The Weekend (Chapter 41)

(Y/N): "Ruby are you sure you want to do this?" You asked the red-tipped haired girl with a raised eyebrow.

Ruby: "Of course! We're dating, it's like my duty or something!" She said eagerly, her silver eyes shining in the light.

(Y/N): "But I could just take care of it myself-" You tried to dispute but the younger girl just interrupted you.

Ruby: "Abahbah! As long as we're together I will take care of it." She smiled confidently.

(Y/N): "Alright, if you're sure." You relented with a sigh.

Yang: "Will you two stop being so melodramatic and just get it over with." The blonde asked impatiently as she held the bridge of her nose.

(Y/N): "Yang! You can't rush this kind of thing."

Ruby: "Exactly! Weapons are a sacred thing! They're an extension of ourselves and to trust the repair of one's weapon to anyone else is to trust them with a part of your soul! Tell her Pyrrha!" Ruby pleaded with the redhead who just frowned.

Pyrrha: "Actually, I'm with Yang on this one. This all seems rather silly."

(Y/N): "Alright fine. Just please take care of her for me." You said, finally handing over the remains of your once great weapon.

Ruby: "I will." She nodded in a cute attempt to be serious.

(Y/N): "Actually, I was talking to Blake." You could almost hear glass shatter from Ruby's reality as the Faunus piped up.

Blake: "We'll be fine. You three go enjoy your date and leave us to ours."

Yang: "I mean is it even really a date if Weiss is there?"

Pyrrha: "Yang that's rude-" She was cut off by the door creaking open.

Weiss: "Are you done?" She asked poking her head into the room. "Finally! Now come on if we don't leave now we will miss the airship." She left the room again, no doubt growing more impatient.

(Y/N): "But ultimately true." You sighed and stood up taking one last look at the broken weapon that now lay in Ruby's hands. "I love you."

Ruby: "I-I-" Her face exploded into multiple shades of red as the rest of you looked on in amusement as her brain shut down.

(Y/N): "Well I don't have the heart to say I was originally talking about (W/N) so we better go." You said as you followed Yang and Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: "Have fun you two."

Yang: "Don't do anything I would do!"

Blake: "Yea sure, have fun."

You closed the door as the three of you left, much to the Ice Queens delight.

Weiss: "Quickly or else it will leave without us!" She said as she started down the corridor, the three of you following after her.

Yang: "One might mistake Weiss as excited to go along with us."

(Y/N): "Well her alternative was hanging out with Jaune..."

Pyrrha: "He has seemed to taken a liking to her." She said happily.

Yang: "That she does not reciprocate." Pyrrha frowned slightly, disappointed for her friend.

(Y/N): "Anyway, what have we got planned for today? I hope not another shopping trip..."

Yang: "Why not? You seemed to enjoy the last one." She said with a smirk as your mind began to wander.

Pyrrha: "I wonder why... nevertheless I believe Weiss planned the majority of the first half of today."

Yang: "Yep and I planned the latter half when we give Ice Queen the slip and it's just us three."

(Y/N): "Yes or no. Will we have guns pointed at our faces as we enter the building?"

Yang: "You know it!"

Pyrrha: "Does that happen often?"

Yang: "More than you might think."

Weiss: "Just in time."

The three of you looked towards Weiss as you stepped onto the airship, you had all been so engrossed in conversation you hadn't realised you had caught up.

Going inside, the door sealing behind you, the four of you moved to a large window. You watched as the ground got further and further away as the airship took off effortlessly. Looking to the white haired girl next to her you smiled.

(Y/N): "So, Weiss, what have you got planned for us?"

Weiss: "Hmm? Oh yes, a number of things. Clothes shopping, a nice café I know for food and, to finish it off, wine tasting." This got yours and Yangs attention.

Pyrrha: "Oh, Weiss, I never knew you were into that sort of thing."

Weiss: "I will admit, I am not, it is more for you three's benefit." You raised an eyebrow confused. "I know I am imposing on your date and as such I would like to attempt to make it up to you all."

Yang: "Weiss you don't have-"

Weiss: "Not another word. It is my decision and the event has already been booked. Besides, it could be fun."

(Y/N): "Aww yea, nice Weiss strikes!"

Weiss: "Hmph."

Pyrrha: "So shopping first?"

Weiss: "Yes, but I'm not sure where..."

Yang: "I know a great place!"

(Y/N): "Run while you still can wallet!"

The three girls looked to you and saw you getting ready to throw your wallet out of the window, the four of you laughed as you sneakily slipped it back into your pocket.

Yang: "We didn't spend that much last time, did we?"

Pyrrha: "We didn't exactly go to the cheapest place..."

Weiss: "I will admit, some of the items were a tad ludicrous on price."

(Y/N): "Two years I'd been saving that, then poof. Gone, reduced to atoms."

Pyrrha: "I have been meaning to ask, where did you get all that money?"

(Y/N): "Oh, all over the place really. As me and my mentor travelled we picked up jobs along the way. He did most of the hard stuff but he was generous when dishing out the cuts... unless we were at a bar, then I could kiss my money goodbye."

Yang: "So what was it like? Out on the road I mean. It sounds awesome, just being able to go anywhere and do anything.

(Y/N): "Oh, it is. The amount of places you see is phenomenal, everywhere is different. No sunset is the same, each one is unique and just drop dead gorgeous, the way you can see the burning flames descend lower in the distance before vanishing like it had never been there, just never gets old." You noticed your encapsulated audience of three as you had been reminiscing into the distance. "Of course, not always the high-life out there, sometimes it's good to get back to civilisation. Especially if you travelled alone."

Weiss: "I thought you were with your mentor?" You looked to her with a smirk.

(Y/N): "I was, then he became enamoured with a woman. Had us going up and down the kingdoms for her until, one day, I end up on a small ship trying to escape Atlas forces because someone locked me out in a secure area... hell of a birthday..."

Pyrrha: "Wait, seriously?"

(Y/N): "Oh, yeah. Took about 3 or 4 months for us to find each other again. I bring it up time to time, just to annoy him."

Yang: "So... would you ever go travelling like that again?"

(Y/N): "Maybe, not as aimlessly though. I don't think I could do it alone again. What about you, Xiao got any Long trips in mind?" Pyrrha and Weiss groaned while Yang gave a nod of approval.

Yang: "Well travelling has always been what I wanted, just to go with the flow y'know. So that's what I'm gonna do after graduation, just go out and see what the world brings."

Weiss: "It seems to have brought us to our destination." She said as you all realised you had landed.

Yang: "I'll lead the way!" She said as she jumped up and began walking off excitedly, the three of you getting up to follow her.

{Le Timeskip brought to you by procrastination.}

You had been there for what couldn't have been more than an hour yet you had already died of boredom... sadly you came back and Pyrrha took away your gun for, allegedly, scaring the other customers.

So you were stuck, sat twiddling your thumbs, just waiting for anything to interrupt the mundaneness.

But nothing happened.

(Y/N): 'Why did I agree to come here anyway? I could be at an arcade, a bar or a store that's sells men's clothes. Hell, I'd even go for Port's less... no I wouldn't. I mean, if I have to come, they could at least value my opinion.'

You heard the shuffling of curtains and as you turned yor head up from the floor you'd been venting two you were greated with the sight of three attractive girls in swimwear.

(Y/N): 'Now I remember why I came along.'

[Jack: "But when did Weiss get breasts?"

Archer: "Shut up, that's when."]

(Y/N): "Does everyone on your tean just carry around slap on logos?" You deadpanned the three, much to Pyrrha's amusment.

Yang: "You mean you don't?"

Weiss: "Ruby got them for us... but she ordered way too many..."

Yang: "She tried to justify it by saying it was 'an amazing deal' and 'too good to pass up'."

Weiss: "Which roughly translates to 'I put an extra zero'."

(Y/N): "She didn't."

Yang: "Yep, she was dosed up on cookies... Actually, this was the same day we all hung out together. Didn't you buy her cookies?"

Weiss: "IT WAS YOU!"

(Y/N): "Pyrrha protect me!" You yelled jumping to hide behind the red head.

Weiss: "Do you know how long we had to deal with a hyperactive Ruby?!"

(Y/N): "36... E?"

Yang: "Crap..."

Weiss: "What? E?"

Pyrrha: "Wait, what's going on?"

Yang: "He, unfortunately, just guessed my cup size correctly..."

Pyrrha: "You did what?!"

(Y/N): "Well I was only given one guess, I had to make it count."

Weiss: "I'm sorry, 'given'?"

Yang: "Yea... We made a little bet about if he could figure it out before we left this shop-"

(Y/N): "Which I did."

Yang: "So, now I have to buy him any drink he wants later. And I was so close to winning too!"

Pyrrha: "Okay... but how did you guess correctly?"

(Y/N): "That is my secret. One that shall will stick with me till my next grave. Anyway, you three should probably change and pay, we have a cafe to go to and we definitely don't want to miss Weiss's reservations."

As if the thought of wine brought them to action, the three girls went into the changing rooms, quickly switching back to their regular attire while gathering their items. The four of you soon strolled out of the shop, three full bags being the fruit of an hours effort.

{Le Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Ruby poking Chibi Blake on the nose before running away.}

(Y/N): "I feel a tad... underdressed."

Looking around the luxurious waiting hall, as Weiss talked to the greeter at the front desk, you couldn't shake the air of prestigiousness that seemed to exude from the walls. Yang seemed to share your apprehension of the place, even sharing a glance of understanding with you. Neither of you fit into the establishment and you never intended to.

Weiss and Pyrrha on the overhand seemed right at home. The two were easily able to talk to the waiters with a formality you lacked. For Weiss, it was obvious, she probably came to one of these every week when she was a child, whether she drank was doubtful, so it was ingrained in her mind how to act in these places. Pyrrha, however, was a suprise as she didn't seem the type to frequent these places. Altough, the fame probably had something to do with that.

Yang: "I'm glad I'm not the only one..." You two shared a nervous smile amd a laugh.

Pyrrha: "Are you two coming?" You both turned to see Weiss walking after a waitress and Pyrrha standing in the door way.

Following quickly, you were all seated at a tall, round, polished, dark wood table, four stools on each side of it. Sitting down you had a cursory look around, seeing many couples and some other groups already well into their wine tasting but you also saw one man drowning himself with an expensive looking bottle beside a fire exit. You were snapped out of your thoughts however by Weiss.

Weiss: "Well then, isn't this nice."

(Y/N): "It's a bit... posh."

Weiss: "Well it is the best winery in Vale."

Pyrrha: "And we are very thankful that you invited us here. Aren't we?"

(Y/N): "Of course! I never say no to free alcohol." You felt a kick from under the table. "And it was very kind of you to do so."

Yang: "Yea, this place can't have been cheap."

Weiss: "I had more than enough saved up in my allowance for it. Anyway, we needn't worry ourselves with that, let's just enjoy ourselves." You all nodded in agreement.

Soon enough the first glasses of wine were served, the rich, blood-red, liquid was crystal clear through the glass cups. After a few words from the waiter about the brand and age of the wine, you all picked up the glasses and clinked them before each taking a sip.

(Y/N): "That's wine?" You asked, a grimace clearly visible on your face. "Must be an acquired taste..."

Pyrrha: "It has a rich texture and a lovely sweet aftertaste."

Yang: "Yeah what she said. Wait, you've done this kind of stuff before?"

Pyrrha: "A number of times, usually when someone is trying to seal a deal with me, depending on what it is."

(Y/N): "What did you think of it Weiss?"

Weiss: "Hmm?" She asked, looking up from the liquid she had been swivelling around in her cup. "Oh, it's excellent. The blend of grapes is outstanding and it's been aged to perfection. It is most likely one of the best we will have all night." She said with a seemingly forced smile.

Waiter: "You lovely ladies certainly have an eye for wine. That is one of our most frequently requested bottles. In fact I believe that was the last one we had for the day." He cleared the glasses when everyone was done drinking. "I shall bring out the next one for you shortly." He gave a curt bow and walked off to go collect the next bottle.

After a few more bottles the four of you had gotten into a routine. Pyrrha and Weiss would give their impressions on the wine, the taste, the texture, the aroma, before giving a final verdict. They'd then turn to you and Yang who were doing the equivalent of shitposting, making up random things on the spot to make up for your lack of knowledge.

You had just finished with another white wine when Pyrrha and Yang excused themselves to the toliet, leaving you and Weiss alone. That's when you caught her staring off into the distance with an almost sad face.

(Y/N): "Weiss, you okay?"

Weiss: "Oh, yes, sorry. I think all the wine is getting to me."

(Y/N): "Alright, I was just gonna say yoy were loo-"

You were cut off mid sentence as the sound of a bottle being smashed echoed from behind you. The noise made Weiss shoot up into a prim and proper posture as her face went pale before her worried and semi-terrified eyes met your own concerned ones and she instanly relaxed. Turning around for a second you saw another waiter had accidentally dropped a wine bottle he had been taking to another customer, the royal purple quickly staining the carpet. Looking back to Weiss you flashed her another concerned look before speaking.

(Y/N): "Weiss, are you sure you're okay?"

Weiss: "Of course I..." She let out a long sigh as she met eyes with you once more and leaned closer. "It's just... I don't have the fondest memories of wine..."

(Y/N): "Well, I'm not gonna tell any news outlets." You lightly joked before getting a little serious. "What happened?"

Weiss: "When I was ten, on my birthday, my father finally told my mother that the only reason he married her was for the Schnee name."

Your shocked face was enough to give her pause, making her own eyes widen as she revealed the truth to you. Quickly she looked around for any eavesdroppers, calming down after she found no one.

Weiss: "She fell into a depression, for days on end she wouldn't leave her room, refusing to come out for any reason. Then, eventually, she started drinking wine and for a bit she was back to her old self... until one day she had too much while playing with me..." She trailed off, her face becoming conflicted as she stared at the glass she had been clutching.

(Y/N): "I never did ask how you got thay scar..." She snapped to attention, a mix or rage and panic emanate on her face.

Weiss: "No, no!" She went quiet until the attention she had drawn dissipated. "That was something else. But it was nearly what happened." She set the glass down and laid her hands on the table. "I don't even know why I'm telling you all this."

(Y/N): "Maybe it's because I'm the first person to notice and to ask, sometimes all people want is someone to talk to." Laying your hands over hers you gave her a smile, that she returned with her own small one. "If you ever need to talk about that sort of stuff, I'm here for you. It also means I don't have to read your diary anymore." She rolled her eyes slightly amused by the comment.

Yang: "Can we not leave you alone for five minutes before you move onto the next girl?" You and Weiss turned to see Yang and Pyrrha approaching your table.

You felt Weiss pull her arms away, being slightly suprised by how cold your hands now felt. She crossed her arms, as if that meant she had never been holding hands with you, and pouted.

Weiss: "Yang, it's not like that. I would never go after this dolt."

Yang: "Oh, really? Well it looked like to me you couldnt keep your hands off him." She smirked at Weiss who went slightly red with embarrassment.

Weiss: "That's because he had his hands on top of mine!"

You tuned them out, knowing it wouldn't end soon enough, and tried to focus on something else. You watched with interest as the man you had been watching drown his sorrows earlier got up, stumbling slightly, after finishing off another bottle. He walked towards the emergency exit and forced it open while mumbling incoherently to himself before he went out, the staff not bothering to stop him.

Yang: "It's true isn't it (Y/N)?" You jumped in suprise as Yang faked hurt.

(Y/N): "Uhhh..."

Pyrrha: "Yang  leave them alone."

Yang: "Oh, come on Pyrrha, they know I'm just messing..."

Weiss: "Thank you."

Yang: "Yep, you two can open up about your relationship when you're good and ready." She beamed a grin making Pyrrha facepalm.

Weiss: "Yang I'm going to-"

She was silenced as five gunshots ripped through the noise of the winery sending everyone to an unsettling quiet in a second.

Immediately everyone, including the three girls you were with, ran outside to see what was happening. You however looked up at the roof and towards the emergency exit, quickly standing up and running towards it.
