a lifetime of fucking trauma. Have you ever considered that? Of course not because all you think about is what you want and what you can do to make sure you get everything you've ever dreamed of but guess what Maddy, you don't get to have me. I know rejection is hard, but I hope I'm making it nice and clear for you."

Maddy was silent for a moment, a disgusted expression on her face as she glared daggers. Finally, she spoke a brief but cutting, "Fuck you."

"And give you what you want?" Fawn pouted mockingly, shaking her head, "I don't think so. Bye, Maddy."

She grabbed her bag off of the ledge of the sink and left the girl standing there in the bathroom, immediately searching the hallway for Sylvia. Thankfully, she found the girl after a brief moment who perked up the moment she made eye contact with her friend.

"There you are! I went by your locker and you weren't there, I was looking for you," Sylvia exclaimed as she approached the girl, exclaiming in surprise as Fawn grabs her arm and turns her around so they can walk side by side in the direction of their next class. "You look pissed, what happened?"

"Maddy fucking Perez keeps happening," Fawn grunted through gritted teeth, "The girl won't leave me alone, talking about wanting to be my friend. It's exhausting. I don't have friends."

"You have me," Sylvia shrugged, ignoring the glare from her friend before she sighed and admitted, "Okay, no, I get what you mean. Maybe another friend would be good for you though."

Fawn rolled her eyes at this, "She just wants something from me like everybody else. I wasn't willing to deal with that today. You're the only person who's never wanted anything from me, that's why we work."

She noticed how the girl's face fell but didn't comment on it. She didn't need shit from Sylvia right now, so she elected to ignore it and if it came up when she was in a better mood, she would deal with it later. Fawn was not going to worry about anything right now except for her next class. She briefly reminded herself that she didn't owe anyone shit. She shouldn't have to feel bad for the way she had spoken to Maddy and left her in the bathroom, the girl deserved it. She was a hypocrite at best. It was irritating, to say the least.

"Just forget about her," Sylvia sighed after a moment. She was holding something back, Fawn could tell. "You deserve better than her."

Fawn smiled and scoffed, "That's what I have you for, isn't it?"
