Bakugo Katsuki

Lunch was a time to rejuvenate the stress obtained from school and to replenish your energy before returning to the usual boring lessons. It was also the perfect time for (Y/N) to sit and laugh with their friends. There they were, just smiling and giggling without a care in the world, just minding their own business. They had no clue exactly how much danger they were in for just that one simple action.

"If I see (Y/N) smile one more time, I swear I'm going to kill them," Bakugo snarled, glaring across the lunch room at their oblivious classmate.

"Don't make promises you can't keep. We all know that's not how you really feel Bakugo," Kirishima interjected, attempting to calm the boiling boy beside him.

"I'm being serious. Just look at them taunting me. They know exactly what they're doing," he growled lowly, eyes lowering with intensity. It was to the amazement of Kirishima that (Y/N) hadn't already exploded right then from the firey gaze placed on them, better yet at least noticed it by now.

"Just ask (Y/N) out already. Gosh, the tension between you two is killing me!" cried out Denki.

"Nah, killing them is easier," replied Bakugo, surprisingly calm.

Annoyed groans echoed throughout the lunch table. Clearly, Bakugo was going to need some help. Specifically in the romance department.

"Hey, how about instead of committing such a violent crime, you ask them to practice with you. Then you can get all of that... tension out," spoke Kirishima, hoping his advice would distract Bakugo from bursting into flames.

"Then I can beat the shit out of them for smiling all the damn time! Good thinking Kirishima, I'll go ask now," responded Bakugo, a smug smile creeping across his face as he stood up from his seat.

As he walked away, Kirishima banged his hard head against the table, mumbling, "Please don't let me get charged with assisted murder."

"Yo, (Y/N)," Bakugo called out upon approaching your figure.

"Hello Bakugo! What's up," you asked, gracing him with one of your brightest smiles.

Immediately his face flushed as he clenched his fists. 'There they go again, fucking smiling all the damn time'

"After school today, wanna practice," he asked (more like stated).

"Sure, I'd love to," you cheerfully responded, unaware of the outraged expression written across Bakugo's face.

Biting his lip, he nodded in agreement before walking back to his seat. A sudden feeling of anticipation washed over him, and something different he's never felt before.
'Fucking (Y/N), probably put a curse on me or something with that damn smile.'

Let's just say that smile of yours allowed you to leave Bakugo in the dust at practice. Goes to show being nice has its perks.

"Thanks for practicing with me Bakugo! But you didn't have to go easy on me," you giggled, reaching your hand out to the dazed boy.

"Like hell I'd go easy on you," he responded, brushing your hand away as he picked himself up.

"Oh really? Then explain to me how I beat you so easily," you said, a proud smile radiating from you.

"Cause of that damn smile of yours! It's distracting," he yelled, pointing at your face.

"You don't like my smile," you asked dejectedly as your face suddenly fell.

"Of fucking course not! I fucking love your smile you dumbass! It just pisses me off when your show it off to others and not me," he confessed angrily.

Clearly what he said hadn't phased him at the slightest, but a slight blush dusted your features.

"Well, if you think that way, maybe we could go out sometime. Just the two of us. That way my smile can only be seen by you," you spoke quietly, looking down in embarrassment.

"Deal. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6. Have that smile ready for me," he said, once again surprisingly calm.

"U-uh of course! I'll see you then," you stuttered, totally stunned by the whole situation.

Maybe everyone who always told you that a smile is the key to unlocking ones heart were right after all.
