Kai Chisaki (Overhaul)

"The psychic is here sir," Mimic said as he knocked on his boss's door, awaited his orders.

"Bring them in," Chisaki replied, patiently waiting for his guest to enter.

"I knew you'd ask for my help," you cheered upon entering the large office. Sitting at his desk, Kai Chisaki sighed as you seated yourself in front of him. Though the beak-shaped mask covered the majority of his face, his annoyance with you was obvious.

"So, what changed your mind Mr. Overhaul? Or should I call you Chisaki," you purred, placing your face in your hands as you leaned towards his face. It was obvious his mysophobia kicked in as he moved away from you and snarled. "Chisaki is fine, and shouldn't you know the answer to that?"

"Of course I know, I know everything after all. I just wanted to hear you beg," you giggled before pulling your bag onto the desk and emptying your supplies out.

"I'm not going to beg, but at least I can admit that I do need your assistance on the matter of The League of Villains," he said coolly, watching as you began to shuffle a deck of cards.

"Do you really need those? Doesn't your quirk allow you to see into the future," he questioned as he continued to watch the tarot cards jump between your hands.

"Why of course I do! My quirk only lets me see the future that would occur if you only took a certain path, the cards let me see all your possible choices and outcomes," you said matter of factly. Future vision was a common quirk, but none were quite as powerful as yours. You've developed quite the reputation over the years, allowing for many to ask for your services such as politicians, celebrities, heroes, and even villains. Chisaki wasn't a common customer, but both of you were familiar with each other. After a certain situation in which you predicted a certain heroes death, many began to fear you. Your services were not free after all. The only thing you really ask for, besides a small fee, was for them to follow your advice or else. The hero ignored your advice though which eventually lead to his untimely demise. Once word got around of the consequences of your readings, business began to slow down. The only customers brave enough to still ask for your services were villains and yakuza members, which is how you familiarized yourself with Chisaki.

"Now, lets see here," you said as your eyes began to glaze over while viewing the cards laid out before you.

"Well, it seems you've gotten yourself into quite the predicament here," you mumbled while picking up the card that read "The Hanged Man." Continuing to examine the cards, Chisaki gulped as he looked at them. Laid in front him, aside from the one you held, read "The Devil," "The High Priestess," and "Ten of Swords."

"What do they mean," he asked with an almost unnoticeable hint of concern.

"This card here reads that you have a choice, but you will not have control until the situation has passed. Tomura Shimura may be weak now compared to you, but he is dangerous. He will turn you into a monster if you allow him to overcome you."

"The Ten of Swords recognizes that you're up against the wall, but you must admit defeat before you lose everything. Once you've crossed the line with the League of Villains, there's no turning back."

"The Devil is referring to Shimura. No matter how much you try to train him, you will never succeed in taming him."

"The High Priestess is obviously referring to me! It's a trump card that represents human wisdom, and if you play your cards right, I can predict that I can help get you out of this situation," you said with a flirtatious smirk before winking at the man in front of you.

"And how could you help me," he groaned out. It was obvious that he didn't enjoy your games, and this reading only left his nerves on edge. He knew he would have to follow your advice, but he was certain he wouldn't like whatever you have to say.

"Take me out on a date, and you'll see," you cheered excitedly.

"Pardon me? How exactly would that save my skin," he questioned, getting more annoyed by the minute.

"I wouldn't question my logic considering the fact that I'm your only way of getting out of all of this. But I will entertain you by letting you know that our futures are interwoven by that beautiful red string of fate," you breathed out while looking at your ring finger dreamily.

"You've got to be kidding me. The red string of fate is a myth," he grumbled out, glaring menacingly at your dumbfounded expression.

"Maybe so, but my advice advises you to take a chance on me. Or else," your cheerful tone quickly changed to copy Chisaki's.

"Fine," he sighed out. He knew the consequences would be fatal after all. His cards did tell him he had a choice, and that would be either taking a deranged psychic on a date or dealing with The League of Villains shenanigans. How terrible could one date be?

"Here's my number. Name the time and place and I'll meet you there," he said dejectedly before handing over one of his business cards.

"Yay! I knew you'd make the right choice! I'll see you later hubby," you excitedly exclaimed before grabbing your bag and making your leave.

"What have I gotten myself into," he sighed, staring at the door the psychic just waved from moments ago. "Death or a date, but with my luck, I'll probably be dead on a date."
