Comfort ❤️

Hawks POV- I was walking down the street on patrol while I was walking I overheard these younger teens talking about there favorite heroes and I didn't hear my named mentioned, but they did talk bad about me and it hurt so I ended patrol early and went home once I got home I raced into Dabi's arms I was so upset "Your home early Baby Boy what's wrong?" Dabi asked "These young teens were talking bad about me and it really hurt and I'm not even in their favorite hero list what I'm I doing wrong?" I asked upset "You aren't doing anything wrong Babe you are an amazing hero those kids just don't know it yet and they don't see you like I do and don't listen to them you are the best hero I've ever seen." Dabi said   as he kissed me on the forehead "You always know how to make me feel better thank you Love." I said   "It's my job to comfort you it's my favorite part of the job besides being your husband that is." Dabi said so I popped out of his chest giving him a kiss after I stopped I said "I'm staying here with you patrol can wait until later."  "I love the sound of that Babe." Dabi said as he held me really close to him and I felt so much comfort it made me really loved and happy I have the best husband ever in Dabi 💙
