On Air Dares (SNT) (2022)

-Takeaway Studio-

Dec" Now last week we go loads pf messages claiming that we were behind a prank on Radio one and not all of them were complimentary"

Ant" No they weren't bu there was a good reason for that"

Dec" Yes, you see Stephen Mulhern and my daughter were up to mischief again and it was the return of On Air Dares"

*Flips to VT*

Ant and Dec are sat at a desk and sofa sits opposite them, Stephen and Charlie sit down in it.

Stephen" Hey boss, Hey boss"

Charlie" Hey dad, Hey Ant"

Ant" Hey little D"

Dec" You know you don't have to call us both boss"

Stephen" Oh because you boss me about a lot"

Ant and Dec" No we don't"

Stephen" Yes you do"

Ant and Dec" No we don't"

Stephen" Even Charlie bosses me about sometimes"

Dec" That's my girl"

Ant" Look anyway, we have had complaints that we haven't sent you and Charlie on a On Air Dares mission"

Dec" So we thought we would send you where no one would think you would pop up"

Ant" It was Little D's idea, only people under forty would be"

Charlie" I'm under forty, Stephen we are going to Radio One"

-Radio One Studio-

Stephen and Charlie are standing outside the room.

Charlie" I'm not going to lie, I am very nervous about this whole thing"

Stephen" Me too, look guys remember don't mess this up"

Charlie"You got this guys"

Stephen" Okay, so Greg James has no idea we are here too play On Air Dares"

-Off air-

Stephen,Charlie and the camera crew run in and Greg screams.

Stephen" Greggy baby!"

Greg" Hello what are you two doing here?"

Stephen" Now you are on Saturday Night Takeaway"

Greg" Oh no"

Charlie" We are going to play a game called On Air Dares"

They explain who they will be up against and how it all works.

Charlie" So we are going to stand here with cards and whoever gets the most points wins"

Stephen" So how long have we got left?"

Greg" Two minutes"

Stephen" Can we blast the music up, there we go"

Charlie*shakes her head* Oh no"

Stephen starts dancing.

Stephen" Thats it Mulhern and Donnelly are at the BBC"

Charlie"Donnelly and Mulhern you mean"

-On Air-

Greg" Okay this, is Radio One Breakfast with Greg James and I am feeling Loosey goosy, I mean you have got to look good don't you"

Charlie holds up the second card which reads about Ian Beale.

Greg" I want to look like Ian Beale"

Greg then howls like a werewolf.

Greg" It's going to be a good one, there is going to be four stages and I've got the willies about it I tell you"

Both Charlie and Stephen smiling. Charlie then holds up another sign before Stephen does.

Greg" You know I really should be ranked sexiest man on stage for that one"

Greg cringes as he does these things.

Greg" I'll tell you what I have got the willies now and you want to look out for the rain, you don't want any wet commentators as it can get a bit moist"

Stephen then picks up a card that reads Knob-stick and it makes him, Greg and Charlie silently laugh and smile. Greg most likely thinking how the heck am I going to do this.

Greg" We have a new artist called Knob stick, looking forward to them"

Greg then sees someone put some sauce on his desk and he sees the card that says Eat some Hot Sauce. Inside he is thinking, this can only go wrong. Stephen continues to hold the card while Charlie smiles. Greg takes the hot sauce knowing he will have to speak at the same time, this is going to be difficult. He takes a spoonful and immediately starts coughing making Stephen and Charlie try very hard to hold in the giggles. They are both red in the face and as Greg is coughing into the microphone he announces he is having a bite to it, while also blowing his nose very loudly. Charlie then holds up a card which suggests he cracks an egg on his head.

Greg is hesitant at first but then goes for it, he is coughing and spluttering by the time he is off air.

-Off Air-

Greg" I hate you both, I've got hiccups, my eyes are watering and I've got egg on my head"

Charlie" How would you sum up on air dares in one word?"

Greg" Worst experience of my life"

Stephen" Technically not one word but anyway"

Charlie" Ricky,Melvin and Charlie next"

*10:58 AM*

-Off Air-

Charlie and Stephen are sneaking across the floor and then they run into the studio and all scream.

Charlie and Stephen" RICKY,MELVIN, CHARLIE!"

Stephen rubs Melvin and Ricky's heads while Charlie jumps about.

Radio Charlie" What are you guys doing here?"

Charlie" We have been sent to you guys courtesy of my dad and Ant for Saturday Night Takeaway and we are going to a little game called On Air Dares"

Stephen" We have already played with Greg James and let me tell you he has said the bar pretty high"

Radio Charlie" We can do, we got this, we will do anything"

Stephen" Anything!"

Charlie" Well there you go Stephen"

-On Air-

Ricky"Okay, so we are live, this is Ricky,Melvin and Charlie"

Melvin" RICKY!"


Melvin" Nothing I just like saying it"

Radio Charlie" Oh my god"

Charlie holds up her card which reads for Ricky and Melvin to swap jeans. While Ricky and Melvin begin to swap jeans Radio Charlie takes over the conversation with George Ezra on line one. She does get a card from Stephen to keep calling him Jeff, which she does and then Charlie holds up a card.

Melvin and Ricky who have now swapped jeans start talking again.

Melvin" Is it true you hate Mary Berry?"

George" No I don't hate her"

Radio Charlie" Jeff, sorry to interrupt you but when we was at Kiss it was the worst radio station ever"

Both Ricky and Melvin cringe as they can't believe she has just said that. George meanwhile is trying to process what he has just been asked. Stephen now has a card held up which asks one of them to brush their teeth with mayo. It ends up being Melvin who squirts the mayo bottle and it missing the toothbrush completely, spraying all over Ricky's trousers he is wearing. Melvin begins to wash his teeth getting the point and then when they are saying bye to George they tell him not to go on kiss because it's the worst radio station.

-Off Air-

Stephen puts his hands to the wall and Charlie kneels on the floor. Radio Charlie has just got up, walked around and then come back.

Melvin" Can we apologise to George please?"

Charlie" He doesn't know"

Radio Charlie" He doesn't know, oh my god"

Stephen" They thought he knew"

Ricky" Oh no"

Radio Charlie" Oh my god"

Stephen" Now remember guys keep it all secret"

Charlie" Can I"

Charlie then presses the button and they both scatter.

Ricky" Stephen!"

Melvin" Charlie!

They take some time till the next prank and Stephen video calls Ant and Dec.

Stephen" Ant,Dec you are going to be be so pleased at what we have done"

Ant" I mean listening to this now its like chef's kiss, it's so funny"

Dec" We will have to apologise to Jeff Ezra"

Charlie" I mean he didn't even correct them at all"

Dec" Yeah we are definitely going to have to apologise to Jeff Ezra"


-Off Air-

Both Charlie and Stephen rush in cameras hot on their tail. They enter the studio and Scott and Chris look shocked.

Charlie" Look at his face"*points at Chris*

Stephen" We are here from Saturday Night Takeaway to play On Air Dares"

Charlie" I'm going to stand one side and Stephen the other and you just have to do what we say"

Scott" Okay, let's do this!"

Chris" YEAH!

Charlie and Stephen scream into the camera.

-On Air-

Chris" Okay, this is Radio One with Scott Mills and Chris Stark and why be moody when you can shake your booty, now hello Evie now do you like Dua Lipa"

Evie" I do like Dua lipa"

Scott" I think she is rubbish I call her poo a lipa, shall we play some you eager beaver"

Chris" Yeah I am a Eager Beaver let's go"

They then start singing Happy Birthday to the caller and it gets louder and louder and when they finish the caller is so confused.

Chris looks at the card Charlie is holding up.

Chris" I am scared off snow"

As per Stephen's request Scott gets up to slap Chris with a wet fish, like a real fish, he slips around and slaps Chris right around the face. He gets back to his seat.

Scott" Your hair is making me nervous"

Chris" What do you mean?"

Scott" I don't know it's just different from usual"

Charlie holds up the card to slap the presenter with a wet fish, so Chris gets up to do the same but instead of coming around to him he chucks the fish at Scott and Scott dodges it. Charlie also jumps back now just trying not to laugh at the wet fish on the floor.

Scott" Shall we play some music now, let's do that"

-Off Air-

Chris" Oh my god, I can't take this game seriously I mean I smell of fish"

Scott picks up the fish and tries to lightly slap Charlie with it but she manages to avoid it.

Stephen" Well, lets go it's time for Vick and Jordan


-Off Air-

Stephen" Hey Vick"

Charlie" Hi Jordan"

Jordan" What are you doing here, It's Stephen and Charlie!"

Stephen" We are here from Saturday Night Takeaway"

Charlie" My dad and Ant have sent us to do On Air Dares"

Jordan"Oh no"

Vick" Oh god"

Jordan" You know this is live to thousands of people"

Stephen" We are both used to thousands Jordan, onscreen and in the bank"

All laugh.

-On Air-

Jordan and Vick" It's drive time with Vick and Jordan, Vroom, vroom, beep beep"

Vick" I mean if you are driving home that is probably what you are doing, now you know me I will put anything in my mouth, so I went to a dog food tasting last night"

Jordan" Dog food tasting" *sounds disgusted*

Vick" Yeah It's an actual north London thing"

Jordan" Well I wish my neighbours would give me my wheelbarrow back for this dog food tasting"

Charlie then holds a card up and Jordan asks for a massage, Vick comes around and Jordan thinks the card says groin.

Jordan" If you could just give me a massage, it's like my lower back, oh no my groin area, tell you what let's play another track"

-Off Air-

Vick falls on the floor and Charlie leans back against the wall. Jordan then realises his mistake.

Stephen" It says groan not groin"

Jordan" Oh my god, I didn't realise"

Vick" You were getting me to rub your groin"

Jordan" I so thought it said groin, oh my"

He puts his head down on the table.

Charlie" I'll tell you what he isn't in his happy place now is he"

Jordan" Oh god"

Back live in 2 seconds

-On Air-

Stephen is still talking so Jordan shushes him with his hand and Charlie nudges him. The next thing they get him do is face plant a cake. Jordan gets handed the chocolate cake and has to face plant it twice which makes Charlie and Stephen smile.

Vick" What you got there Jordan?"

Jordan" Well I thought I would bring in a cake as it's Scott birthday today and this is some good cake, I mean, really good cake, look shall we get another track on"

-Off Air-

Jordan" We are never going to work again, we are on the radio"

Greg James wins and he gets the coveted golden record vinyl.

Authors Notes
So here is the second On Air Dares, this was fun to write, I hope you enjoyed it, let me know what you thought in the comments. Next week I am thinking of doing a BGT chapter for the premiere of it being back and then Ant Vs Dec Sunday.



TheDonnellyDaughter X
