Chapter Thirty Three

3rd Person POV

Y/n rushed into her outfit trying to get ready in time for the party. Which she was not exactly looking forward to.

"Damn parties...." She mumbles to herself as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Her e/c orbs scanned the entire outfit looking for anything she needed to fix. She let out a big sigh. She sat down on her bed and buried her face in her hands.

"What am I doing..." She asked herself. "I look so dumb."

Her confidence flattered as she started to criticize herself. She looked at herself once more in the mirror, still sat on the bed.

A sudden knock on the door jerked her out of her self esteem issues.

"Um who is it?" She called out.

"Y/n, it's Blaze," The fiery haired boy answered. "Can I come in?"

Y/n hesitated for a second, "Y-yeah...."

Blaze opened the door with a smile. He too was in the outfit he picked out. Y/n weakly smiled back.

"Is everything ok?" Blaze sat down on the bed next to her.

"I'm just having second thoughts about going to this thing." Y/n vented, feeling the need to get it out. Blaze gave her a sympathetic look through the mirror.

"You look beautiful. There's nothing to worry about." Blaze started to play with her hair which wasn't yet styled.

Y/n scoffed, "If only I could think the same thing."

Blaze shook his head. He grabbed brush from off the nightstand next to the bed. He positioned himself behind his girlfriend and started to softly brush her hair.

"I still don't get it," Blaze chuckled.

"Get what?"

"You're self esteem problems. Or I guess I just don't understand them in general with anyone."

Y/n let out a giggle, "Coming from the most confident person to ever walk the earth."

Blaze laughed as well, "Maybe so but Y/n listen to me." Blaze set down the brush.

He held Y/n by the side of her face and made her face him. His thumbs rubbed small circles on her cheeks.

"You are perfect."

"That's a bit of a stretch don't you think." Y/n joked.

Blaze rolled his eyes but didn't laugh. "Look I'm being serious. Whether you're fat, skinny, or anything in between, you are absolutely perfect."


"Nope!" Blaze covered Y/n's mouth. "I'm not letting you ruin this moment and that amazing compliment I gave."

Y/n giggled and Blaze removed his hand from her mouth.

"Now, are you going to join me at the party?" Blaze questioned.

"Of course." Y/n smiled and shook her head. Blaze gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"Perfect. Finish getting ready. I'll be waiting for you outside."


Blaze left the room and was immediately greeted by Hazel.

"Oh I was looking for you!" She said frantically. "Have you seen Cameron?"

" that you mention it he wasn't at the mall with us was he." Blaze started to get a little worried.

"I know! We're horrible friends!! None of us even noticed he wasn't there!" Hazel was starting to panic.

"H-hey calm down! Maybe Y/n has seen him."

"What about me?" Y/n asked as she came out of her room.

"Have you seen Cam?" Hazel asked her.

"Oh shit....."

"You haven't seen him either...." Hazel could tell by the nervous expression on her friend's face that she didn't know where he was.

"We can always ask around the camp to see if anyone else saw him." Blaze stayed as calm as possible.


Y/n's POV

"Hey Alex!" I called after one of the black eared meif'wa. Alex was a short dirty blonde haired boy with green eyes. I had noticed that Cam had been talking to him a lot lately.

"Oh hey what's up?" Alex questioned, noticing the tension between the friends right away.

"Have you seen Cameron? We have no idea where he is." I informed him.

"Uh I did actually. Hours ago though." Alex was clearly getting a little worried.

"Where?!" Hazel asked urgently.

"G-Gwen was practically dragging him into the woods towards the clearing." Alex answered. "What is going on?"

"No time to explain! We need to go now!" Blaze started to drag everyone, including Alex with him.

"But the party-"

"It can wait." I said, a little glad I wouldn't have to go straight to the party.

We all started to jog towards the clearing. The sun was almost completely down, making it hard for us to see. Blaze broke through into the clearing before the rest of us. I followed after him only to be stopped by his arm.

"Gwen what are you doing?!" Blaze shouted. I looked over his shoulder to see Gwen holding Cameron down by his ears. A knife was held to his throat.

Cameron had multiple scratches on his face, mostly likely from fighting back but getting cut as a result.

Maybe it was the darkness, but Gwen seemed to look a little different. She looked a little taller than normal. I noticed one of her ears were pierced with a silver hoop, something I never noticed before. Even her eyes seemed to lightly glow green.

"Stay back or he gets it!" She slightly pressed the knife against Cameron's throat.

"Why are you doing this?" Hazel screamed at her.

"You know if you kill him we have no chance of getting rid of Zach!" I pointed out. "Unless...."

"What is happening?" Alex questioned.

Gwen let out a low evil laugh. "You're such a clever girl, pup."

My eyes went wide. "Ein....." I whispered.

Gwen er... Ein let out another evil laugh but much louder this time.

He took out a glowing green potion from the hoodie he was wearing. He gave us one last smirk as he popped of the lid and started to down the potion. His form of Gwen slowly started to morph into his real form. He tossed aside the bottle causing it to shatter on the ground.

"It took you much longer for you to realize that you're friend here was gone." Ein tugged harder on Cam's ears making him wince in pain.

"Why are you doing this?" Blaze demanded.

Ein chuckled. "Well if it isn't the mongrel Blaze." His smile quickly faded into a frown. "The annoying mutt that always gets in the way of my plans." Blaze let out a low growl.

3rd Person POV

"But isn't it obvious? I'm clearly working with Zach and have been from the start." Ein answered Blaze's question.

Hazel was trying to think of away to use her power to stop Ein.

"I honestly don't understand how you didn't get that when I first got ahold of Y/n at the beginning of the school year." Ein laughed in amusement.

"But why bring Cam her and just wait for us?" Y/n asked him.

"So I could do this." In one quick motion, Ein managed to throw down the knife, pull out a potion and throw it all of us. This in wasn't green but blue.

"I-I can't use my powers!" Hazel informed. Ein laughed once more.

"Now." Ein snapped his fingers. Out of the woods came multiple agents from before that made their way over to Y/n, Hazel, and Cam.

"Fight back!" Blaze instructed as he started to throw punches at the agents coming our way. Blaze fought hard along side his friends but they were being overwhelmed.

"Blaze look ou-" Blaze was knocked out.


Blaze's POV

I woke up with a throbbing headache. I was laying flat on my back in the soft grass. I looked up at the sky which was now completely dark. I sat up and let out a grain as my head started to throb in pain even more.

I looked around to see that no one else was around me. They took her way from me again. I slammed my fist on the ground in aggravation.

I saw movement at the corner of my eye and quickly jumped into position to fight, which hurt like hell.

"Ugh....Blaze?" I voice said through the darkness.

"Alex?" I said back. I let down my guard.

"Yeah what happened?"

"They got ahold of them again...." I said angrily. "We need to find Sasha!"

Despite the horrible pain in my head I started to run back to the camp. Only to find it almost completely destroyed. Small flames were scattered throughout the camp.
