the past

So after the whole, all might and afo fight everyone knows about all might skinny form and everyone civilian was confused about who the lady who helps all might defeated him the pros was confused about izuku is he a villain and If he how to convince him to be a continuation on being a hero because if he not there fucked (both figuratively and literally in the future)and the villain thinking the same thing

(Location izuku mansion)

Playing cod

Izuku:bro your trash get the fuck off the game(keep playing) shut your bitch ass up I don't give a fuck about your dog died fuck that bitch fuck you I'll beat your ass bitch

Mandalay (knock on his door)Uhm Jamal some people are at the door for you some pros heroes

Izuku: alright(turn off the game a went downstairs seen around 10-15 pros heroes

All might,nezu, present mic, awaiza, sir nighteye, midnight, bubble girl, Mirko,ryuko, endeavor,Tsukauchi,best Jeanies, rock lock, gang orca, other WPC, Hawks, and Inko in the living room (it's a big living room)

Izuku(walk-in outside a shirt)

(The girl pros hero head thinking unholy thought)

Nezu:izuku please have a seat

Izuku(have a seat)so why are you guys here

Endeavor: I think you know why we here

Izuku:no I do not so that's why I'm asking why are y'all here

Nezu: we just want to ask a few questions for you izuku

Ryuko:izuku or Jamal-

Izuku: either one don't care

Ryuko:uhm we want to know are you ok after the whole incident

Izuku: yeah but I feel like you're here for more reasons

Nezu:what did they do to you

Izuku:well some did give me their back story like shigarka

All might:he nana grandson


(Everyone is shocked)

Izuku:how did you know

All might:all for one told me

Izuku:wait why are all of you in my house aren't villain on the street as we speak

Nezu:we have enough pros heroes to cover us
Now back to the subject and we all want to know did you join the league of villains

Izuku: first I know all your quirks I know that dude with the hat on can tell where I'm lying or not

Nezu: so you know not to tell this a lie

Tsukauchi: izuku did you join the League of villains



Tsukauchi: did all for one take your quirk

Izuku: no he can't take my quirk

Pros hero(confused)

Sir nighteye:could you explain how in my reports he can take any Quirk and give people Quirk

Izuku:well I build differently because we he tried to get said it's like my rage Qurik in preventing him from taking away

Mirko:so what you're saying that he literally can take it away


(Everyone is shocked about what they learn)

Bubble girl:I have a question can rage take away mutation quirks

Izuku: I don't know I think so

Nezu:we need to test that

Mandalay:uhmm if I may ask the question do you think UA is using you ask a weapon

(Everyone look at izuku)

Izuku: I don't know what to believe at this point

Present mic: but Jamal you have look at other people's perceptive especially our

All might:if you do know-

Izuku: I know what that means I'm not retarded

Inko(death glared at him)

Izuku(look is scared but don't show it) all I'm saying is that some of the stuff that the league of villains told me about heroes makes sense

Awaiza:what some of the things they told you


Inko:if you think about it's kinda true

Mandalay:mom what makes you say that

Inko:that's one of the reasons why I became a vigilante I was a victim but still had hero intent

Izuku:mom why did you become a vigilante?

(Everyone look at Inko)
Inko:ok I tell you

(Flashbacks America)

Inko was walking down the street about to turn on her street till a villain attack her and ( Inko is built fine)

(Imagine that Inko is younger)
Random Villain Qurik
Plant bullets
Ability to turn plants around him and fire them like a minigun

Villain:~hey baby let's have a fun time tonight~

Inko:no fuck out of here

Villain:you bitch(use his quirk and fire at Inko)I kill you

Inko(bulletproof skin and walk through the fire)is that all(summon a Glock and shoot his arm and leg )if I ever see you again I kill you now get out(death glared)

Pros heroes (appear)what going on

Villain:that goodness help this crazy lady is trying to kill me

Inko:after you tried to rape me and robbed me

Pro hero:ma come with me to the police station

Inko head:I know this nigga not trying to put me in jail

Inko: alright sir

(Police department)

Police 1:so explain this one more time

Inko(explain what happened)and that what happened

Police 2:well that what he told us that you were robbed him and when he refused you shot him

Inko:what is not true I don't need his money

Police 2: what is your qurik ma

Inko: it's gunslinger

Police 1:well we need to do more investigation will call you

Inko: alright (leave)

Few days later

Police (knock on her door)Ms. James, we have a warrant to search your house

Inko(open the door)Hello

Police:we have a warrant for your arrest and search of the house

Inko:uhm ok welcome

Police (come inside)

So they went inside and went smoothly and nothing was wrong until they planted drugs in her house and she got arrested

(Location police)

Inko:why did I get arrested what did I do

Police 2:we found drugs in your house

Inko:what I never did anything drug in my life

Police 1:are you sure your kind always lied

Inko: I'm sorry what do you mean by that

Police 1: we found drugs in your house that's the point

Inko: I know I didn't have any in my house I don't even do drugs

Police:stop lying

So they argue with the that for about 5 more minutes until Inko found out that they didn't even have a warrant and they did an illegal search inside her house that is one reason why she became a vigilante

(Flashbacks end)
All might:Inko didn't know that happens

Izuku:that mess up

Mandalay:why would they do that

Inko:I don't know after that I was thrown in jail for 3 months and after I got out I just lost all respect for the police but not hero but that the one reason why became one but it was one Of the reason

Awaiza: I'm sorry you went through that

The pros heroes felt bad about her past

Nezu:now all might retire we want you to become the new number -


All might:what why you can become a hero and save people

Inko: I think it would be smart for someone with experience being a hero to be number one like endeavor (she hate saying that)and besides I couldn't be a hero and endeavor I need to talk to you privately

Endeavor head:what does this monkey what

Endeavor: alright

Nezu:we can you as a backup but just how old are you Inko

Inko: I'm 41

All might head:and still fine

Narrator:keep in mind see not fat Inko is fine

Inko:but my Qurik is not the only thing people should worry about I build support items and other suits and my fighting styles panther style

Ragdoll:what panther style

Inko: panther its Other disciplines mastered include Brazilian Jeet Kune Do, Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Karate, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, and Taekwondo. That incorporates elements of each different fighting style

(Everyone is surprised)

Inko:so I can beat your ass in 7 different ways

Mirko:can you teach me that

Tiger:I would be honored if you taught me that Ms. James

Nezu:Ms. James could you teach everything you know

Inko: alright but going too hard and no complaining about the training


(After the meeting)

Location (backyard
Inko: endeavor I need to talk to you

Endeavor: what do you want

Inko:I heard that you saying some disrespectful and racist thing to my baby boy

Endeavor:no i-

Inko: listen you bitch I know about the abuse and sending your wife to the mental hospital

Endeavor (shocked)who told you-

Inko:so if you don't want anyone else to know about it I suggest you stop talking to me or my son badly

Endeavor:you bitch I would-(getting choked

Inko(chocking endeavor out pull him down)listen to you hot flaming Cheetos ass bitch I don't know how long you been disrespecting me or izuku but it stops today if I hear anything else about it that number one is going to mean nothing if you're in a coma or when you're in a box

Endeavor(struggle to speak)are you.... threaten me

Inko:no it's a motherfucking promise try something the only reason why you are not in the hospital it's because shoka told me to give you a chance so this between me and you no one has to know alright do a make myself clear

Endeavor (scared and nodding his head)

Inko: good now get out of my house before you one beater defeater and I not talking about the abuse

The pros heroes left

(Later Izuku room)

Izuku(playing the game)

Inko(walking inside and slapping izuku)

Izuku:mom what did I do


Mandalay (hear this and quickly walks away)I better, not her made a me

End chapter
