Chapter Twelve

I ran home after meeting up with Blaze with a bag of food to give to my "mother".

"I'm hoooooome!" I yelled.
Silence. I looked around the house. The T.V was finally off and my mom was no where to be seen.

I took this chance to find evidence of this not being my mother.

I searched around the master bedroom to see if I could find anything. I looked under the bed, closet, almost everywhere.

The last place to look was the dresser.

I ripped open the drawers and shuffled though the clothing. Nothing in the top two selves.

I finally got to the last drawer when I found something. A lot of things.

There was a weird looking phone, a-a gun, taser, and a file. I carful took out the file. The folder was a deep black with a weird marking engraved in the front.

Inside were a bunch of boring papers. I made sure to keep them in order while going through the papers. At the bottom of the stack was a picture of my real mother. I quickly took it out to read what was typed on the side of the picture.

(Mom's name) L/n
Mother of a 15 year old named Y/n
Recently moved and the child now goes to Phoenix Drop High School
Miss L/n is 42 years old
Blah blah blah

It was a bunch of stuff describing my mother until I reached the bottom

Agent Stella Armadillo
-Capture special ones
-Bring back to agency for questioning
-Extract powers then kill special ones
Special ones
-Cameron Smith
-Garroth Ro'Meave
-Zane Ro'Meave
-Vlad Ro'Meave
-Y/n L-n
-Hazel Catrine
Found 1/6
-Y/n L/n: unaware of powers and capturing

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
What powers did I have? Why did I have powers of all people. What could I fly or something. And this Armadillo women had to be the one impersonating my mom.
I continued searching for information. I found a paper with all of us "special ones" and it had a list of what powers we were supposed to have.

Garroth Ro'Meave: Super Strength
More strength than humans, meif'wa, and werewolf
Danger level: High
Strength of ability: moderate

Vlad Ro'Meave: Levitation
Able to make things levitate with mind
Danger level: Moderate
Strength of ability: moderate

Zane Ro'Meave: Shadow Control
Able to control shadows to do what ever he pleases
Danger Level: Unknown
Strength of ability: Unknown

Hazel Catrine: Mind Corruption
Corrupts minds into seeing things that aren't there; drives people to insanity; controls people's actions
Danger Level: DANGEROUS
Strength of ability: High

Cameron Smith: Super Speed
Faster than time, light, and sound
Danger Level: Unknown
Strength of ability: Unknown

Y/n L/n: Invisibility & Time Travel
Is able to be unseen for 5 minutes tops; able to go forward and back in time, freeze time, speed up time, slow down time .
Danger Level: Unknown
Strength with ability: low

( next to all of the names are pictures of each person)

I was amazed, confused, doubtful. My questions were why am I special, where's my mom, what powers and how, and WHERE IS MY MOTHER.

I was basically a mess.

I quickly put everything back to how it was after taking several pictures, and went to my room. I plopped on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

I laid in silence.....

Listening to the ticking of the clock on my wall.
All I could say was....

What the actual fuck.....

So weird turn of events....sorry about that but trust me it's not going to be like minecraft diaries I always hated when people did that any why this is going to be a lot different so brace yourself for a PLOT TWIST MUHAHAHAHAHA *Ahem* at any case I hope you enjoy new chapter will be posted again later today I need to do some catching up with this
Your truly
