Batgirl hates chemistry

" Have you heard from Scott?" Stiles asked Daire as they sit in the one class where both the course and teacher hate her, chemistry. 

      " Nope, I'm pretty sure he and Allison ditched school for her birthday" she told him looking over her shoulder to catch a glimpse at Isaac.

" Daire, stop staring at Isaac! We have to talk about what happened last night," he said glaring at her.

      " I'm NOT staring and what's there to talk about? I stole some DVD's, have your dad arrest me if your so upset about it" she told him fighting the urge to smack the back of his head.

Before Stiles could argue, Mr. Harris began speaking; does this guy just love the sound of his voice or something?  " Just a reminder. Parent teacher conferences are tonight. Students below a C average will be required to attend," he began walking towards Daire oh joy. "I won't name you because the shame and self-disgust should be enough punishment." He said staring at her like she gives a shit.  " Has anyone seen Scott McCall?" Harris looks at Stiles then returns his gaze to Daire, guessing that they would know where Scotty McCall would be. The class door opened.

      Jackson walked over to his seat and sat down.

"Jackson, if you need to leave for any reason, you let me know," Harris told him.

      Stupid Harris giving Jackass special treatment, Daire was there too and she gets zip zero nada! Stupid chemistry.

" Everyone, continue reading chapter nine," Harris announces to the class. "

Mr. Stilinski, try putting the high lighter down between paragraphs. It's chemistry. Not a coloring book."

      Stiles spat out the highlighter into the air and caught it. Rolling her eyes she starts to read chapter nine.

" Hey Danny, can I ask you a question?" Stiles mumbled.


" Well, I'm going to anyways. Did Lydia show up in your homeroom today?"

      Danny sighed, "No"

"Can I ask you another question?"

      " Answers still no."

" Does anyone know what happened to her and Jackson last night?" Stiles asked him.

      Danny shot him a look, " Daire was there too"

" Danny just answer him or he won't shut up," she told him not looking up from the textbook.

      Danny let out another sigh, " He wouldn't tell me."

" But, he's your best friend" Stiles responded confused.

      " One more question," Stiles, continued

" What?" Danny-boy snapped.

      "Do you find me attractive?"

Daire burst out laughing dropping her textbook as Stiles fell out of his chair.

      " God you're such an idiot" she told him trying to calm down.

" I'll try his cell again," Daire told Stiles. It was now sixth period and she finally got so fed up with Stiles bugging her to call Scott she finally caved in.

    " What?" Scott asked as he finally picked up.

" About time," Daire sighed into the phone. " Did you get any of stiles messages? He's been driving me absolute nuts trying to get a hold of you"

      " Yeah, he sent about nine million of them" He groaned.

Stiles snatched her cell out of her hand. " Do you have any clue what's going on here? Lydia's MIA, Jackson looks like a ticking time bomb, Daire face planted in blood last night and you have to do something about it!"

      The boys continued to talk over the phone before Stiles handed back her cell.

" So Robin, what are us sidekicks gonna do now since Batman is off with Catwoman?" she asked.

      " Well Batgirl, we are going to talk to a witness "

" Thank you again for letting us see her, Ms. Martin," Daire told Lydia's mom as they walked up the stairs.

        "Of course dear, It's probably good for Lydia to have some visitors," she smiled at the two teens before opening Lydia's bedroom door. Laying on her bed in a short blue nightgown was Lydia. She looked horrible.

" Honey, Daire and Stiles are here to see you" He mom told her gently.

" What the hell is a stiles?" Lydia groaned. Daire tried really hard not to giggle.

" She, uh, took a little something to ease her nerves. You can go in," She told them before leaving and going back down stairs.

" Hey Lydia," Daire said walking up to her bed.

" What are you doing here?" she asked.

" We were making sure you were okay," Stiles said glancing at the strawberry blonde.

She slowly sat up, "why?" she patted her bed, urging Stiles to take a seat.

            Stiles automatically sat down, Daire gave the two a look before she joined them on the bed.

" Because we were, uh, worried about you," he responded concern lacing his words, " How are you feeling?"

            " I feel.....Fantastic," she replied, leaning in really close to Stiles face. His eyes widened as her lips were only a few inches away from his, what the? She sat back causing her curls to bounce.

Daire sighed as an orange bottle caught her eye. She got up off her bed to pick it up off of Lydia's nightstand. Reading the label, Daire put the bottle back and crouched down next to Lydia. " I bet you can't say ' I saw Suzy sitting in a shoe shine shop' ten times fast"

            " I shaw Shuzy," she tried. Stiles and Daire laughed. " I shaw... I saw.."

"Lydia what did you see?" Stiles asked her.

"Something," she murmured.

"Something like, a mountain lion?" Daire asked her.

"A mountain lion," she repeated Daire.

Stiles looked at the girl, " Are you saying that's what you saw or because that's what the police told you?"

"A mountain lion," she repeated again.

Daire grab the stuffed animal giraffe off of her table. " Lyd, what's this?"

"A mountain lion"

" You are SO drunk," Daire muttered as Lydia's face landed in Stiles lap.

Stiles started shaking and let out a breath, Idiot.

            " Stiles, I think we should go now" Daire said, " We'll let you get back to the whole post-traumatic stress thing" they almost shut the door.

" Stay," she mumbled.

            Stiles opened the door, " Stay? Me stay?"

"Mmhmm," she smiled, yep she's defiantly not sober.

            Daire's fellow sidekick practically sprinted back to Lydia.

" Stay," she mumbled to him, stroking his face.

            Stiles looked like he was having the time of his life and Daire tried to contain her laughter.

"Please, Jackson stay," Lydia begged.

            That was it Daire burst out laughing, Stiles face showed that he was not liking the turn of events, "and we're done here."

Lydia's cell beeped.

            "I got it Romeo," Daire told Stiles.

Quickly she unlocked her phone, but the message was horrifying.

            She handed it to Stiles. He looked up, wide-eyed.

It was a video of the Alpha, smashing through the video store's window.


        " So, what the hell do we do with the video?" Stiles asked Daire.

He was currently driving her back home because of stupid parent teacher conferences, " I don't know, we should ask Scott when he graces us with his ' godlike presence' " she told him.

            He pulled up and parked in front of her house. " Alright, I'll text you later okay?"

Daire gave him a thumbs up and got out of his jeep walked into her house, prepared to avoid Chris and Victoria when they come back from parent teacher conferences. Stupid chemistry.

Hello my lovely's! I just wanted to thank you guys so much Count my Scars has reached 3k!! I'm so happy and thankfull you guys have taken the time to read about Daire. It means a lot to me. SO here's a new chapter! I hope you guys like it and as always vote and comment! I would love to hear what you think!  Also would you guys want me to make an It could be for me or Daire, a few other writers are doing it, and i think it could be fun, Until next time! 
