Jamal Training and toga betrayed


Timeskip the training class 1b is walking tried seen class 1a training there ass off but don't Jamal anywhere

Pony:Uhm Vlad king where Jamal at

Kendo:yeah I don't see him anywhere in the training

Vlad king:I heard he did another type of training than the other class

Vlad king:I don't know

(Somewhere outside)

Awaiza:ok izuku we have a special type of training was going to help you control your rage Quirks

Jamal:ok what is it

Awaiza:shut up you porch monkey

Jamal (transformation):WHAT YOU SAY

Awaiza (turn off his Qurik use his scarf to pull him to him): I'm sorry for saying that but I need to be done the reason why heroes are getting killed and hurt is going too quickly angry and letting their anger take control of them you need to control that and when you use rage your out of control so need to take so insults even the racist ones and not lose control

Jamal:so you what to fight you without getting mad so I can't let my anger get out of control

Awaiza: pretty much everyone had anger sometimes you can talk about those anger and feelings so is there anything you need to tell me anything and tell me before we start

Jamal:no I don't think so

Awaiza Head:I think he lying to me

Jamal:now let's start training

Awaiza: before we started I wanted to let you know that what I say is used for training and not taken seriously ok and Imani will be fighting you

Jamal:Nah I understand it's for training let go

Jamal (pull summon duo Glocks)

Toga (walk-up)hey Jamal (pull out a knife)

Awaiza: ready............GO

Toga(runs to throw the knife at Jamal)

Jamal (dodge and start shooting)

Toga(hid behind a tree)

Awaiza:And the monkey always relies on the gun to solve its problem

Jamal (look at awaiza) what

Toga(ran up grab the knife on the ground)~you better keep an eye on me~(get on throw the knife)

Jamal(dodge and off guard)

(Toga is nagisa)
(Jamal that other dude idk)

Awaiza: alright that's enough Imani

Toga head (blushes) what is felt in my chest

Awaiza:and your dead don't worry about I what saying focus on the battle and this time don't use your guns

Jamal: alright Imani please get off of me

Toga:oh ok

Awaiza: all right this time don't use your guns and Imani don't use your knife or whatever focus on hand to hand combat

(Fake knife)

Awaiza head:I wonder if he is good at hand to hand I've never seen him use his fist in a fight

Jamal: alright let go(fighting stance)

Toga: alright let's look(fighting stance)

Jamal (threw a right hook)

So basically threw the fight she was more acrobat than him so it was super hard for him to land any punches and tried him out and she hits him in a wide-open area (Jamal get folded)

Jamal:How did I get my ass whooped

Awaiza: because Jamal you good with your hands but because your bigger and she's more acrobatic than you so wait for the right time to strike

Imani:it ok Jamal you did your best I need to talk to you after I have something to tell you

Jamal: alright

Timeskip after training and dinner

Katsumi:hey where is izuku at

Shoka:I don't know he had special training with awaiza

Lida: it's ok he will come

(With toga and izuku)

Izuku:so Imani what did you want to talk about Imani

Toga(sad face) my name, not Imani

Izuku:oh it's like a nickname right

Toga:no I want to tell I not what seems like( started crying) please hear me out

Izuku:my nigga why are you crying, Imani

Toga:my name is not Imani I've been lying to you

Izuku:if you are not Imani then who are you

Toga:I toga I part of the league of villains

Izuku(shocked and summon a Glock to aim her head)Imani if this is a joke you better stop

Toga:izuku I'm sorry I wanted to tell you so let's talk and if you don't believe me just turn me in

Izuku:you got 5 minutes before I pull a 6ix9ine

Toga:my name is not Imani I toga of the league of villains and our mission is to capture you but couldn't let that happen because I wanted to warn you

Izuku:why are you telling me this it is how can I trust you

Toga:I was forced to be a villain and I was abused as a child because I had a villain quirk I always wanted to be a hero but I never had a chance to be one and when I was chosen for this job I thought I could live another life with you

Izuku:what are you trying to say toga

Toga:I love you and I wanted to be with you I sorry for everything

Izuku:I don't even know you that like one day

Toga:you don't remember me izuku James

Jamal(shocked)I never told you my last name

Toga: you don't remember 6 grade I was getting bullied because I was black and I had a villain Quirk

Jamal:...............I remember that did happen a beat the fuck out of them

Toga:they said that my kind of people belong in jail and remember you help a homeless girl by giving her a lot of money

Jamal:now you mentioned I did do that what that was you

Toga(crying in happiness):yes that was me I sorry for everything I want to be with you and I don't care about the other girls I want to be one of your wife's

Jamal:how do you-

Toga: don't get mad but our mission was to follow you your being hunted by all for one izuku and vigilante the government is watching you izuku

Jamal (shocked)why the government watching me

Toga:to make sure that you become a hero

Jamal:ok toga I going to give you a chance but if you betrayed me I'm putting a bullet through your head

Toga:that fair this keep this secret they won't understand

Izuku: alright (hug her

Toga(hugs him still crying)

(Secretly listening)

Awaiza:so the league of villains is after him and she changed the other side because of him this could be the chance to redeem herself and he has a harem going on that

Flashbacks 6 grade
Kid 1:you just a future thug (kick her)
Kid 2:yeah go sell some weed you monkey (punch her)
Kid 3:your type of people is only good for is rap music and robbing people go do

Izuku(sees an toga)ayo wtf (ran up and leans kid 2)

(Izuku 4 piece combo kid 3)

Kid 1:you go you cotton picker (punch)

Izuku(weave and pick him up and body slam him on his head)

Izuku:get your bitch ass out of before I kill you pussy

(Kids ran away crying)

Izuku:you ok

Toga(crying)thank you what your name

Izuku:izuku James but call me Jamal I need to go before my mom gets upset bye hope to see you again(ran away)

Toga:izuku thank you I hope to see you again

Other flashbacks(before he becomes a rapper)

Toga(crying)why did have to go through all of that why I didn't do anything to deverse this?(crying harder๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ)

Izuku (walking down they alley with headphones and noticed toga) ayo you ok

Toga(crying): leave me alone your just going to hurt me like everyone else

Izuku:please let me help you what do you need ?

Toga:I hungry and need somewhere to stay

Izuku:ok (pull out $200) here I not alot but it should give a room for a few nights

Toga (takes it)thanks you sir what your name

Izuku:izuku James call me Jamal

Toga:thank you sir I appreciate everything you done

Izuku: alright good luck(walk away)

Toga:why do you that name sounds familiar (realize) izuku thank again I hope I see you again

Other flashbacks
All for one:make sure you do the toga gains his trust

Toga:yes sir

Toga head:I hope he remembers me I don't want to be a villain I hope he help me again wait for me izuku

End chapter
