Bakugou - Names

Hate to break it to ya, but I HATE turkey day, and would rather be in my hometown with friends rn, but im not. So no turkey day chapter :(


Bakugou sat on the couch, sitting criss cross applesauce, his rude nature kicking in..

He glanced up as Y/n walked into the room, messing with her hair.

"c'mere." Bakugou gestured, she raised an eyebrow, sitting in front of him on the floor in shock as he easily fixed her hair.

"T-Thanks Blasty!" She cheered, skipping away to talk to Momo. Bakugou shook his head with a sigh, The nickname, not unusual for the girl, she rarely called him by his last, or given name, referring to him as Blasty, or boom boy.

It didn't bother him too much, so he let it slide.

He leaned back against the couch, ignoring the confused stares of Kirishima and Kamanari in the kitchen.

"You think they're dating?"

"Nah, Bakugou would never date her, she's too aloof."

Bakugou's grip on his book grew tighter, as he flashed a glare at his 'friends'.

Of course they were dating, Bakugou knows what he wants.

Y/n walked back into the common room with Momo, sitting down next to him with a smile.

Momo turned to Kamanari, talking with him quietly.

"Hey Blasty, what're you reading?" She asked, leaning closer to him to see the book.

"N-nothing." He stuttered, pulling the book away from her.

She reached for it, laughing as Bakugou tried to stretch farther, failing as Y/n grabbed the book.

"Romance manga?" She whispered in surprise, looking up at Bakugou teasingly.

He blushed, ripping the book out of her hands.

"Don't fucking tell anyone." He hissed at her, opening the book to read again.

"Can I borrow it when you're done?"



"Blasty!" Y/n called in fear, running through the large crowd of people, making her way to where Kirishima, Midoriya, and Iida were waiting.

He turned to see her, a small smile forming on his face.

She crashed into his arms, hugging him tightly as he hesitated to hug her back, the other boys watching with wide eyes.

"Hey." He whispered back, his arms wrapping around her.

They pulled away as the large screen on the side of a building flashed with the live video of All might and One for All.

Bakugou stared at the screen with a blank face as All might won, his true form being revealed.

"Blasty?" Y/n spoke, looking at his eyes with sadness.

He broke eye contact, staring down at the ground, and flinching when she hugged him a second time.


"Blasty! Isn't this so cool!" Y/n cheered, looking around at the large mall.

"No it's not these people are annoying as SHIT." Bakugou yelled as a kid grabbed his hand, staring up at him with gentle eyes.

"Are you okay mister? You seem mad." Bakugou's face softened, crouching down to see the kid.

"Yeah I'm okay kiddo, go back to your family." He coaxed pushing the small girl away from him and towards her parents, she nodded with a large smile, running off to play.

"I didn't know you liked kids Blasty?"

"Hah?! I DON'T! SHUT IT!"


"Blasty please do it again, Todoroki said he almost laughed!"



"Fine just shut up about it!" Bakugou sighed before clearing his throat.

"You have such a beautiful face my dear~" He said with a smirk, Y/n burst out laughing pointing at him.



Bakugou sighed in frustration as he waited in class. Aizawa, Midoriya, Uraraka, Tsu, Kirishima, and Y/n were all gone.

The only two people he tolerated were gone for the day and Bakugou was damn near ready to explode.

He sighed in relief as the bell rang, signaling the end of the day. He walked back to the dorms, groaning as he remembered music practice.

He stepped into his room, quickly changing and grabbing his drumsticks.

He trudged into the living room, sighing as neither Kirishima, or Y/n were there.

"Let's get this shit over with."


Bakugou almost ran through the hospital hallways, stopping in front of a door and swinging it open.

"Y/n!" He called, rushing to sit by her hospital bed.

"Hey Blasty." She whispered weakly.

"God, what the hell happened to you."

" I had a tumble with a villain." She chuckled.

"Overhaul to be specific."


"Chill chill, the doctors are gonna kick you out. Overhaul didn't hurt me too bad, just put me on bedrest."

"Y/n you have got to be more careful. I don't know what I would do if I lost you..."

"Awe, is that a soft side I hear?"

"Oh shut it."


Bakugou sat down behind the drum set, glancing over at Y/n who messed with the tuning of her guitar.

"Hey Blasty! Does this sound right?" She asked, strumming a chord, he nodded, turning back to his drums, playing a small beat.

They simultaneously sighed as they stared at the large curtain in front of them, blocking the audience from seeing them.

Jirou took center stage, checking off each member.

"Okay... Let's do this." She spoke, readying everyone.

Bakugou clacked the drumsticks as the curtain rose, causing the crowd to cheer as the song started.

He glanced at Y/n who was playing guitar and backup singing.

He almost lost focus, shaking his head as he kept playing.


"Blasty you did GREAT!"

"Yeah yeah, you did too shit head."

"Hey! I am not a shit head!"

"Fine, you did too dollface."

Y/n blushed at the nickname, smiling widely.

"Thank you, you're not too bad yourself."


Bakugou rested on the couch, staring down at his book.

"Bakugou Katsuki." An all too familiar voice hissed.

"Oh shit, what, whatever I did I'm sorry please don't kill me." Bakugou pleaded as Y/n towered over him.

"Why the hell is Midoriya crying?" She hissed again. Bakugou shook his head unknowingly, curling into himself as he avoided eye contact.

Uraraka ran into the common room behind Y/n panting.

"He's crying because All might said something inspirational It wasn't him!" Uraraka defended. Y/n's dark aura disappeared immediately being replaced by a smile.

"Oh, sorry Blasty!" She apologized, sitting down next to him and giving him a quick hug.

He sat in shock and fear, glancing around the room at the others also standing in shock and fear.

"That was terrifying."
