Chapter 1

After finding out Izuku was quirkless, Inko Midoryia decided to take her little angel to the Ice skating rink. He enjoyed how the wind felt, his hair flowing as he skates. He was at peace. His mother watched from the sidelines, she watched as her son was smiling after being told he can't become a hero and that he has no quirk. A smile was placed on her lips. 'If Izu feels like this now, I think I should sign him up for classes.' Inko thought. Her attention drifted back to her son who was able to skate, slowly and wobbly, without holding onto the side. 

An hour later, Inko had to literally drag Izuku from the Ice. Izuku was sad but that was whipped away when his mother told him he would be starting lessons later that week. To say that Izuku was happy was an understatement, the boy was a beacon of happiness at that moment. Walking through the mall, the Midoryia's were trying to find some Ice skates for the young boy. Once they got to a shop that sold them, Izuku saw hero themed ones but decide to get the black ones with red laces. They had a red sole and the red turned into black the higher it goes on the shoe. Izuku was in love and Inko was happy to her son so happy and passionate about something else that wasn't something to do with heroes.

Going back to school after being deemed quirkless was hard. Izuku lost his friend 'kacchan', he was separated from the other kids and the kids acted like he had a disease. He would have cried, wished that the day would stop as soon as he got home. But the Ice skating lessons were at the end of the week, so he would have to stay strong until then. The next day, Izuku ate lunch alone. He sat under the large willow tree, it provided plenty of shade and it was away from Kacchan and his 'friends'. Izuku was Bakugou's only true friend, the other friends that he had. They didn't want to get on his bad side, so they befriended him. Bakugou knew that he had just lost his one true friend but you don't need true friends when you're a hero, Right? Their mothers were friends so he would continue to see him. 

The boys grew distant as they grew older. Izuku would always be at his Ice skating lessons or at the Ice rink when the Bakugou's came over. Inko told Mizuki but told her not to tell anyone else. When Izuku was 7, he won his first contest. He was ecstatic. When his mother put up a shelf in the boy's room, most hero posters and figures were gone, donated or put in storage. His room was now grey with pastel blue snowflakes on his walls. He had three posters up, above his desk. They were All might, Eraser Head and President Mic. Underneath each hero was their figurines that Izuku had collected over the years. His room held his bed, nightstand, trophies, wardrobe, bookcase and desk. On top of his nightstand was a black lamp and a picture of his mother and himself after winning his first medal and trophy. His bookcase spaned from floor-to-ceiling and filled with books. On one of the shelves was all of his hero analysis notes and the one above was his Ice skating analysis, those books started after his first lesson. He stayed behind watching other people, observing what they do with their feet and trying to copy that for the harder moves.

Once Izuku was in his last year of middles school, he had won multiple contests and he had his own personalized skates. They were black and pastel green. The laces were white and had some doodles on them. His room hasn't changed much, only the pastel blue snowflakes turned into pastel green and he had a pull-out bin with all of his Ice skating clothes in. There is also a small fabric black bin witch contains most of the medals and trophies that weren't on display. The displays were over his bed and over the three hero posters. 

"-jump off of the roof and hope to get a better quirk your next life." Kac-Bakugou said to him, laughing as he walked away with his other 'friends'. Once Izuku collected his 'hero analysis book for the future #13' from the pond he started to walk home, already deciding he would go to the Ice rink later. The sewer started to make disgusting notices, Izuku looked back to see a slime figure jump out of the sewer onto him. He was losing consciousness as the sludge villain was trying to take control of his body. "-Fea-ere! -ASH!" Izuku only heard parts of it and only saw a figure before he completely lost consciousness.



In the next chapter, there will be a time skip to a few months after Izuku got into UA,



