Chapter 11 Death and marriage

After the proposal that (Y/n) performed last night, he and Emily displayed their immense affection and affinity towards one another. Letting the night run it's course, they soon found themselves falling asleep in each other's arms on the park bench. Emily kept her hood on, just to be sure any visitors of the park that came by didn't see her fully and notice she is a corpse. Regardless of what happened last night, their passion towards each other has reached a new high, for they soon were to wed. A dream Emily was stripped of, but was alas to relive. Whereas (Y/n), a young man who found his heart broken in two had it repaired by Emily, and is now finding being with her to fill the void that remained in his life, no matter how short it was to be because of his sudden tuberculosis fate he faced.

Awakening from their snowy slumber in the central park of this lonely town, Emily was the first to open her eyes. Adjusting them to take in the white surroundings made by the coat of snow, she tilted her head to find herself resting against (Y/n). 

Emily: "Good morning my future husband."

A sweet gentle voice belonging to Emily whispered up to him. Yet, no response was returned. Emily simply took it as that he was still sleeping.

Though, the more Emily held and leaned against (Y/n), the sooner she realized that she felt no heartbeat.

Emily: "(Y/n)...?"

Raising her slender, skeletal hand, she grazed her long fingers, the beautiful blue shining as she trickled her hand along (Y/n)'s cheek, she turned his head so she could get a better view of him. 

What she saw, she knew, it happened.

(Y/n)'s appearance was vastly different from when she first laid her eyes on him. Instead of his fair skin, full of life, she slowly saw it become more pale as the days passed. Though now, what she saw, was that young (Y/n), her soon to be husband, was now the same color as Emily. A deep ghastly color of blue mixed with gray. His cheeks now gaunt and his hair matching a similar tint of blue, yet darker. 

Young (Y/n), had died.

A moment of silence was held, for his cold lifeless body, eyes closed, body stiff rested against the park bench. Light snow fell upon his body, and on Emily as well. Death had finally taken ahold on him, the tuberculosis has won. Though, despite death winning in the end, a loss wouldn't be marked on either of their scoreboards.

Emily: "Oh (Y/n), you can stop teasing me now."

A smile began to form not only on (Y/n)'s face, but also on Emily's. 

(Y/n): "Hehe, couldn't help myself."

Emily: "When did you find out?"

(Y/n): "I woke up a bit ago and saw my blue hands and didn't feel awful anymore."

Emily: "Hmm. I'm... I'm sorry you're... dead now..."

(Y/n): "At least I went in my sleep, and even better, at least I went with you by my side."

Emily: "I'm glad that it didn't hurt, you know, passing. But I'm even more glad that you aren't in any more pain. Seeing you suffer with that awful disease made me so sad, so much so that in all honesty... I couldn't wait for you to die.... to not feel any more pain I mean hehe."

(Y/n): "Miss Emily... you wanted me to die?"

Emily: "J-just so you wouldn't be in pain anymore! I-"

(Y/n): "Haha, don't worry. I know what you meant."

Emily: "Oh you and your teasing of little ol' me... and it's mrs. not miss anymore."

(Y/n): "You're absolutely right. Though I doubt that having a wedding in this town is going to be easy, especially when it's two dead people."

Emily: "Not to worry! I never really talked about it, but since you're dead now, I can take you."

(Y/n): "Take me? Take me where?"

Emily: "Allow me to show you, my future husband."

Setting up from the bench, Emily offers her slender hand, in which (Y/n) takes graciously, enjoying it's feel. Holding closely to Emily, a rumble began to make it's presence. Looking downwards, (Y/n) saw that the dirt below their feet was slowly dragging them both down. 

(Y/n): "Wha... What's going on?"

Emily: "We're going home."

Soon their knees were engulfed by the trembling dirt. Emily used her free hand to grab the wedding dress bag that rested near the bench, making sure not to forget it. Now with their entire lower body buried in this phenomena, (Y/n) was a bit afraid as to where exactly this "home" Emily described was. Within a blink of an eye, they were quickly pulled within the Earth. 

Closing his eyes as they were dragged to the deepest reaches of the Earth, his mind raced with where he was headed. Was it Hell? Was it Heaven? Was it simply where the dead would go when they passed? His questions would be delivered and more when the rumbling stopped.

Emily: "Open your eyes my love."

Opening only one eye, (Y/n) was shocked and overwhelmed at what he witnessed. All around him, far and wide, were other people, clearly dead just like himself and Emily. Many would have the same pigmentation like he and Emily, pale blue, their eyes pale and some yellow. Looking around more, others would just be full on skeletons, and even some were just decapitated heads. Truly a scene of horror, but meeting Emily had tamed his emotions of fear towards the undead. 

(Y/n): "Wha... what is this place?"

Emily: "The land of the dead. When I died I too shared your confusion, but do not worry, I will be by your side guiding you all around it."

(Y/n): "The land of the dead? So everyone who has died is... here?"

Emily: "Mhm, my parents, my friends, everyone."

(Y/n): "Mom... Dad..."

Emily quickly remembered that (Y/n) had lost his parents when he was younger. No doubt he would want to find them as soon as possible. 

Emily: "I'm sure we can find them. All we have to do is go to the receptionist and find their last names and where they are resting at. Come, I can show you the way."

(Y/n): "Wait... that can wait, I'm dead, I have all the time in the world now. We have a marriage to perform."

Truly, inside Emily was squealing with joy and happiness. The never ending sweetness (Y/n) gave her was what she had always wanted in a romance. 

Emily: "A-are you sure?"

(Y/n): "Very, though I would love for them to be here for the wedding, so let's invite them and your parents as well."

Emily: "We would still need to talk to the receptionist to do that, we can tell them to invite them while we prepare."

(Y/n): "Then let us get underway."

Reaching out, Emily extended her hand, wanting (Y/n) to take it. Without hesitation, he took it and prepared to venture into his new realm, the land of the dead.

So together, Emily guided (Y/n) along the streets of the land of the dead. It was like it's own little utopia, filled with buildings and establishments. (Y/n) found himself awestruck, taking in every little detail that he passed along the way. Emily held on tightly to his hand, not having intention of letting go, while her other hand held onto the bag that carried her new wedding dress. (Y/n) was overwhelmed by what he was looking at. Skeletons, zombies, and all sorts of undead people crowded the streets, and despite being obviously scary, the atmosphere in this undead world was beautiful. 

After reaching the receptionist office, they entered in to find a small undead girl, wearing glasses, hearing them both enter in.

Receptionist: "Ah! Hello, can I help you two? Oh Emily? Is that you?"

Emily: "Yes Donna, how are you?"

Receptionist: "Fine! I was wondering when you'd return, you had been gone for days."

Emily: "Well this man right here is the reason."

Receptionist: "Oh? Who is this then?

Emily: "My groom to be."

Flaunting her ring to Donna, the blue shimmer shined it's beautiful and intoxicating glow. 

Receptionist: "Oh my word! You're two are going to get married!?"

Emily: "Yes! I'm so happy with him. Which is why we're here. We want you to invite our friends and family. You already know my folks, so if you could invite them."

Receptionist: "Oh of course! Right away, they will be so happy, as for you, you lucky young man, what is your last name so I can invite your folks."

(Y/n): "My last name.... it's (L/n)...."

Stuck in a frozen state of mind, (Y/n) was feeling so many emotions at once, for soon he would be reunited with his parents, and at his wedding nonetheless.

Receptionist: "(L/n), alright! So soon Emily you will be Mrs. (L/n), oh I'm so happy for you deary!"

Standing up from her little desk, she would move over to the nearest window and use the paper she wrote both their names on and use a spell of sorts to cast it into the air. The paper then tore apart, flying in all directions, a trail of green following it like a tail. It was quite arcane, and (Y/n) liked the beauty of it. 

Receptionist: "Done! When will the wedding be?"

Emily: "As soon as we can have it."

Receptionist: "At once? I shall send word to the church, oh I cannot express how happy I am for you deary! He seems like a nice young man."

Emily: "The best."

(Y/n) heard Emily whisper those two words, and was snapped out of his overwhelmed emotion. His dream was to come true, along with Emily's. They were to be wed, and even better, he is to have his parents witness his marriage.

Next place to visit was the church that the receptionist Donna was talking about. The church itself was worn out, very ill kept, but being in the land of the dead, their standards were clearly not as maintained as the living. Regardless, young Emily and (Y/n) did not care where their wedding would take place, just as long as they were together.

Entering in, they saw others sitting in the pews, praying and keeping silent to themselves. The church itself was beautiful, in a morbid and deadly way. The stained glass was a beautiful mix of green, blue and red. It shined beautifully on Emily, making her look even more breathtaking than she already was to (Y/n).

Entranced by her elegance, (Y/n) stayed a bit behind, enjoying every step Emily took as she reached the pastor, who was praying on the podium that stayed at the top center of the church. The pastor was a skeleton in form, even sporting a beard, for he must have passed at an old age.

Emily approached the pastor, speaking softly as to not startle him in his prayer. 

Emily: "Excuse me, Elder Gutknecht?"

Elder Gutknecht: "Hmmm?"

Adjusting his small glasses that he wore, he looked up from his book and looked down at Emily, smiling at seeing her safely return home.

Elder Gutknecht: "Ah, dear Emily. It is well to see you back home safe, what brings you to me might I ask?"

Emily: "So good to see you again, and I wish to marry!"

Elder Gutknecht: "Marry? Marry whom?"

Before Emily could speak, (Y/n) stepped forth and decided to introduce himself on his own, for Emily had been doing that ever since he arrived in the land of the dead.

(Y/n): "She shall marry me, (Y/n) (L/n)."

Elder Gutknecht turned his head slowly to face down at (Y/n), looking down at him, inspecting him thoroughly like a homework assignment. Silence befell them both, even Emily herself was a little nervous from the intense stare down the Elder was giving (Y/n). Thought, after a bit, he nodded in approval, even giving a subtle smile as he stared at (Y/n).

Elder Gutknecht: "Ah, a strapping young lad. You chose well Emily. I would happily reside over your wedding."

Emily and (Y/n): "Really?"

Emily: "Oh thank you Elder! Can we have it tonight? We already invited everyone and I got the wedding dress and-"

Elder Gutknecht: "Slow down young Emily, of course we can have it today, it would be our honor. You deserve it after all. Do go and prepare yourself young lady, for I must speak privately to your groom."

Emily: "Oh... okay! I shall change at once! Oh (Y/n), this is going to be the best day of our afterlife!"

(Y/n): "First day dead and I'm getting married, I can't wait. Now go on and get changed, I'll see if I can find a suit as well."

Emily: "Alright!"

With that said and exchanged, Emily quickly rushed and hugged (Y/n), before running off with the wedding dress bag, off to prepare for the happiest day of her life. Something she never got to fully experience or enjoy. (Y/n) remained however, for the Elder needed to have a few words with him.

Elder Gutknecht: "You are to wed young Emily. I'm sure you are aware of her past?"

(Y/n): "Yes sir, she told me about her heartbreak and I can guarantee to you that I will not repeat her tragic history."

Elder Gutknecht: "Then heed my words young man, I have not seen her glow this brightly in so long, for she seems very content with you. It is quite a beautiful image to behold. You seem like a trustworthy young man. How come I have not seen you around?"

(Y/n): "Well sir... I actually died this morning..."

Elder Gutknecht: "And yet you are to wed Emily? You've barely known her for not even a day and she has fallen so deeply in love with you?"

(Y/n): "No, actually it's a long story..."

A long conversation was held between Elder Gutknecht and (Y/n), discussing how this romance with Emily came to be. Listening intently and not letting any details slip, the Elder was surprised at Emily's temporary resurrection into the mortal world, but he had remembered that he himself is a walking and talking skeleton. The more (Y/n) spoke fondly of Emily, talking about how much he cared and grew to love her touched the Elder's heart. Truly the Elder soon rid his mind of any doubts that (Y/n) wouldn't be fit to marry Emily. 

(Y/n) was a perfect choice for her.

Elder Gutknecht: "I have heard enough, you have not only my blessing, but with how you present and show your affection towards young Emily, her family as well will be relieved that you are not like her previous, Lord Barkis."

(Y/n): "Far from him, yet unfortunately I died the same way he did."

Elder Gutknecht: "Tuberculosis, quite the deadly way to go. Yet it has been some time since we begun speaking young man. You've yet to equip yourself with a proper attire for your wedding."

(Y/n) would look down at his current outfit, seeing it was the outfit he purchased at the tailor a day ago. He should have purchased a suit rather than just replacing his coat and shirt, but it seemed too late for that now.

Elder Gutknecht: "Do not worry young man, we have our very own tailor down here. A young woman who has been making suits here for the citizens of the land of the dead."

(Y/n): "I would really appreciate that, where can I find her?"

Elder Gutknecht: "She is actually right over there, in the pews. The one with a purple coat."

Turning around, (Y/n) saw the woman, she looked young, nearly as young as (Y/n) himself. Nodding at Elder Gutknecht, he asked that if it took longer than usual, to inform Emily that he is acquiring a suit. Approaching the middle row pew, (Y/n) stared down at her praying, and felt a little awkward having to interrupt her prayer, but a wedding was to be had and wanted to look his absolute best for Emily.

(Y/n): "Excuse me, young lady?"

The young lady opened an eye, looking up to see (Y/n) towering over her. She slowly turned her head towards him, staring him up and down with her pale yellow undead eyes. A small smile quickly formed on her face as she in a rush, stood up from the pew and tilted her head left and right, getting a better view of (Y/n).

Jessica: "Why, who might you be? I'm Jessica! You look new here! Well, I am too in a way... but even so, what brings a handsome guy like you to me?"

(Y/n): "I was told you can procure me a suit, you see, I'm getting married today."

Jessica: "Aw... you're taken? Drats. Oh well! Sure I can make you a suit! I've been doing that a lot down here anyway, not that I'm getting paid for it, but money is worthless down here, but even so, I enjoy making the guys down here happy with my suits and dresses and such! What were we talking about? Oh yeah! A suit for you, follow me! I got a few already made that I think you may like! Just stay close, like a shadow and I'll show you to my little shop!"

Young Jessica certainly had an aura about her which was very energetic. Making their way out of the church, Jessica and (Y/n) would shuffle through the crowded streets of the land of the dead. Along their short journey, (Y/n) would keep his eyes peeled for any one who he may have knew back when he and they were alive. No such luck, but really all he cared for reuniting with was his parents, and soon he would be, and on the happiest day of his life no less.

Jessica reached her tailor shop, a small box shaped room that was littered in apparel and tools. As Jessica rushed over to where she kept the suits, (Y/n) stood near the entrance, awaiting the selection she would bring out.

Jessica: "Alright I got only two at the moment, they're made for weddings! I personally like this one, but again the choice is yours!"

(Y/n): "They're great, though, if I had to choose. I'll take this one."

Pointing at the dark black suit, it had a navy blue vest underneath, along with a light blue bowtie. Accompanied by a blue rose that was pinned near the chest. (Y/n) decided this was the best choice since it matched Emily's blue ring.

Jessica: "Great choice! It looks like it will fit you, go head and try it on."

(Y/n): "With you watching?"

Jessica: "Oh! Sorry, I'll turn around."

(Y/n): "I mean if you have a changing room I can put it on in...."

Jessica: "Look at this small place, we have no dressing rooms, go on and change quickly, you're getting married today! I won't look I promise."

Seeing her point, (Y/n) waited for her to turn around and once she was, he begun to change into the suit. Along the way, Jessica would casually and secretly sneak in peeks of (Y/n) changing, hoping he wouldn't notice.

Once it was all said and done, the suit (Y/n) now donned, fit perfectly.

(Y/n): "It's perfect, snug and comfortable. I could wear it all day if I could."

Jessica: "Mmmm, oh yeah! It looks fantastic on you. I think I did a good job. I mean of course I did! I learned all this stuff from my dad!"

(Y/n): "Your dad?"

Jessica: "Mhm! When I was alive, he and I ran a tailor shop, but I got sick with some kind of disease and now here I am. To think I was going to be the new owner too... I miss him, hope he is doing alright."

This was the daughter that the tailor that (Y/n) bought the wedding dress from belonged to. A tear wanted to escape (Y/n)'s eye, but since he was now dead, crying was a thing of the past. He had such a wonderful encounter with Jessica's father, so much so that without a thought, (Y/n) went up and hugged Jessica, which she melted into. Though curiosity did pop up as to why young (Y/n) was hugging her out of the blue.

(Y/n): "Your father is so proud of you, I can assure  you."

Jessica herself found an emotion of sadness overtaking her. She missed her father, but to continue his and her dream even in death, she knew (Y/n) was right when he said that her father was proud of her. 

Letting go of the hug, (Y/n) nodded and bowed, thanking her for the suit he was to now be married in. Along the lines, (Y/n) invited young Jessica to the wedding, for it was to be underway very soon. Without a doubt, Jessica accepted the invite immediately. He didn't mention it, but (Y/n) and Emily, were to be wed in both a wedding dress and suit, that Jessica and her father had made. A beautiful act of their kindness that will never be forgotten. 

The wedding was to be beautiful, and the time was near, for (Y/n) to reunite with those he held dear.

The love of his new afterlife was Emily the bride.

A feeling of passion was held deep inside.

Now a marriage of two lovers, both young and and full of delight.

Was to occur, in the land of the dead, tonight.
