everyone jump UA


Inko:hey eraser I'm sorry for what I did a when I kinda choked you out while a gun to your head

Eraserhead: it's ok I understood how you felt and we were all mad and sad when he got captured but I have a question izuku doesn't talk about his feelings and his past

Inko:he always likes that he talks to people that he feels like he can trust

Eraserhead:so he doesn't trust us

Inko:no not like that but he only told me and his childhood friend what the problem but I talked to him after the test

Eraserhead: alright but who is his childhood friend?

Inko:her name was Camie and they didn't have the greatest of social life but they had each other they were close

Eraserhead:how close

Inko:they took baths together up till we're middle school until they split and they know everything about each other

Eraserhead:damn that close

Inko:I remember like it was yesterday

Flashbacks(around last year of middle school)

Inko:hey Camie I got a towel for you (open the door and see izuku and Camie taking a shower together)(sigh went to get the belt and went back)

Camie:no no no wait ms James it's ok I allowed him to join me

Inko: yall weird (walk out the bathroom)

Izuku: thank you I was not feeling like getting a whooping

Camie:no problem (in her head:I love you)

Flashbacks end
(Timeskip everything goes like Canon)
Izuku: alright let's do this do thing

(All the other students going after ua)

Yo shindo
Quirk gives him the ability to vibrate anything that he touches. His Quirk is strong enough that he can even create fierce tremors by using his power on the ground. Though, the aftershocks of his attacks can render him immobile.

Yo:king your qurik all you to summon any weapons firearm that you can think of  that right you fought everyone in the sports festival right your first-out(vibrate the ground)

Everyone started falling and inasa Yoarashi

Whirlwind grants the user the ability to completely control the air around them.

Y'all everything goes as canon everyone goes their different ways

Izuku(running at the ball come at summon Glocks and Manchester smash and blew the away)

Izuku:damn they keep coming

Izuku is surrounded but they forgot rage Quirk

Quirk Rage

When the person gets angry or extremely pissed it's transforms the person who was not trained could lose control and boost Qurik by 20% and any Quirks that not related to the person automatically get canceled out

Question can rage take away mutation quirks yes or no

Izuku(use rage)

Over 90% of people stop working

Extra 1:what the my Qurik it's not working

Extra 2:what happen

Yo:what happened why is Qurik not working

Ochoka:oh no sero we need to go

Sero: alright

(Started running toward)

Izuku:y'all niggas fuck up(started throwing the ball at people eliminated like 10 people)

Camie(see him):izuku what is this why Qurik not working

Izuku(detransform):I getting better control it but damn it's hard

Camie(run towards him and throw the ball)

Izuku(Dodge the ball)hey Camie I pass alright I eliminated

Camie:oh you did well can you answer me one thing


Camie: did your quirk also turn off that weird

Izuku head:wait she doesn't know about rage mom being a vigilante or anything what did this past year

Izuku:uhmm yeah that weird(lying)

Camie:should you already pass ok bye(leave)(wait izuku till your mine all mine)

Sero:yo izuku calm down

(Izuku Turns around)

Ochako:hey Jamal please calm down

Izuku:your too late for that I'm calm

Ochako:ok uhmm izuku I wanted to ask you a question did Katsumi and shoka used to bully you

Izuku:I don't like talking about it but yeah but I forgave them let focus on the test alright

Ochako:oh I just wanted to know because I am your girlfriend

Izuku:I know but still I love you

(Timeskip the other part the rescue Part)

Everyone is like canon and everyone is rescuing people the other students till something unexpected happens

Bomb 💣
Gang orca:so hero I your villain today what will a hero do well he rescues, fight or run away show me what can you do

Gang orca
Quirk gives him the attributes and abilities of a Killer Whale. He has enhanced strength and heightened senses; he can also produce hypersonic waves to paralyze his targets.

izuku:nigga we are in trouble

Momo:is that gang orca

Izuku:yeah yo urakra, momo, tysu,sero and everyone else rescue everyone that you can get it


Ochako:you got it


Tysu: don't tell me your going to fight him

Izuku: of course I am (fully cowling 5% run towards goons and fighting them and whooping their ass)

Shoka(use fire)

inasa(use whirlwind)

But there argue while fighting

Izuku(getting angry):YO SHUT THE FUCK UP BOTH OF YOU

Inasa: who do you think you're talking to I hate you UA your better

Izuku(grab his collar): listen I don't give one fuck about you like me were up against a top 10 hero and you two niggas on arguing shut up(lose go)

Izuku:and you(point shoka)same goes you two this would you do in an actually fight

Shoka:no but-

Izuku:then let's take down this villain

Shoka(head)izuku is right I need to focus on passing this test

Orca (head)the kid can get people who hated each other fight side bye side impressive we will need that

Izuku(use rage and to Detroit smash orca)

Ocra(grab his hand)


Ms joke:wow he really taking on top 10


Eraser:why is he not using rage

Inko: you asking the wrong person

Izuku and orca started fighting

Izuku(summon a mingun)

Izuku:say hello to my little friend

Ocra(about to attack izuku)


Shoka and inasa started using there Quriks toward orca

Orca:so that whole mingun thing was to distract me smart but not enough (pour water on his head and the fire and wind get pushed different)

Yo shindo almost got hit till izuku save him grabbed him move him out the way

Yo:thank you king

Izuku:your welcome


orca:hey king

Izuku:yeah orca

Orca:you know that was a smart move when you about to use the minigun to fake me out that was smart

Izuku:ok thank you

Orca:I know this not related but so you want to become a hero

Izuku:to keep it 100 with you I want to be a hero but I just don't know if I have tools and mindset to become a hero like what if fail

Orca: a lot of herons feel like this but they trying to be great heroes like me I was in the same place you just trust in your heart and also can I get an autograph and I would love to be one of your music videos

Izuku:thanks and yeah no why I'm kind of a fan of yours I'm actually going to get your autograph

(They both have each other autograph)
Timeskip where the find the pass or not

Announcing: if your name is on the board you pass


Denki:you did I pass to

Izuku:that my boy(dab each other)

Momo:I pass

Lida:me too

Jiro:I can't believe it

(Basically everyone in Canon passed)

Izuku:hey katsumi did you pass

Katsumi (not saying anything and pissed)

Izuku:yo you good

Katsumi:no i didn't I fail

Shoka:me too

Momo:I passed with a 94%

Jiro:83% what did you get

Announcement: someone just made history the first person to pass with a 100% first time in history that students is izuku James



Ochako:I so proud of you Jamal

Denki:wow I never expected that from you

Sero:way to go

Izuku:let go


Inko:that my baby

Joke:you must so proud

Inko:I really happy for him

Back to the student

Camie:hey izuku(run and hug)

Izuku(hug back)hey Camie did you pass

Camie: actually no I didn't

Izuku:look like you doing repeat with shoka and katsumi

Camie(getting angry)oh is that so izuku do you want to hangout later as friends

Izuku:I don't know

Camie: come on please(puppy dog eyes)

Ochako:sorry Camie he have a date with me

Camie:what who are you

Ochako:I his girlfriend

Camie(heartbroken)oh is that so well will just hangout later bye(walking back crying inside)(in her head)izuku why did you have to find one I loved you (started to tear up)

Izuku: ochako you didn't have to do her like that

Ochako:you know you have multiple girlfriends


Ochako:oh my bad hope no one heard them
(Camie heard them)

Camie:wait if he have multiple girlfriends Maybe I can join watch out izuku
