IX. Captured

Eliza's POV

"Alfred do you know where my dad is?" I asked. "He is not here or in the Batcave so I'm assuming he's at the remains of Wayne Manor. Want to come?" Alfred said. "Of course." I said putting on my coat. Alfred was right we walked out of the house and across a field of dry crops. I looked up at the old manor that we used to live in. Now it's falling into pieces, colorless, and the doors and windows have fallen down letting leaves and animals go into the once beautiful manor.

Alfred and I walked inside and there he was, my dad standing inside the manor. "You know you can't win this. It's suicide." Alfred spoke. "I'm older now than my father ever was. This may be the only thing I do that matters." Dad said. "20 years of fighting criminals among nothing." Alfred said. "Criminals are like weeds Alfred, pull one out and another grows in it's place. This is about the future of the world it's about legacy. You know my father sat me down right here." Dad explained looking at the Wayne Manor crest that was in front of him on the floor.

"He told me what Wayne Manor was built on." Dad said. "Railroads, real estates and so on." Alfred said finishing his sentence. "First generation made their fortune trading with the French elk, skins, they were hunters." Dad said walking out. "I'm going for a walk Alfred." I said. "Okay miss I'll tell your father." Alfred said and I nodded. I left the old house and as I was walking down a path a car approached.

I started running and running knowing there was no possible way that could be any car. But soon I was cornered when two cars blocked my way. Men started hopping out of their cars and coming at me. I started attacking them, sending punches and kicks their ways. I took some of them down but I was exhausted and two of them were able to get a hold of my arms. "Let go of me. What the hell." I said as a person none other than Lex Luthor came out of one of the cars.

"Ah miss Eliza Wayne so glad to have caught you in the right moment." Lex said. "What are you doing? Let me go." I said. "I am so sorry. I am afraid I can't do that. No no. I've got something special planned for you." Lex said. "You are not going to get away with whatever you're planning." I said. "I already have." Lex said and I look at him confusingly. "Go ahead boys." Lex continued. I felt a cloth cover my mouth I smelled the horrendous odor as I blacked out.


3rd Person POV

Back in Metropolis the Batsignal could be seen from the other side of the city. After catching Lois and safely putting her on the ground Superman flew back up to the tower and stood in front of Lex Luthor. "Boy do we have problems up here." Lex said setting his timer. "The problem of evil in the world. The problem of absolute virtue." Lex continued. "I'll take you in without breaking you which is more than you deserve." Superman said.

"The problem is you on top everything else. You above all because that's what God is, Cora, Apollo, Jehovah, Kal-El. Clark Joseph Kent. See what we call god depends on our tribe Clark Joe, cuz God is tribal. God takes sides. No man in the sky intervened when I was a boy to deliver me from daddy's fist and abomination. I figured way back if God is all powerful he cannot be all good. And if he is all good then he cannot be all powerful and neither can you be." Lex explained.

"They need to see what you are with their eyes. The blood on your hands." Lex finished. "What have you done?" Superman asked. "And tonight they will yes because you my friend have a date across the bay right through his hate. Two years growing. It did not take much to push him over actually, little red notes, big bang, you let your family die! Eliza is next! And now you will fly to him and you will battle him to the death." Lex said.

"Black and blue. Fight night. The greatest gladiator match in the history of the world. God versus Man. Day versus Night. Son of Krypton versus Bat of Gotham." Lex said. "You think I'll fight him for you?" Superman asked. "Mmm yes I do. I think you will fight fight fight for that special lady in your life." Lex said. "Lois is only my friend and she's safe on the ground. How about you?" Superman said. "Close but I am not talking about Lois. You two are friends and that is boring." Lex said.

"Every boy's special lady is his mother but in your case it's Eliza." Lex said. Superman started walking towards him but Lex pulled out the pictures he had taken of Eliza. "Hmm Eliza, Eliza, Eliza. The girlfriend of a flying demon must be a witch, the punishment for witches is.. what is it? Oh yeah that's right death by fire." Lex said throwing the pictures of Eliza tied up at Superman and he smiled evilly watching Clark's sadness and desperation.

Superman looked at one of the pictures in his hand and anger flooded through his veins. "WHERE IS SHE?!" Superman exclaimed. His eyes were no longer blue, they were red, he activated his laser vision in anger. "I don't know! I would not let them tell me! Na ah ah." Lex said shaking his finger at Superman. "If you kill me Eliza dies. If you fly away...mm....Eliza also dies. But if you kill the bat Eliza lives." Lex said.

Superman forced his eyes to go back to normal. The red disappeared and he closed his eyes. "There we go and now god bends to my will." Lex said and Superman looked up at him in hatred. "Now the cameras are waiting at your ship for the world to see the holes and the holy. Yes the almighty comes clean about how dirty he is when it counts. To save Eliza bring me the head of the bat." Lex instructed.

Superman let the pictures of Eliza fly away with the wind of the helicopter. "Would you look at the time when you came here you had an hour now it's less." Lex said walking into his helicopter and flying away. Superman's blood raged with anger, knowing he would have to kill the bat, the father of his girlfriend. Did it really all have to come down to this?
