Izuku forgives nejire

The next day
Izuku got exposed and He expect to get hated for the song he made 2 years ago but something surprised him while going to training someone stop him

Izuku (see burnin and thinks) please don't say anything please don't please don't

Burnin:hey izuku

Izuku(softly)fuck(normal voice)what do you want burnin I don't have time for you I got to go to training

Burnin:no I have a question for you

Izuku(sigh) what is it

Then Burnin came to him and whisper to his ear

Burnin:Did the beat go off

Izuku immediately got ignore

Izuku:burnin I will pay you to shut up and leave alone

Burnin: ~aaww why are acting like that I like the song and why do you hate me so much~

Izuku:burnin(heavily sigh)burnin I don't hate you but I'm not interested in you and I already have a girlfriend but we can still be friends

Burnin stood there quiet and kinda angry then walked away angrily

Izuku(thinks)And they say guys can't handle rejection whatever she took the hint and now is off to training


Endeavor: Everyone I have a special training for all of you today were going to spilt into team of two and patrol the city and I already pick who going to patrol the city

While endeavor explain the training today everyone is looking at izuku in weird way including katsumi and shoka but it's izuku turn to find who his partner is

Endeavor:ok to patrol near Ryukyu agency is burnin and izuku

Izuku mind
Oh my god,oh hell man,what the fuck man,who invented this nigga,get your ass on man

Izuku:uhm endeavor can I please switch my partner please

Endeavor:no you can not and that final is that understood

Burnin:yes sir

Izuku (thinks)this nigga ok at least my partner is a pro hero

Endeavor:Does everyone understands

Everyone:yes sir

So everyone got there partner and went to the side of the city and the whole getting there burnin didn't say one thing to izuku while they wasn't getting there and a 25 minutes ride they finally get there and they both get out the car

Burnin:ok rookie just follow me and don't get in my way(in a cold voice)

Izuku (thinks)she must be her first time being rejected because she not taking left

Extra:oh my god is the famous king

Extra:oh my your right

They both ran up to him

Both:can we get your autograph please

Izuku:oh well I don't have a pen but I can take pictures can you accept that

Both:yes we can

Then the got a picture of izuku and went there separate ways

Both:thank for the pictures and we love your album with electro,hawks, and rock lock

Izuku:thank you very much

Burnin:Hey your not a rapper right now you're a hero so started acting like one

Izuku:oh sorry burnin is just happened everytime I go out patrolling

Burnin:come on Jamal and stop goofy off

Izuku:oh yes ma

Few hours later,izuku and burnin was on the top of a building

Burnin:you got anything rookie

Izuku: nothing burnin I think it's best if we split up and searched around the city

Burnin:hmm Rookie but radio me if something happens and report every 30 minutes

Izuku:yes ma

Then izuku went off on his own

Izuku: man ever since I rejected her she been acting different at least I could finally be by myself (thinks)so nejire should I break up with her? I want to be with her but I tried of being in the same situation with her with her ex I should have killed him but hawks had to stop... should-

Then he started mumble to himself

Nejire: izuku

Izuku (thinks)but haji blackmail her so I kinda understand

Nejire: izuku are you ok

Izuku (thinks)that mean she lied to me at Christmas time I still didn't give her gift yet but does she really love me or is she the UA traitor...naaah UA traitor out of the question because if she really was she would have been betrayed me but she already did the first

Nejire: IZUKU

Izuku then snap back to reality then realized nejire is right there

Izuku:oh nejire I didn't see you there

Nejire:I was calling for you for a while now

Izuku:sorry I didn't hear you but I haven't seen you in awhile

Nejire:I know right but we have spoken on the phone

Izuku:But it's not the same as seeing you beautiful face

Nejire:come here you

They both kiss each other then izuku realize and pull away

Nejire: izuku what's wrong is it me

Izuku:do you know

Nejire: know what

Izuku: About me and kendo got exposed for dating

Nejire (thinks)Haji you'll pay (speak)no I didn't how

Izuku:will that something I want to talk to you about and nejire can you do me a favor

Nejire:sure what is it

Izuku:I need you to be 1000% honest with me right now ok

Nejire:ok izuku I'm listening and I promise

Izuku (sigh)did you-

Burnin radio izuku

Izuku:we have a bank robbery 2 Miles  from our location

Ryukyu radio nejire

Nejire a bank robbery 2 Miles ahead of our location come immediately

Izuku:there a bank robbery 2 Miles ahead

Nejire:we'll talk about this later.

Then izuku and nejire quickly went to the bank

Meanwhile at the bank

This bank robbery was broadcast all over the news and they got hostages then izuku and nejire finally got to the location

Nejire: Ryukyu


Ryukyu:you two finally made it the villain's inside have hostages inside of the building

Burnin:we need to think of a strategy to rescue people

Izuku:Do you at least know what the quirks are

Ryukyu:yes and non of them are related to your izuku

Burnin:that right you can just turn off there quirks

Ryukyu:but it would also turn off our quirks as well so izuku Don't use rage ok


Meanwhile inside

Villain 1:come on hurry up with the money

Villain:uhm boss there pro hero already outside

Villain 3:no matter we can there a top 10 hero outside the dragon hero Ryukyu and UA kids outside

Villain 3:Damn it we have to find another way

Villain 2:wait boss use there must a exit leading out of here

Villain 1(use his fire quirk)you lady is there a exit out of here

Lady:yes it leads out of the city and near the docks why you may ask

Villain 1:boys we found our exit and you coming with Me

They took the lady and went out to a secret exit inside the bank and izuku got a theory

Izuku (thinks)wait I seen bank robbery movie before and if I'm right there not going to go front or back there going to find a way to get out using a quirk or not maybe but I leave now I could get into serious trouble

Uraraka: izuku are you ok you Don't right

Izuku (thinks) alright I take a gamble I'm sorry you guys if I get this wrong

Then izuku use ofa 15 then ran to his suspect place and every pro hero was confused

Uraraka: king where are you going

Tsysu:The battle here *ribbit*

Burnin:king you idiot

Izuku (think)damn I look dumb but I need to keep going

Ryukyu: nejire-chan,froppy,Uravity goes and get king back here right this second

And they went off then the pro hero went inside the bank and seen no villain nothing but hostages,then the pro hero gather the hostages then Burnin ask one of the hostages where are the villain and they told them that they went somewhere else to escape then hero realize that izuku was doing

Meanwhile with izuku

Izuku was running though the city to the docks then stops

Izuku:they should be right here

Uraraka, tsysu and nejire followed izuku

Nejire: izuku what are you doing

Tsysu:Yeah what were thinking*ribbit*

Izuku:if I'm correct there they should be right here in 3..2..1

The villain came out with the lady with a British accent

Villain:come here you bitch...hahaha this is easier than I thought

Then jump then use rage and easily took out the villain in 10 seconds and capture them with black whip

Villain 1:damn how did you-

Izuku: nigga shut the up with your broke ass Robbing banks and shit

Then he look at saiko intelli

Izuku:oh I remember you I saved you in the mall you're the third year saiko intelli with IQ quirk from seiai academy

saiko intelli:how did you

Izuku: nezu told me about you

Villain 2: Are you king the rapper

Villain 3:he is king I like your earned it song

Villain 1:ah did the beat go off

Izuku: alright man I appreciate the support thank you

Villain 2:I can't wait to see that basketball tournament your hostess

Izuku:ok... nejire-chan call the police and get the pros we got them

So nejire call the police and the pros heroes and while the villains were arrested and sent away A lot of pros were impressed with izuku and somehow predict there going to be there but the most impressed was burnin

Burnin:how a rookie like you predict that

Izuku:I don't know it was just common sense

Burnin:maybe your was just lucky come on rookie were going

Nejire:wait izuku what the question

Burnin:Come on king

Izuku:sorry nejire I have to go we'll talk about it later

Nejire looks down in disappointment but Ryukyu and uraraka caught this

Uraraka:hey nejire are you ok

Nejire:no I'm not

Ryukyu: what going on

Nejire:well before the whole situation izuku was going to ask me a question and he was seriously like I did something wrong

Uraraka:maybe izuku just needs to talk to you it's have been awhile

Nejire:I know and I want to spend more time with him

Ryukyu: nejire we all want to but if it makes you feel better we'll be there we he talking to you

Nejire:ok thank you, Ms. Ryukyu

Timeskip after training

Burnin:hey rookie patrolling over were heading back

Izuku:I already got permission to stay out after along I come in around midnight

Burnin: alright just don't be late

Burnin pretend to leave but sticks around while Izuku shoot nejire a text to meet up so they can talk that is a love hotel and after a long time burnin follows izuku to a love hotel

Burnin:love hotel isn't he dating endeavor daughter is he cheating on her...why not with me

Meanwhile with nejire who is already inside the room

N/A:if you are confused izuku already paid for the room online and nejire show up first to the room first

Meanwhile with nejire

Nejire was kinda worried and nervous waiting for izuku

Uraraka: nejire are you ok

Nejire:no what if izuku wants to break up with me

Ryukyu: nejire that not going to happen izuku loves you with all his heart, Did you do anything to not trust you

Nejire was about to answer when izuku knock on the door

Nejire: it's izuku you two quickly hide

Ryukyu and uraraka quickly hid in the bathroom while nejire calmed herself down and open the door

Izuku:hey babe

Nejire:hey izuku

They both kiss each then sat on the bed meanwhile burnin was outside the Door listening to their conversation

Burnin(think)izuku how could you why wasn't it me (angry)

Back to the conversation

Nejire:so you want to talk to me about something

Izuku:yeah nejire I want you to be 1000% honest with me right now ok

Nejire:I promise

N/a: izuku already knows what happens he going to see the Going to lie to him and goat once said
I ain't no one plan b if you choose me or you lose me

Shout out if you get that reference

Back to the story

Izuku: That night when you call me and told me that you had something to do with your parents what were you doing?

Nejire was shocked about this she never expects to him ask


Izuku: nejire please don't lie to me if you do I'm walking out and I'm never talking to you again now answer the question did you go to your parent's house that Christmas


Izuku 10.9..8..7..6..5..4..3-

Nejire:ok izuku I'll answer no I wasn't at my parent's house

Izuku was not angry but in his mind, he playing chess

Izuku then secretly got the villain's phone (aka watchdog phone)and call nejire villain's phone then nejire villain's phone went off and nejire knows who it that but was scared to pick up the phone

Izuku:you might want to answer that

Nejire then slowly picks up the villain's phone


Izuku then shows her that she called with the villain's phone which surprised and stunned nejire then he closed the phone

Izuku: nejire you have 10 seconds to tell me everything before it's our last day being a couple

Nejire didn't know what to do then she started breaking down crying, crying so hard that she could barely speak, izuku realize that it going to take a minute and went up to use the bathroom but nejire thought he was going to walk out then she stood and hugs him tight while crying

Nejire: please don't go I'm so sorry izuku I should have told you in the beginning but he threaten to kill me and my family and you so I wanted... please don't leave me I love you with all my heart but I don't want to keep hurting you and keep fixing my mistake because I was too weak to handle them myself...please don't leave me

Then they both sat down while nejire was still crying and after about 5 minutes she finally calm down but she was still sad

Izuku: nejire

Nejire: izuku I love you but if I'm toxic in your life I understand why you want to break up with me but please don't

Izuku: nejire

Nejire:ok izuku I understand but promise me this you'll love Ryukyu
Uraraka and the other the same even if I'm not there and I'll get out of your life

Izuku: nejire look at me, please

Nejire looks at him with watery eyes

Izuku:I'm not going to break up with you

Nejire: what

Uraraka/Ryukyu (thinks)what


Izuku:I don't want to break up with you either and there is something I have to tell you

Nejire: what is it

Then izuku told nejire how hawks told him about the situation and how he beat the goofy out of watchdog in the docks and how he got his villain phone

Nejire:so if it wasn't for hawks you wouldn't have known

Izuku:yes and that's why I'm not because he came back and I won't let anything happen to you without making them pay for it

Nejire then hugs izuku

Nejire:thank you izuku

Izuku:oh and one more thing


Izuku: happy late Christmas gift I didn't give it to you on Christmas day but I hope it means something to you

Izuku gave nejire a box with the wrapping on then nejire opened it and was shocked

Izuku: marry late Christmas gift I hope I don't matter if not Christmas anymore

Nejire:I don't care anymore, izuku I know we had ups and downs but I want to have a future with you for now on no more lies were only going to tell the truth

Izuku:ok nejire I love you blueberry

Nejire:I love you too my Hersey bar

Then nejire push him onto the bed

Nejire:now you gave me my late gift it's about time I give you my Christmas but a little twist

Izuku: what the twist

Nejire:you two can come out now

Both uraraka and Ryukyu came out of the bathroom

Uraraka:hi izuku

Izuku: Wait you two were in the bathroom the whole time

Ryukyu:yes we were nejire I'm sorry for not helping you sooner I didn't know

Nejire: it's ok Ryukyu all is forgiven but I need your help giving izuku his late Christmas gift

Uraraka:I didn't have plans to do this ok

Ryukyu was hesitant to take off her clothes

Izuku: wait what time is it I need to be   back by midnight


Izuku: alright we have about an hour in a half to do this

🍋🍋🍋 Middle of it's was Ryukyu turn after getting done with uraraka

Izuku:ok ryuko it's your turn

Ryukyu:maybe we can try this another day

Nejire:come on Ms. Ryukyu what's wrong

Ryukyu:there is nothing wrong I'm just s little tried

Izuku:ryuko what's the problem we won't judge

Ryukyu:ok you promise you won't judge

Izuku:no we won't

Uraraka:we(breathing heavily) won't judge

Ryukyu:ok...I'm a virgin

Everyone was surprised

Ryukyu: it's the truth with my other ex I was waiting til marriage but I just been too scared

Izuku:ryuko I promise I will be gentle with you then that all you had to say my first time was with nejire

Ryukyu (sigh)ok I trust you

Izuku went as gentle as he could while then as time goes on he started to go a little rough then rough

Ryukyu: izuku... please slow don't

N/a: I'm sorry I'm kinda bad at making lemon

Izuku:one for all 10%

Then he started using one for all and Ryukyu was struggling to keep up with izuku

Ryukyu:AAAH izuku please slow-

Izuku (ofa 19%)

Ryukyu:AAh Izuku Give It To Me Big Daddy Izuku I Want All Of It Give Me More

Izuku (thinks)maybe I sure turn up the heat(he started to use rage and grabbed the back of her hair then boosts ofa to 25%

Ryukyu:I Can't Feel My Legs

Nejire: izuku I think you are being a little too rough

Izuku:nope you want what she having


Izuku: that's what I thought

N/a:I understand if you don't get that reference

Timeskip after izuku destroy Ryukyu it's was 11:30 and all the girls was asleep then izuku room a quick shower then grab all of his thing and dip

Timeskip 12:05 Am

Izuku got inside without anyone knowing and he was going inside his room until

Burnin:so you have multiple girlfriends don't you

Izuku:burnin please I'm tried and-

Burnin: answer the damn question (in an angry tone)

Izuku then just went inside his room

Burnin:fine if you want to play that game on

End chapter
