Kugo Sakamata (Gang Orca)

"I'm n-number 3," Kugo struggled out as he squeezed the newspaper in his hands.

"Number 3? You've gone up in rank? Oh baby this is so exciting we need to celebrate! I can't believe I'm dating the number 3 hero," you cheered as you made your way to wrap your arms around your boyfriend.

The both of you were making your rounds, patrolling the downtown area. Or at least that's the excuse you made to get the hero Gang Orca from his desk and get some fresh air with you. As you stopped at a concession stand to get something to drink, he happened to find a news article with his face on it. And to his dismay, he wasn't ranked so high for a good thing.

"Number 3 hero....that looks most like a villain" he droned, voice shaking with shame.

"Number 3...AT LOOKING LIKE A VILLAIN!? HOW DARE THOSE REPORTERS SLANDER MY MAN! I'LL RIP THEM LIMB FROM LIMB," you shouted in fury, drawing quick attention to the two of you.

"Dear...you're not really helping my image when you talk like that. And besides, we're still in public...in our hero costumes at that," he reminded you while pointing towards the staring onlookers.

Taking a deep breath, you attempted to calm your anger.

"Geez, you'd think with my outbursts I'd be on that list instead of you," you gritted out between clenched teeth.

"Who said that you weren't on here," he questioned with a slight smirk.

"WHAT," you shouted, anger pouring out once again as the onlookers ran away in fear.

"Just kidding (Y/N), you're too cute to be on a list like this," he teased as he patted your head.

"I don't know whether to hit you or kiss you when you joke around like that," you growled as you pushed his hand away.

"I would prefer a kiss as I'm sure such a public display of violence will wind you up on a list like this. And well, of course, I just enjoy your kisses," he responded coolly.

Looking both ways, you noticed the onlookers had disappeared.

"Well, it looks like the crowd has dispersed so maybe I can lay one on ya," you said seductively.

Leaning in, he closed his eyes for a kiss only to feel a pain shoot through his shoulder.

"Stop messing around and get back to work you big dork," you snarled as you whacked him.

"Ah, and here I thought you were bringing me out here on a date and even assumed you'd want to cheer me up after seeing such an article," he complained while rubbing his sore shoulder.

"Y-you knew," you stuttered in embarrassment at getting caught.

"We've been together long enough by now for me to understand your intentions. Now, how do you intend on making it up to me," he slyly questioned.

You stood there contemplating what to do before lowly responding "...by killing that slandering editor."

"Not exactly the response I was hoping for," he sighed while shaking his head.

"Anything for my man!"

"Anything but a kiss. I see how it is-"

Before he could finish his sentence, you appeared before him in an instance and cradled his face.

"Shut up number 3," you purred before gently kissing him.

"Was that more along the lines of what you were hoping for," you questioned once you pulled away from his lips.

"Would've been a lot better if you didn't have to remind me about my ranking," he joked as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Come on Kugo, let's head back to the office where you can show me how truly villainous you can be~"

"Not quite sure I like your wording, but the meaning behind it I can assume is tempting."

"Very tempting I can assure you," you proclaimed while pulling his tie as you made your way back to his office.
