Info to my next story

In this AU it will be an omega verse with soulmates and everyone is an animal

Alpha: the strongest and highest rank there is in the world they have more power over betas and omegas

Betas: betas are the normal people and have power over omegas but not alphas

Omegas: omegas are the lowest of the rank they have no power omegas are rare it even rarer for someone to find a male omega

Omega ring: the omega ring is an illegal buissnes were alphas track down and sell omegas for money

Runt: runt is something an alpha goes into its like omega heat but less painful

Heat: heat is what omegas go into they are really painful without the help of an alpha no matter the gender an omega can get pregnant if heat I'd helped with by an alpha

Marking: for an alpha to mark an omega they must bite their sent gland located on their shoulder blade they must stay together for 3 days after the marking

If the alpha falls out if love with the omega the omega become really sad but if the omega is marked by the alpha and the alpha marks another omega the first omega die

Example: Bob is an alpha he marked Lisa who is an omega if Bob went and marked bell who is also an omega Lisa will die

Soulmates: people have a mark on their wrist and if matches another person your their soulmate soulmates can tell if the other is hurt or in trouble
