
TW so be careful please

BACKGROUND: Todoroki stayed over at Midoryia's house for the night. Inko is out for the day. They've been dating for a while.

"Good morning Sho." Midoryia mumbles as he walks into the kitchen.

"Hm?" Todoroki turns around and sees Midoryia stumbling over to him. "Do you want coffee?"

"Yes please." He yawns and makes his way over to his boyfriend. He wraps his arms around his waist and leans on him. Todoroki winces.



"What's wrong?"


"Sho please don't play dumb, you can tell me what's bothering you I won't get upset." He pressed a kiss between his boyfriend's shoulder blades. He sighs.

"It's nothing to worry about."

"That's not true you winced."

"I'm sore from training yesterday."

"Hm? Okay." Midoryia moves his arms back to Todoroki's waist and presses a bit harder than last time. Todoroki winces. "That's not from training let me see." He maneuvers to be in front of his boyfriend.

"Izuku it's nothing I promise."

"No it's not." He tries to lift up his shirt but Todoroki stops him.

"It's fine, I'm okay."

"Doesn't seem like it just let me see"

"No it's not that big of a deal." Midoryia having enough of his boyfriend's attitude towards the situation tackles him to the ground. Although he's smaller than Todoroki he's just as strong if not stronger.

Todoroki fights him but Midoryia pins his arms down. He lifts his shirt and sees cuts lining his boyfriend's hips.


"See it's nothing I told you."

"Sho this isn't nothing okay? It's serious now come one." His voice is quiet as he stands up and reaches for his boyfriend's hands.

"Izuku I-"

"Shh, we can talk about it later okay." He leads Todoroki to the bathroom. "Sit down I'll be right back" He kisses his forehead before he goes to grab a first aid kit. When he comes back he sees Shoto sitting with his head in his hands, curled up tight.

"It's okay Sho, I'm right here." He whispers as he wraps him in a hug. Todoroki sinks into him and wraps his arms around his boyfriend, clutching the back of his shirt.

Midoryia whispers comforting words in his ear as he rubs circles on his back and plays with his hair. Eventually he feels his shirt grow damp.

"It's okay, you're safe here, I won't let anything hurt you I promise." Todoroki just pushes his face even farther into his boyfriend's chest.

"I know you don't want to talk about it but I need to clean those cuts, okay? Then afterwards we can watch a movie?" Todoroki nods and detangles himself from Midoryia. He sits frozen staring at the ground.

"This might hurt a bit, if you want to you can squeeze my arm okay?" He nods. As Midoryia starts cleaning his cuts Todoroki winces but doesn't grab his arm. Midoryia looks up at him and sees tears streaking his face. He wipes his tears and kisses where they had fallen.

"I'm almost done, it'll be over before you know it." Midoryia offers a smile at his boyfriend, but he's too busy studying the ground to notice.

"Okay, last one- and done. Now I just have to bandage them."


"C'mon lets go sit on the couch, it'll be more comfortable." He grabs Todoroki's hand and pulls him into the living room and onto the sofa. He pulls him down next to him and wraps his arms around him.

"I know the last thing you want to do is talk about it and that's okay, I won't make you and I won't be upset if you don't, okay?" He gently grabs Todoroki's face. "Okay?" He nods. "Okay, you can tell me when you feel comfortable doing so, I don't want to force it out of you. But I want to say that the next time you feel like doing this call me, I'll be there, and if I'm not helping, you need to try your best to not do it. Sometimes pressing an ice cube to your skin works, maybe your left side would work better? But if you can't, I understand, I just need you to try okay?" Todoroki nods, not looking at Midoryia.

"I love you Sho and I don't like seeing you hurt." He shifts Todoroki's head so he's looking at him. "I mean it too, no matter what there's no way anyone's dragging me away from you." Todoroki's eyes start to water. Midoryia wipes his tears away and kisses his forehead.

"I'm sorry Izuku I-"

"Hey, hey, there's nothing to apologize about, I'm not mad at you." Todoroki nods. "Now how about we watch a movie? Then we can talk after once we both have our wits about us." He smiles at his boyfriend and pulls him down on the couch. He shifts them so Todoroki is partially laying on him, his arms wrapped around his boyfriend with one hand running through his split hair.


"Shoto, the movie's over." Midoryia whispers, gently shaking Todoroki's arm, resulting in a groan but not much more.

"C'mon Shoto we should get something to eat we didn't eat breakfast." Still nothing. Leaving Midoryia one option, he kissed his boyfriend and forced him into a sitting position.

"I don't wanna, lay back down with me." Todoroki whined. Midoryia smiled, he always loved seeing his boyfriend like this, in a carefree mindset.

"As much as I like your offer you need to eat something. We can lay back down after we eat." He smiled. "C'mon don't make me carry you."

"Hm, you can't carry me." Todoroki mumbled.

"Oh sure I can, I've been building muscle for this exact moment." And with that he picks his boyfriend up bridal style and sets him on a dining room chair.

"That's not fair." He pouts.

"Hm, and why is that?"

"I don't know it just isn't." Midoryia laughs and kisses his boyfriend.

"I'll be right back, if you need anything give me a shout."


They moved back to the couch and Todoroki was leaning on Midoryia, holding his hand.

"So, do you want to talk about it?" Midoryia asked softly.

"I guess, there's no point in hiding it anymore you already know." He keeps his eyes focused on the ground. He takes a deep breath.

"You know my father. His ways. He doesn't think I'm trying hard enough so he's increased training intensity. He doesn't hold back anymore. And my mother is still in the hospital. It's hard to see her alone. They don't go with me because father never said it's okay. Everytime I see her I'm just reminded of what he did, and, well, still does. I don't know, I guess I'm just tired of it." He drops his head onto Midoryia's shoulders. Midoryia squeezes his hand tighter.

"Maybe one of the next times you visit your mom I can go with you. Even if you don't want me in the room I'll be standing right outside the door, supporting you."

"You don't have to."

"I know but I want to. I want to be there for you." He smiles. "And I know I've said this before but you're always welcome here. My mom loves you she wouldn't mind."

"Thank you Izuku. I think I want you to meet my mom."


"Yes, you've done so much and I think she'd be happy to know I have friends. She'd love you."

"I'd be happy to go, just give me a date."

"I normally go on Saturdays, which I guess is today, but we can go later. Around 5?"

"Perfect." He kisses Todoroki. "Now how about that movie? Do you want to pick?"



Todoroki laughs. "Of course."
