Chapter 42

Guys, I made icing just to eat it.

I have a problem.


Let me just tell you, a six hour plane ride with an incredibly moody Sinister, is awful.

Apparently this politician guy we were meeting, was trying to raise the yearly bribe money that the Russian Mafia payed him. Sinister did not like that, at all.

Also, I was still slightly pissed at Sinister from last night, the little bastard was enjoying my jealous tantrum all too much.

We brought Sebastian with us, as well as six other body guards, Sebastian was the only thing keeping me sane at the moment.

I felt the jet dip as we began our descent.

"So Darlin', why are you so keen on seeing Rachel?" Sebastian asked, as he sat next to me on the couch of Sinisters jet.

"I'm her best friend. I don't need a reason for wanting to see her." I stated.

Sebastian, like Sinister, was wearing an entirely black suit. His bleached blonde hair was gelled down professionally, he wore a glittering white watch on his left wrist, the massive watch covered his Mafia tattoo.

"You look very...professional." I commented, watching as he straightened out the collar of his shirt.

He phased flattery, "Why, thank you gorgeous. You look nice, except for the fact that I can totally see the gun you have shoved inside your jacket pocket."

I groaned, "Fucking shit. I was trying to be subtle."

He shrugged, "Why don't you just put it in your bra?"

"Oh that's a great idea. But wait, how about I just staple it to my vagina?" I gave him a playful shove.

"That hurt." He pouted, holding his heart as he pulled out a small compact mirror to check his reflection.

"Oh my god." I groaned as I watched him fix his hair, not even bothering to adress the fact that he had a compact mirror shoved in his pocket.

I gripped the sides of my seat as I felt the jet touch down onto the runway.

The second that the roaring engine hushed and the plane halted to a stop, Sinister walked past me.

"Let's get this over with." He sighed, fastening a watch over his wrist, covering his mafia tattoo.

I frowned, "Why are you guys dressed like that anyways?"

Sinister looked down at me, "We're trying to be subtle with the fact that we're in the Mafia. It doesn't look good for sketchy looking people walking into the office building of a senator."

"Oh yeah, and having 6 body guards is super subtle." I stood from my seat.

"Here" Sinister pulled out a gold Versace watch and fastened it over my wrist, covering my Mafia tattoo.

"Oh my god, baby you shouldn't have!" I squealed as I admired the very expensive looking watch.

Sinister shook his head, as the door to the jet opened and we all stepped out.

The cold breeze stung my cheeks as I wrapped my coat tighter around myself and stepped into the Rolls-Royce that was awaiting us.


Politicians really know how to do it. The office building was fancy as fuck, with glass windows surrounding the exterior, and marbled flooring.

There were police officers everywhere, and I felt myself tense every time I made contact with one. I was thankful for my large coat I had around my shoulders, without it, it would be incredibly obvious I was carrying a gun.

Our little posse was pretty hard to go unnoticed. 6 massive men, all in the same uniform, surrounding one powerful looking dude, a dork, and a teenage girl.

"This way, please." An assistant motioned towards Sinister as she led us down a massive hallway.

We stopped outside a door labeled "Senator Broder" and walked inside to see a very spacious office, with windows all around, two leather couches, and a long oak desk that screamed power.

Sinister motioned for our guards to stay posted outside.

A man greeted us, he wore a well-tailored grey suit, his hair was slick and oiled back. He looked to be in his early 40's, his face was cleanly shaven, and he had dark, hungry grey eyes.

"Mr. Velkov, thank you for making the journey." He greeted Sinister politely, shaking his hand firmly as he motioned for us to take a seat.

Sinister watched the man carefully, taking in his presence.

"Who are your friends?" Senator Broder questioned as he nodded politely to Sebastian and I.

I followed the men's actions, as we all took a seat, Sinister, Sebastian and I sat on one couch that faced the Senator.

"This is my wife, Calla, and my adviser, Sebastian." Sinister introduced us.

Sebastian nudged me, a small grin etching the corners of his face.

"Hear that?" he whispered to me "I'm an adviser."

I rolled my eyes.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." The Senator nodded, eyeing me carefully before turning his attention back to Sinister.

I could always tell when Sinister meant business, and let me tell you, he meant business right now. His posture was straight and firm, his hands were slightly clenched, and his jaw was ever so slightly set.

"Senator Broder, I made the trip because I feel as though it was a measure, too important to be treated face to face. You're requesting a..raise to your monthly payments? Why?" Sinister questioned.

The Senator shot me a quick look before replying, his voice was silky smooth. He seemed completely unfazed that he was sitting across from, perhaps, one of the most dangerous men in the world.

"I clean up your messes, I convince law enforcement to leave you be, I even cover up your tax evasions, Mr. Velkov. I look the other way, and that is how it has been for the past 7 years. Recently, your...messes have become more of a burden than usual. I think, for my silence and my help, I deserve more money."

Sinister cocked his head to the side, "What recent messes occurred, to make you want more money?"

"In the past year, I have had to cover up 439 deaths. Some of which being law enforcement, and the others being criminal-affiliated." The Senator kept glancing at me as he spoke.

I will literally shove a participation trophy in his eye.

The Senator continued, "a couple months ago, American bullets were used to massacre the former Mafia boss, your father, as well as a certain brother and cousin of yours. Now, normally that wouldn't be a problem, seeing how the event occurred in Russia, but American bullets were used, thus becoming my problem."

Sinister flinched at the mention of his family. He mauled over the Senator's words.

"And" The Senator continued, "It was only luck that we were able to get the Russian government to cease pestering us for answers."

Sinister sighed, "Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. I made a mess, you clean it. It's what we pay you to do."

The Senator hesitated, knowing that what Sinister said was very true.

Sinister let out a heavy breath, "We give you $9 million dollars a year, $750,000 a month, to clean up and silences our messes. How much more are you asking for?"

The Senator thought for a moment, scratching his jaw in thought.

"I want a $4 million dollar raise, don't pretend like that is asking for too much. I know exactly how much money your organization makes."

Sinister let out a humorless laugh, "That's a 45% raise, what makes you think we'll ever pay that?"

The Senator ignored him, turning his attention to me, his darkened grey eyes observing me.

"You're Calla Levkin, aren't you?" He asked, his cocky smirk made me think he knew exactly what he was doing.

"Actually I'm Calla Velkov." I said, trying not to wince at his use of my maiden name.

He hummed, watching me as I tried my best not to fidget. I clasped my hands in my lap, holding them together so tightly, that my knuckles turned white.

"Ms. Levkin, it's not too late to leave this life. You are too young to be mixed up in this. Go back to school, go back to your life. I can see, just by looking at you, this life is not for you. It's not your responsibility to want the life, that others want for you. We are not given a good or bad life. We are simply given a life. But it's up to us to make it good or bad. Choose the right decision, Ms. Levkin. Killing is for grownups, and you are still a child."

I felt my knuckles crack, "Don't act like you know me, or my life. My actions have meaning, just because you do not support them, doesn't mean my actions are done without reason, or in vain."

We were all still, I felt my heart beating in my chest as the Senator thought through my words, his eyes were serious as he digested what I said.

"It's not too late, Ms. Levkin."

"You're right, it's not. It's not too late to raise more hell, and it's not too late to live out my life with the people I love, and the husband I love. You left out one tiny little thing in your little monologue, you forgot that I love my husband, and I have accepted this life, and I cherish this life." My words were loud and strong.

The Senator shook his head, "My dear, the problem is that you love him so much, that you would allow him to drag you all the way to Hell, if it meant you could hold his hand along the way."

"You're damn right." I smirked.

I glanced over at Sinister, who looked deep in thought, a small smile splayed out over his lips, a small little glint of fire rested in his icy blue eyes.

Sinister finally stood, "We will do a $3 million dollar increase, not 4. Yes?"

The Senator nodded after awhile, reaching his hand out to shake Sinister's.

Sinister held onto his grip, "And Senator Broder, do not address my wife as though she has no thoughts of her own. She has free will, she can do whatever she pleases."

Sinister let go of his hand, turning to leave, but not before the Senator called out to him.

"You're going to ruin her! You could have saved her!" His voice was sad.

Sinister grinned as he turned to spare him one last glance.

"I'm afraid not, Senator. She's my second in command, after all."
