3. lucas garcia is too gay for his own good


One immaculately conveyed word is how I greet the students sprawled out into the space in front of me. They're all sprawled across different seats, situated in a circle, my hand rising in a lazy salute as I nod at them.

They stare at me. Eyes wide, glances shifting, attention on me.

My shoulders sag into a shrug as I make my way over to a spare seat, not too far from one Lucas Garcia himself, the GSA members' eyes following me all the way to my seat, as a collective whole as I flop down onto the chair.

"Might as well take a picture," I cough, leaning back in my chair, a soft yawn escaping my lips. "This is uncomfortable as fuck."

With that, some of the onlookers blink slowly, eyes uncomfortably finding other points of interest.

A few seconds of silence follow before Lucas clears his throat, casting me a weary look before shuffling some sheets of paper and opening his laptop.

"So, today, we're just formulating some ideas," He says, nodding at the group who nod at him in response. Lucas goes on to introduce the purpose for today's meeting, and his voice starts to drown out as I glance over at him, lips pursed.

His hair is still in that weirdly perfect quiff, sun-light catching onto his slightly curled waves as he speaks to the group, hands moving, gestures easy. He's wearing a dress shirt today, a simple design, the few top buttons undone, and the front tucked into his signature black jeans. 

Ripped, of course, because it can't get any gayer than that. Besides the high topped converse, black with white laces, tapping against the floor as he sits up in his chair, insanely tense, slim form showcased by his fitted shirt.

Then there's his aura. I've barely gotten to even understand it, but he still radiates that energy; simple, slightly out-there, energy. His hand traces over a string-woven bracelet as he listens to some of the other members talk, going on from topic to topic.

And in all honesty, whatever the hell the GSA is talking about is going through one ear and flying out the other.

That is, until Lucas Garcia claps his hands together, glancing over at me before grinning at the rest of the group. "Since we have a new member here," Lucas juts a head in my direction, "Can we just all introduce ourselves? Name and pronouns, please."

I barely catch onto the names as I sink back into my seat, eyes finding the ridiculously bright lights illuminating the room.

I catch onto a couple, though. There's a smaller kid, a mess of dark hair swirling over their head, and a baggy dark t-shirt hanging over their body, tucked into dark jeans.

"Monday," They say, nodding at where I'm seated, across the circle of chairs, "They/ them."

Another one I make sure to take note of is Ellie Evans, hair still falling to her shoulders. "Ellie. And my pronouns are she/her."

Then there's Peter Hyun, who exhales a bright: "Peter. He/him!"

The other ones sort of bleed into each other, and I send quick nods as they all speak, shoes tapping against the floor as my eyes watch them pad against the tiles. Up and down, up and down.

The group glances at me expectantly, and my gaze rises from the floor when I realize it's my turn. I clear my throat, hand running through my hair. "So," I drag the word on, sending a lazy glance towards the expectant group. "Jason. He and him, I'm pretty sure." I finish in a mutter as Lucas clears his throat once more, blinking slowly.

The meeting continues, and I lean back in my seat, eyes roving over the talking GSA kids. My leg bounces as my eyes find Monday, whose hands are clasped in their lap, listening as the meeting progresses.

My eyes find one of the gays'— Hyun'shair, all black strands in different directions. The guy could use a haircut. He pushes his glasses further up the bridge of his nose, and my eyes drift to the other members, taking note of everything while I scope them over— it happens almost subconsciously.

"Are you paying attention, Jason?" Lucas' question cuts into my thoughts, and I slowly shift gears from judging the GSA kids to tuning into the actual conversation, Lucas raising his eyebrows as he purses his lips at me. 

"Of course, sir," I chirp, giving him a bright thumbs up. Lucas shakes his head, eyebrows raised and features somewhat blank as he returns to the conversation.

"So, it's an event," Lucas says, leaning forward in his seat, "And it's a dance, essentially, with challenges and everything. We get to run the booth and play ambassadors, and Quintessence actually agreed to sing in it."

Of course, the quintet of harmonizers native to T. Boulevard. Five teens that we've all practically known our entire lives, a group of people that can actually sing and let out some solid notes.

I'm guessing the GSA is more than aware of that, because slight cheers erupt from the little room, kids clapping slightly once Quintessence is mentioned.

"The whole thing is a fundraiser." Lucas says, continuing after the applause has died down, "for queer empowerment groups and whatnot." Nods from the rest of the GSA. "And the rest of the money goes to the school. So, we should set up the gym." A grin appears on his lips, "and come up with a creative theme."

"The idea sounds kind of basic," I cut in, all eyes turning to me.

"Oh," Lucas lets out a wry laugh, "Is it, Jason?"

"I mean, a dance." I wave a hand. "Quintessence performing; putting more money into T. Boulevard so that Ms. Anderson keeps on getting richer and richer. I don't know. Isn't it like every other school event we've ever had in the school?"

"Jason," Lucas says slowly, and I can hear the slight strain in his voice, "The money goes to the school. Not Ms. Anderson."

"Does it, though?" I raise a thoughtful finger to my lips. "Because I don't see any home improvements being made in the school."

"They added a mural," Hyun pipes up, raising a hand. "In the middle of the foyer." Eyes turn towards him, and he adjusts his glasses again, muttering, "Last year."

I let my shoulders fall into an easy shrug. "Whole thing still feels basic."

Ellie narrows her eyes at me from a few chairs away from me, adjusting the hem of her cream white cardigan. "It does?"

I let out a dry chuckle, raising up both hands in defense. "Just saying." I snap my fingers together in thought. "We need something more. Some type of soul."

"Soul?" Monday says, raising both eyebrows. "Elaborate."

My mind travels over the ideas. A grandiose idea appears in my hand, and I raise a hand, about to let the random thoughts come spilling out when Lucas Garcia cuts in.

"We have a budget, by the way."

The idea dissipates.

"Yes, Jason," Lucas says, lips pulled into a line. "That's kind of how school events work. You get a select budget. Unfortunately, we can't fit what we don't have money for." He purses his lips.

"Well. That sucks ass." I let one arm swing from the back of the chair. "Looks like you've got your work cut out for you." I say, nodding at the rest of the members, making a motion for my backpack.

"You're part of the group," Ellie says, slowly, dark eyes intense.

I shrug, my mouth working before my mind does. "I mean, it was either this or suspension, so."

The group stare back at me, expressions blank.

"I didn't come here voluntarily," I state blankly, eyebrows knitted together. I should stop talking. "I mean, I'm normally doing other things at this time of day." I wince. "No offense," I say again, like a fucking idiot.

"Jason." I hear Lucas' voice, palms out as his eyebrows knit together, giving me a why-the-fuck-did-you-think-saying-that-was-a-good-idea? look. But of course, it's Lucas Garcia, so instead of harshly calling me out like I'm certain he wants to, he leans forward in his seat, trying to convey all of that through uttering my name.

"What?" I ask, glancing over to Lucas, because I can't necessarily backtrack now. "It's true."

"Dude, you're still part of the group." Monday says, raising a hand in question as their eyebrows fly upwards. "You're still going to have to actually work with the rest of us."

"And trust me, we're not any more excited to have you here than you are to be here." Ellie says, lips pursed. Ellie Evansunapologetically stating what no one else dares to say aloud for her entire life, or at least, ever since she joined the GSA. 

I raise a hand to my chest. "Ouch. That kinda stung."

An alarm rings, signalling the end of the GSA meeting, and I rise to my feet, everyone shuffling out the door after Ellie verbally bashed me without blinking once. By the time the room is cleared, Lucas and I are the only ones left. My eyes find the maps hung around the room. As usual, the GSA is flitting from room to room. And this time, it's the Social Studies classroom.

Lucas rises to his feet, and I copy the gesture, swinging my backpack over my shoulders as I glance over at him.

"So," I drawl, "They don't seem to be my biggest fans."

Lucas glances over at me, holding his laptop to his chest, eyes narrowing. "Maybe it's them," He says, shrugging, "Or maybe, you're just kind of an asshole."

"Hey." I say, raising a hand to my chest as Lucas makes his way out of the door, speedwalking as usual. He's out the door in seconds, and I have to jog to keep up with him. We're down the hall, Lucas letting out a semi-frustrated breath as we make our way past the lockers.

In seconds, two football players practically materialize out of nowhere, standing in front of us, hair messy, and douchey varsity jackets clinging to their torsos. Lucas slows down, eyes finding theirs, almost warily.

They have sharp jawlines, huge ass chins and narrowed eyes, their eerily similar hairstyles going off in every which way.

A snort escapes my lips as my eyes flick over them. My mind tosses different names around before settling on Chad Number One and Chad Number Two. Another dry laugh escapes my lips. Fitting.

Lucas makes a move to brush past them, and the two of them shoulder past him, cramming the smaller guy between their huge ass football biceps. A classic douchebag move.

"Hey," Chad Number One lets out a douchey laugh, lips curling into disgust as he sends a wary look towards Lucas. "Quit fucking staring at me like a fucking pervert."

Lucas stares back up at him, eyebrows raised, before letting out a cold, dry laugh, grin appearing. "Nice try, but I'm not really into pieces of shit."

"The fuck did you just say?" Chad Number Two asks.

"I said what I said," Lucas shrugs, easily, like he's done this a million times before. "But," He leans forward, nodding slowly. "Might wanna check that piece of lettuce in your teeth before you start talking."

I resist the urge to laugh out loud. Shit. I glance over at the guy next to me, who holds his ground. Lucas Garcia can actually hold his ground, and with class.

"Fucking—" Chad Number One makes a move towards Lucas, who doesn't flinch as Chad Number Two reaches out to grab him, Lucas sidestepping him.

"Hey now," I say, moving in front of Lucas and raising both hands in front of the two Chads with an easy grin. 

"Fucking what, Nguyen?" Chad Number One snaps, getting all up in my face. My eyebrows fly upwards. Lucas wasn't lying about the lettuce.

I start slowly, "I don't really think you guys should be wasting your time trying to beat Garcia up, seeing as you're late."

"What?" Chad Number Two asks, eyes narrowing.

I raise a hand to my mouth in faux shock. "You didn't hear?"

The two shake their heads, as Chad Number One gives me a slightly urgent push. "Hear what?"

"Oh, shit. Coach Harris wants you guys in the gym."

"Shit. He does?" Chad Number Two asks, the two exchanging glances. 

"Yes, he does." I widen my eyes comically, "Yikes. You two better head down to the locker rooms."

"Right now?" Chad Number One asks.

"Yes, right now." I snap as Lucas glances between the three of us. "Head over there." They stare blankly at me in return. I make a shooing emotion, raising my voice. "Well, go. Now, Chad."

The two glance over at each other before shoving the other, brushing past us and shuffling down the hall.

Chad Number Two stops. "My name isn't Chad," He turns around, calling back. "It's Bradley."

Then the two disappear down the hall, and I let out a snort. "Dumbasses."

"How'd you know Coach wanted them?" Lucas asks, glancing up at me, bronze-tinged eyes curious.

"Oh," I shrug easily, making my way down the hall, past Lucas and approaching the school. "I didn't."

Lucas' eyebrows fly upwards.

"Because he didn't." I finish, not waiting for a response as a smirk slides onto my lips.

I don't glance behind me as I push the school doors open, letting the bright blue sky blanket the entire parking lot. I make my way over to my car, sliding into it and leaning back against the seat. 

My mind flashes back to GSA, the meeting, the blank reactions. Then Ellie Evans' sharp words appear in the back of my mind. Soon, it flashes to Lucas': "Or maybe, you're just kind of an asshole."

I let my shoulders sag, starting the ignition.

Maybe I can fix that.



first gsa meeting :0
