Daire Passed out Like Jason Grace

Daire's head felt heavy and her mouth was dry. She tried to recall what she last remembered which was Lydia's bloody body and Peter's Cheshire smile.

"Aw, don't feel bad," Daire heard Peter tell Stiles from the passenger seat. "If they live, they will become werewolves. They will become incredibly powerful."

Daire struggled to sit up from her lying position in the back of the jeep.

"Yeah and once a month, both of them are going to go out of their freaking minds trying to tear us apart." Stiles snapped.

Daire tugged on the suite jacket she was now wearing, trying to piece together what had happened since she passed out like Jason Grace.

"Well," Peter said. "Considering she's a woman... twice a month."

"A PMS joke? That's the best you could come up with? Very funny Mr. Two-face" Daire muttered finally sitting up.

No one spoke, the tension within the car increased now that she was awake. A few minutes later Stiles pulled into a parking lot. Having been unconscious (like a certain demigod) Daire had no idea where they were but Peter and Stiles got out of the jeep. As Daire climbed over to get out, Peter grabbed Stiles roughly, dragging him over to another car.

Daire rushed over as Peter pulled out a set of keys.

"So whose lovely vehicle have you stolen?" she asked, standing next to Stiles.

"It belonged to my nurse," Peter replied, going to open the cars trunk.

"What happened to you- oh my God!" Stiles yelled as Peter flipped open the trunk. Daire let out a small gasp.

The nurse that had attacked her and Stiles the other day was laying dead as a doornail in the trunk. Peter moved her arm, grabbing a large green bag. He shoved it at Stiles without a sound. Daire looked between Stiles and Mr. Crazy pants her forehead crinkled in confusion.

Peter apparently sensing their confusion as well as discomfort, answered with a simple, "I got better."

He shut the trunk with a loud thump before ripping the bag back from Stiles. Peter placed it on the back of the car, pulling out a laptop. Daire at a complete loss for words watched as he opened the laptop and turned it on. Peter then began rummaging through the bag again when Stiles scoffed.

"Good luck trying to get a signal out here," he told Peter. The alpha than handed him a small box. "Oh, my fi. Great. And you're a Mac guy. Does that go for all werewolves or just personal preference?"

Daire smiled; at least one of them could make sarcastic comments when they needed them.

"Get connected," Peter snapped.

Stiles sighed, flipping the Wi-Fi box over for the code. He started to type it in. "You're really killing the whole werewolf mystique here. And besides, you still need Scott's username and password and I'm sorry, but I don't know them."

Peter seemed to scoff at his statement. "Both of you know them."

"No, I don't," Stiles replied adamantly.

Peter laughed sarcastically. "Even if I couldn't hear the heart beat of you and Kitten, I'd still know you were lying."

"Oh my Mavis! I don't know them!" Daire yelled fed up with the alpha and his stupid nickname. She didn't even see it coming. Peter stuck out a hand, grabbed Stiles at the back of the neck and slammed it on the trunk of the car.

"Holy shit!" she shouted, as he pressed Stiles face harder into the metal.

"I can be very persuasive, Stiles," Peter said. He turned Stiles' head, forcing him to look at Daire. He sent another evil Cheshire smile in her direction "Don't make me persuade Kitten too, I've already bitten her."
Looking Stiles in the eyes, he gave her a slight nod. "I'll right I'll type in the stupid password just don't leave a Stiles sized indent in the car." She grumbled reaching at the laptop.

"You're... you're going to kill people, aren't you?" Stiles asked once Peter let him go.

"Only the responsible ones."

Stiles looked at Daire then back at Peter, "Look, if we do this, you have to promise to leave Scott out of this."

"Do you know why wolves hunt in packs? It's because their prey are too large to take down alone. I need Derek and Scott. I need both of them."

" H-he.. wont help you," Stiles stuttered.

"Oh he will," Peter replied. "Because it will save Allison. And you two will because it will save Scott. Your best friend, whom you know so well that you even have his username and password."

" Well I'm just going off of a wild guess here, but if you already have Derek and Scott why the hell did you bite me?" Daire asked still typing.

"Username and password." Peter snapped.

"Pushy" Daire groaned as she typed in the username.

"His user name is Allison?" Peter asked, looking at the computer screen intently. Daire typed in the password. "His password is also Allison?"

"Still want him in your pack?" Stiles asked moving behind Daire, "That's where they're keeping him?"

Daire looked at the GPS. "Why the hell is my family keeping him in his own house?"

"Not at it, under it. I know where he is," Peter smiled, closing the laptop.

All of the sudden Daire heard a howl echo through the parking lot, "What the hell?"

Peter sent her a small smile, "And I'm not the only one. You heard it too didn't you, Kitten?"

Daire took a painful swallow, pushing the sleeve of Stiles jacket up to reveal healthy pink skin where Peter's painful bite was.

"Give me your keys." Daire looked up to see that Peter had placed the laptop and bag in the car.

Stiles groaned but grabbed his keys out of his pocket. "Be careful. She grinds on second."

Once Peter had the keys, he merely clenched them in his hands. Held them back out, the metal now bent at odd angles.

"So that's it? You're not going to kill us?" Stiles asked grabbing his keys.

Peter sighed, turning back to them. "Why would I turn Daire just to kill her? Don't you get it Stiles? I'm not the bad guy here."

"You turn into a giant monster with red eyes and fangs and you're not the bad guy here?" Stiles asked incredulously. Daire had to give him props for the sarcasm.

"I like you Stiles. And since you helped me, I'm going to give you something in return. Do you want the bite?" Peter looked at Stiles intently.

Stiles' eyes widened. His shock evident, "What?"

"Do.... You.. Want... the bite?" Peter sighed, speaking slower. "If it doesn't kill you- and it could- you'd become like us."

"Glad to know that I had a fifty fifty chance when you decided to clamp your chompers into my arm. Thanks for the heads up" Daire sassed back.

"Like... you?" Stiles asked. Daire shocked, was this dimwit actually considering this?

" I have plans for you Kitten, I wasn't concerned you wouldn't survive. And yes a werewolf," Peter snapped. "Would you like me to draw you a picture? That first night, I took Scott in the woods because I needed a pack. It could have easily been you. You'd be every bit as powerful as him. No more standing by his side, watching him become stronger and quicker, more popular, watching him get the girl. You'd be equals."

Stiles stood there as if he was contemplating it. Daire was frozen in shock; did he actually think he wasn't Scott's equal? Sure Scott was Batman but they were Batgirl and Robin!

Peter sighed but grabbed Stiles' arm. "Yes or no?"

Stiles stared intently, his hazel eyes wide. He was actually considering it. Daire gulped absently rubbing her newly healed flesh, praying that he would say no.

Peter smirked and began to extend his fangs. Just as he went to bite Stiles' wrist, he yanked it back, a serious look on his face.

"I don't wanna be like you."

Peter glared, fangs contracting. "Do you know what Daire and I heard just then? Your heart beating slight faster over the words I don't want. You may believe that you're telling the truth, but you're lying to yourself. Goodbye Stiles."

He got into his dead nurse's car and drove away without another word.

"Well goodbye bad guy. So Robin shall we go save our friends?" Daire asked turning back to her friend with a smile on her face.

Stiles looked down at the brunette a ghost of a smile playing on his lips, "Let's go save their asses Batgirl."


Hello my lovelys!! Another chapter is done and only 2 more to go!!! I hope you all have enjoyed reading about Daire and I hope you continue reading because her story is about to become a hell'uv a lot more complicated thanks to Peter. As always please vote and comment I would love to hear what you think!! Until next time!!

