The past And new family members

The next day Back In UA(meeting with the heroes and students and the big three)

Nezu:So Jamal was right the villain did attack us but that is not the only reason why we're here the vigilante rage in Japan

Grand Torino(sweating and scared):no that can't be she here

All might:yes I afraid so

Mirio:who rage?

Nejire:yeah who is? I never heard of her

Nezu:is used to be the number 1 vigilante in the USA she was so powerful that it took the number 1 hero in the USA and grand Torino and nana to take her down

Everyone in the was shocked

All might in his head: it's Master it took all of them to take her down and I gave him OFA

Nezu:all might I need to speak to you after meeting and grand Torino

Both:yes sir

Nezu:were going to watch what happen

Nezu play the video on what happened yesterday the video and he play the part where izuku went to rage form and beat the shit out of the nomu and killing and shooting shigarka and everyone trying to calm him and the vigilante showed up and took him

Everyone was shocked to see what izuku in rage form

Grand Torino:no doubt about it

Katsumi: Wait I met his mom she was a nice lady no way she use to be a vigilante

Nezu:wait you met his mom


Nezu:where does she live we need to speak to her

Katsumi:Idk the move ever since he became a famous rapper

Nejire in her head:izuku I still love

Mirio:what that same person that you said that can make the big 3 to the big 4 principal nezu

Nezu:yes at first we thought he was only the quirk gunslinger which is already a problem if he becomes a villain but now he has rage when need to do everything when can to not make a villain or we do for

Endeavor in his mind: this monkey damn it not only the fact that his mother is the number one vigilante now the fact that he can be more become the number one hero I need this I need to figure out how to break them up and to make sure that he did not become a hero otherwise my shoka will not become the number one hero

nejire in her mind: izuku I'm sorry what I did I was forced to please forgive me


Nezu: all might I need to ask you something did you give one for all to him

All might: yes I did

Nezu: make sure nothing that happens makes him a villain or vigilante of all costs we need him to become the number one hero ASAP

All might: never I would have expected the number one vigilante in America I gave you my court to his son I hope nothing stupid happens


Inko was not in her costume she took it off before she went in

Jamal was still not out and was in a deep sleep when he meet someone

Nana:Hey kid wake up

Jamal:Ah how the fuck are you

Nana:So you're the 9th user of one for all

Jamal: who are you

Nana: I am nana Shimura and I am the 7th user of one for all

Jamal:I must be tripping because I was fighting a beast and got knocked out by a person with a mask then you came talking about your the 7th user what I did eat

Nana(laughing)I felt the say same way and the lady in the mask?


She explains one for like like she did Cannon

Nana:hmm who your mother

Jamal:Inko James

Nana(shocked)Your her son izuku or Jamal

Jamal:for you izuku why are you shocked like that

Nana:izuku say that name again

Jamal:Inko James

Nana:no doubt about your the son of the number one vigilante of America

Jamal: my nigga what

Nana:that means if you gunslinger and (shocked and scared)Rage

Jamal:what rage and yeah I have gunslinger why are you asking about it?

Nana in her mind: this could be the defines good versus evil we need him to become a hero

Nana:izuku you're the 9 users of one for all but there a danger quirk you have

Jamal:What are you talking about?

Nana:Your mother was the number one vigilante

Jamal: stop capping right now I know she wasn't

Nana:izuku please listen to me you have a dangerous power that can make or break the hero society do whatever takes to become a hero no matter what

Jamal: How no want me to become a hero all my life I've been told not to become a hero because of my skin even my girlfriend Dad don't want me a coming hero because of my skin and he's the number two hero

Nana: I'm sorry that you went through that but heroes will come in all shapes and forms and sizes and colors it doesn't matter be the number one hero be the next symbol of peace please do for me your mom your family your friends even your girlfriends all seven of them and soon to be eight

Jamal:(tearing and hugging her)thank you wait your dead right?


Jamal:then how?

Nana: all the users of one for all is still in the user that you that's using it now so trust me all seven of us and soon to be eight in the future will be with you always and I love your music we keep doing that king

Jamal:thank nana I do my best

Jamal: I see you soon nana

Nana: bye expect to see other and other quriks

Jamal: I will

24 hour later Wake up in hospital

Jamal wake up in hospital in see Koda, Inko, and wild pussycat kind of injury and saw, all 7girlfriends, all might sleep

Jamal in his head: so they do care about me I'm lucky to have them

(Katsumi wake up and Jamal pretend to still be asleep)

Katsumi walk over to him

Katsumi:izuku I don't what that power but no matter what I still on your side till my time come I love you izuku(grab his hand

Jamal grab her hand back and Katsumi shocked

Jamal:I love you to Katsumi


Everyone wake up

Inko:izuku you're awake

Everyone starts running toward him and hugging him and crying tears of joy

Kendo:izuku I'm glad your awake

Fem Lida:you were right when you say everything is going to be ok

Momo(crying to the point where she can't speak)

Pony: please still alive for me

Kota:Jamal please don't leave me I need you

All might:young izuku I'm glad your awake

Fem monoma:I love you izuku don't leave

Jamal:thank you everyone waits

Everyone starts to back off

Jamal:mom was that you in the usj

Everyone looks at her Inko

Kota:mom what is he talking about

Inko: everyone needs to sit down for what I about to tell you

Everyone sit down

Inko: izuku don't you remember when we moved to Japan and I told you that Everything is going to alright because we can't come back

Jamal:yes ma

Inko: it's about time that I told you the truth izuku James

He realized that she serious

Inko: I used to be called the number one vigilante in America vigilating name for rage/wrath

Jamal: so Nana was right you were the number vigilante

All might (shocked)

Inko: that's right the government gave me a choice to leave the American or go to jail because I was pregnant with you and chose to leave so I could give you a better life than I have

Shoka:so what was that power in the usj you look like you had no control over it

Inko:it was his second quirk Rage

Mandalay: what do that Qurik  do

Inko: whenever I'm angry or seriously pissed off it goes to a transformation quirks if I my anger of that moment or all my life to one bloodlust where don't learn to control it you can kill someone

(Everyone shocked and scared)

Inko: don't worry I learned to control mine but the scary part is that if you tried to fight me with your quirk It get canceled it out the only way your quirk does not get canceled is if your quirk is somehow similar to mine

Momo:like my quirk, I can create non-living stuff

Inko:good example

Ragdoll:my Qurik have the ability to monitor up 100 people, including location and weak points

Inko:that a good one to

Momo:I have a question all might was able to use his quirk it has nothing to do with izuku quirk

Inko:(I know the answer)IDK

Jamal: mom why didn't you tell me anything about this?

Inko: because I didn't think you had my it I thought you only have gunslinger when I took you to the quirk doctor it never said anything about rage Quirk


Inko:now we got that out the way who are you people

Mandalay:oh hmm

Inko:could everyone except Kota leave, please

Everyone leave

Mandalay:I his aunt

Inko: Kota do you remember her

Kota:no I don't

Mandalay (shocked and sadly started crying):Inko I know you probably don't believe me but I am my sister was killed and your son save him Kota is the only family I have left please believe me

Inko:what is your name

Shino:Shino Sosaki

Kota (remember)wait for a minute aunty

Shino (hug Kota while crying harder):Kota you remember me I'm Glad you remember I didn't know what I would do without you

Jamal (feeling bad) I'm sorry for everything I thought you were someone that you're profiling me

Shino:it ok I understand how you felt I saw it with eyes so you have nothing to apologize for

Jamal:what does that make us Shino

Shino:I guess step brother and sister and Kota you're his brother so we're just brothers and sister

Jamal:I'm cool with that mom

Inko:I ok welcome my new daughter

Shino:ok ms James

Inko:call me mom

Outside the room

They heard Everything

All might: even though she used to be a vigilante she is a really good mother

Girlfriend's in their head: I'm glad I'm his girlfriends

Pixebob: I'm glad that everything is fine and Kota and Shino have a new mom

Ragdoll:I so happy for them but what that makes us?

Tiger:will figure it out in the future

After that Jamal went out of the hospital and then he learned that they had a week off because of the USj incident and even spent quality time with his brother and his new sister and made new music his Instagram followers grew to 10 million followers and that song from Denki still number one

Villain hideout
Shigarka: Master this kid is the black kid he defeated the new nomu that's meant to take on all night he was able to defeat with this rage boost

All of one: so what you're telling me that this can't have the ability that when he gets angry enough and disabled all the nomu a give him even shock absorption and healing Factor

Shigarka: yes he shot me in the kneecaps this time beating me senseless I almost died

All for one: wait a minute that quirk seems familiar wait a minute the number one vigilante of America had that Qurik(getting scared 😨😨) no way that she had a kid and is coming to a hero we need him on the villain side if he ever becomes a hero I'm done for shikaraki

All for one: do whatever it takes to get that kid on the league of villains no matter what the cause is I need him to become a villain if he becomes a villain all of the heroes since I will be done for but it becomes byt he becomes a hero we are all done for p

Shigarka:yes master

All for one is scared of rage now his son is becoming a hero
