Big Stars Little Star (BGMT) (2017)

Big Star's Little Star

The BGMT music starts and Stephen and Charlie smile.

Stephen" Okay, so I haven't told Charlie exactly what we are doing this week"

Charlie" You haven't told me anything"

Dec" Ant hasn't told me anything either, oh no"

Both Donnellys exchange glances and Dec pulls his daughter in. Ant moves over to Stephen.

Ant" Wow, this is weird, I've never presented with Nonsense before"

Dec" What is going on?" 

Stephen" Well me and Ant were having a chat about my show Big Star's Little Star and we thought who better to get on than our Two Donnelly's"

Charlie" Oh no, this is going to end up with secrets being spilled isn't it"

Stephen" Always, I mean we got some great questions for you and Dec"

Charlie walks up to the camera.

Charlie" If BGMT isn't on anymore it will be because I'm going to kill my co presenter"

Stephen" Go on you two go stand by the desks and we will play Big Star's Little Star"

The music sounds and then Ant who is standing by Stephen reads Dec's question out.

Ant" Ready Dec?"

Dec" Yeah I am ready"

Ant" What is it that your brother Dermot Donnelly discovered when he looked after your daughter back in the early days was it?
A. A Dishwasher
B. A Skeleton in the closet
C. The lucky pants you thought you had lost

Dec" Well it won't be the lucky pants as I still have those, I am wearing them today"

He then smiles cheekily at the camera.

Charlie" Dad!"

Ant" And those Skeletons are fully in that closet"

Dec" So I'm going to go with a dishwasher I didn't know we had"

They show the VT and it shows Dermott saying that he had fixed the dishwasher but Dec didn't even know he had a dishwasher.

Now it's Stephen's turn to ask Charlie

Stephen" Okay, Charlie are you ready?"

Charlie" Sure go for it"

What did you used to carry everywhere you went?

Charlie" Oh god embarrassing childhood memories, I'm great at those"

Ant" Awww Little D"

Charlie" Give me the answers"

Stephen" Was it,

A: A stuffed dog bought by Ant
B. A Lunchbox with Harry Potter on it bought by Dec
C. A green tele tubby bought by me

Charlie" Oh my, erm, oh wow, I'm not sure"

Stephen" I'll give you a hint"

Dec then waves his hands.

Dec" No, no, I didn't have hints, come on"

Charlie" No I don't want a hint I can get this, it's just in there somewhere"

All the crew start chanting.

Crew" Go on Charlie, yeah you got this!

Charlie*smiles* Thanks guys!"

She keeps thinking about it.

Stephen" Going to have to rush you on this one Charlie"

Charlie" Okay, Okay, I am going to go with C, the green tele tubby you got me Stephen"

Stephen" Okay, is that your final answer"

Charlie" It is, wait, no yes it is"

Stephen" You are correct but since you were both right we will go to a tie break question, I am going to show a pic of a celebrity when they were younger and you both have to guess who it is"

The picture is shown,

Charlie"It's you Stephen, aww don't you look cute"

Stephen" Yes that is me, so that means Charlie wins"

Dec" Wait a minute how does that work out for the rest of the series"

Charlie" I say it counts overall, since we are both Donnellys"

Ant" Hang on a minute"

Stephen" Okay we can do that"

Ant*sighs* Wish I was a Donnelly"

Authors Notes
I hope you love. Soz it's a bit short. It's like the Big Stars Little Star they did on More Talent but my own version. Let me know what you think.
TheDonnellyDaughter X
