old music and mall

Narrator:to keep in mind The award levels are Silver (20,000+), Double Silver (40,000+), Gold (75,000+), Double Gold (150,000+), Diamond (200,000+), Platinum (400,000+) and Double Platinum (800,000+)
Update on his rapper career

How long he been a rapper
2 years

Net worth
15 million- 18 million

Double gold:2

League of villains hideout

Ex boyfriend:hey you guys I found something about Jamal

Mr Compressed:what is it and it better be good

Shigarka:yeah if it's not going to ruin him then I don't want to hear it

Ex boyfriend:I found some music that made when he was younger

Shigarka:so what the point

Ex Boyfriend:the point that he talk about killing people and that can kill UA reputation and his make people doubt he can be a hero

Kurogiri:that not a bad idea actually

Lady nagant:but isn't he all might successor something

Ex boyfriend: yeah and that means if he's rapping like this stuff that mean UA could kick him out the school because of the music or people could doubt him being a hero

Dabi: but is he more of a singer than a rapper because most of his music is basically singing

La Barva: yeah I don't think people will believe it it's him on the mic and isn't the UA festival coming up

Shigarka: that's right is a highly good chance that he might be performing while that other person electro performing with him

La Barva:how did you even get this stuff

Boyfriend: it's because my quirk watch dog

Watchdog (if you play watchdog you well
If you didn't play it)

Ex boyfriend (explain what his quirk can do)

La Barva: so that mean you can hacks UA security system

Ex boyfriend:yeah basically

Shigarka:that could be very useful

Dabi:maybe your not useless after but anyway what music he use to make

Ex boyfriend (got his laptop and play the music

(And the remix not thereShout out nle Choppa one my favorite rapper)

So the league enjoy the music and they found the most recent part 6 was a few months ago there all unreleased

Boyfriend:wait head the last part few months ago and there a another one you all well like

Shigarka: I don't know where you got this music from but this will totally ruin the him

So the league of villains post the music on the Instagram and everywhere and it was 1 trending on everything in Japan


So izuku was just waking up with Sunday means no school he took a shower and brushing his waves and he have plans to go to the mall and buys some jewelry


Texting groupchat(Denki, kirshima,sero,mineta, mirio, takmaki)

Izuku: anyone down going to the mall today

Denki:hell ya

Mineta:of course

Kirshima:that a manly idea

Mirio:I train all day yesterday so sure

Takmaki:yeah sure

Sero:I cool with that

Izuku: everyone been ready in a hour already

1 hour later

Then hop inside the car in went

Mineta:bro how many cars do you have

Izuku:I have cars for almost every situation


Izuku:hey I going to the jewelry store

Denki:I going too

Mineta:me too


Izuku: so everyone going

(So everyone went)

All went inside

Employee:is that king and electro

Izuku:you know

Employee: I'm a huge fan of you too can I take a picture with y'all

Denki: of course man

(They took the picture

Employee: so what type of jewelry do you want

Izuku: I'm looking for like a necklace

Employee: for a girl

Izuku: that too but I'm looking for a diamond jewelry necklace and ring

Employee:I think I know what your talking about how about this

Mirio: oh you're giving to a girl right

Izuku: yeah man you think this is good

Mirio: I think that's awesome but how much does it cost


Izuku: all right that's not bad I'll put that in my cart

Employee: and for the other diamond jewelry is this

Izuku: oh this is what we're talking about here this is what we talking about how much this cost


Izuku: I'll get it I'll get it Sero,kirshima, mineta you pick out a jewelry

Mineta: no really thank you I really appreciate it

Kirshima:yeah your manly

Izuku: Amelia you can get one too

Mirio: no I don't want one but they could offer

(They get they some jewelry)

Employee: now this is the ones I really suggests

Izuku:that really good I take both of them

Employee:ok and for the main event

(Migos necklace)

Izuku: I really like this I really like this I normally don't get Julie but I really like this so how much does all this come out to


Izuku: hey Denki how much you pay


Izuku (paid for his stuff)

Employee: hey King you know your number one in trending right

Izuku: oh what's it for

Employee: I don't know what you're supposed to training for but they say they found some old music of yours that shit fire

Izuku (nervous) I'm sorry they said something about old music

Employee: yeah man why don't you rap like that all the time

Mirio: Jamaal where he's talking about

Izuku: I think we should go thank you for your time

(All get out quickly)

Izuku: hey before we go you want tk stop at the food courts before we go back to UA

Mineta:yeah I pretty hungry

Izuku: y'all nigga paying for your food I'm not paying for y'all

Sero:fair enough thanks for the jewelry Jamal now I going to be drip out

Izuku:you just gave a idea for a new song thanks

(Food courts)
Everyone is eating and some villains took whole mall hostages

Villain 1: if you don't want to die then don't move stay where you are

Villains: yeah no heroes will come now and I'll stay where you are

Izuku (whisper)hey everyone one three I going to use rage and kirshima your quirk should work but in 3 everyone going to attack there like 10 villain and 90% got Quirk that don't related to mines alright

Mirio:yeah let's show them

Takmaki: alright

Mineta:I in

Sero: let's do this

Denki: alright

Izuku:3,2,1(stand up)

Villain 5:hey you don't be a hero (shoot fire out his hand )

King(use rage)

Villain 5(fire disappeared) what the

King: Red Riot Now

Red Riot(Rush and punch him)

Villain 5(knocked out)

Red Riot: grape juice,Cellophane makes sure that civilian ok

Grape juice:ok your ok ma

Civilian;yes thanks you save my daughter please(British accent)

King:ok ma Lemillion suneater and red Riot let's go

So they took care of almost all the villages up for two of them very easily because there strategy

So the strategy was that 90% of the villains didn't have power start

Leader(gun to girl head)hey don't any idea I shoot this girl I promise

Girl:please help me

Leader:shut up bitch(pistol whip)

Girl(on the ground)

Izuku head:wait Camie

Camie (use her illusion look a lot scarier)

Leader(scared)what the(step back)

Leader (get shot)what the (falls down)

Camie(run at izuku and hug)thanks you hero(realize)wait izuku

Izuku: it's king

Camie:thank you I didn't expect you to be here

Lemillion:king they other pros are here



Izuku: oh then oh my gosh uhm Camie you mom need you safe ok

Camie:ok thanks izuku

(The pros heroes come)

Ryukyu:king you ok

King:yeah the villains was weak as fuck

Ryukyu:king be professional at your job I that your problem

King:yes ma

Nejire: izuku I weren't you was the hospital

Izuku: yeah they let me out early they found nothing wrong

Froppy:I glad to see you ok ribbit

Uravity:yeah you handle the situation great
(Notice Camie)

Uravity:king was you at the mall with her

King:no she was one of the hostage

Uravity:oh ok just making sure

Camie:hey king can I get your autograph

King:sure (mouth out)what are you doing

Camie:(mouth out)I getting a autograph

King(mouth out) you alright know me

Camie(mouth out) I know that's still

Later outside the mall

Ryukyu:uhm king

Izuku:what up

Ryukyu (Blushes)2 things 1 I had word the principal nezu would like to speak with you and 2 would you like to take me out to dinner

Nejire (heard everything and pissed)sorry miss Ryukyu but he have plans with me


Ryukyu: who are you to him

Nejire:I his girlfriend

Ryukyu:oh I sorry nejire wait isn't this your ex

Nejire:not anymore

Ryukyu:wait so I confused

Nejire (explain what happened to make them get back together)

Ryukyu:oh I sorry that happened to you and I didn't know he was dating you

Nejire: not only me

Ryukyu: I'm confused

Nejire:well I know it's sound crazy but he dating me and other girls at the same time

Ryukyu:wait that mean you share him doesn't that make him a-

Nejire (scary aura): don't finish that sentence I love him that I don't care about the other girls it's me being with him even with sharing

Ryukyu:he must be a good boyfriend

Nejire:you have no idea

Ryukyu: but please I want to join to it's just I just have terrible luck with man so I just thought he was the one

Nejire (thinks about it)I'll think about it later but I have a question


Nejire:are you just dating him because he a rapper and he rich

Ryukyu:of course no I not a horrible person

Nejire:and because he black

Ryukyu: what did I have to do with that

Nejire: well the reason why I asked that because I had he made me break up with him saying all the rude racist things or the pictures will be posted I didn't mean anything that but that is maybe that's a really insecure for him

Ryukyu:oh why does he have a insecurity about that

Nejire:well when he was younger he was treated differently because his skin color and

Ryukyu:that horrible no I would never do that

Nejire:ok I have to consult with the other girls because the harem is growing too big

Ryukyu:I understand

UA (principal nezu office)

Izuku:so nezu what did you want to talk about

Nezu: well there's something trending on social media about you about your other songs

End chapter
