Bakugou Katsuki - Sign langauge

!Deaf Bakugou x !Mute Reader

A/N: In this your quirk is soul bolt ( I feel like I use that every time, you should know what that is by now). Bakugou is deaf but has hearing aids. Reader is mute for reasons we will find out ;)

*Light swearing (Cuz y'know- Bakugou)*

Hero costume is above


I looked around anxiously as I walked through the massive hallway's of U.A. I had just transferred from Shiketsu. My hands trembled as I searched for the massive door with '1-a' written on it. I finally reached it and stood patiently beside it. There was loud chatter from inside and I was already nervous as it was.

I soon saw a very scruffy man in black walking towards me, my new teacher, Aizawa. I gave a small nod as he opened the door.

The chatter stopped as everyone stood, bowed, and sat back down again. I stood outside the door while he made his introduction.

"We have a new student. Be nice to her, I'm looking at you Bakugou." Aizawa said sternly. I shuffled my way through the door and went over to the board.

'Hi. I'm (L/N) (Y/N). I'm mute, but we can still pass notes to talk!' I wrote. I walked back to stand next to Aizawa when suddenly a boy stood up. He had spikey blond hair and fiery red eyes.

'Do you know sign language' He signed to me. I was shocked at first but then I noticed his hearing aids.

'Yep." I signed back. I gave a big smile. Aizawa rolled his eyes before pointing me to my seat. I sat two seats behind him. There was a green haired boy in between us.


I couldn't fricken believe it. She knew sign language, and she was really pretty.

I clicked on my hearing aids so I could hear Mr. Aizawa talk. He began the lesson but I couldn't seem to focus. My mind kept wandering to her shit face back there.


I sat with shitty hair, dunce face, soy sauce, and racoon eyes. I had turned my hearing aids off because the idiots were being loud. I could see movement out of the corner of my eye and saw (L/N).

She set her tray down on the edge of the table and signed me asking if she could sit. I nodded and scooted over so she could sit next to me.

We both sat and ate watching shitty hair and dunce face have a competition as to who could eat more rice. I snorted when dunce face passed out and shitty hair threw his arms up in a victory pose.

(L/N) tapped on my shoulder and signed to me.

'Do you know what class we have after this? Also what's your name?' I nodded and signed her back.

'Hero training, and Bakugou Katsuki.' she nodded and then racoon eyes tapped on my other shoulder. I flicked on my hearing aids.

"What?" I asked.

"What are you guys talking about. You're making me nervous you could be planning to destroy the world for all I know!" I smirked and turned back to (L/N).

'that's Mina, we call her racoon eyes though because' I paused  'you know.'  I signed.

(L/N)'s cheeks puffed out as she held back a laugh.

"What did you say?" Racoon eyes begged shaking my shoulders.

"None of your damn business!" I shouted back smirking. I turned to the rest of them.

"Oi, guys, Introduce yourselves, she has no Idea who the fuck you guys are." I shouted over all of their snickering.

"Oh, I'm Kirishima Eijiro! The manliest guy around other than Bakugou over here." (L/N) nodded. Sero started next.

"And I'm Sero Hanta, this is Kaminari Denki but he uh. He uh. Passed out." He explained.

"And I'm Mina Ashido!" Racoon eyes squealed my hearing aids started ringing and I had to turn them off quickly.

I glared at her as she sent an awkward apology smile back.


I slipped into my hero costume feeling very uncomfortable in the amount of skin it showed.

' I told them to put shorts on it' I thought to myself.

I followed the rest of the girls out and stood on the concrete waiting for all might to start talking. I stood next to Bakugou and shifted awkwardly.

'Hey, are you ok?" He signed to me.

I nodded then pointed to my hero costume. He seemed to understand and frowned.

All might put us all into groups (putting me and Bakugou together saying we could communicate the easiest after he takes off his hearing aids.)

We took a seat on a bench waiting for our turn.

"So why did you go mute?" Bakugou asked, not using sign language for once. I paused for a second looking down at my feet. Tears welled up in my eyes threatening to spill over if I didn't hold them back.

'I was attacked when I was twelve. My brother and father were killed while my mother and I hid In a closet. My father was a pro hero and it scarred me so much I refused to talk to anyone but my mother.'

He watched as I looked back at my toes. The tears starting to get the best of me. And I brought my hand to my face trying to wipe the tears away.


I put a hand on her shoulder trying my hardest to be comforting. I wiped a tear off her cheek.

She stopped crying after a while but my hand still rested on her shoulder.

All might called for us.  We walked into the arena and took our fighting stances. The whistle sounded and I used my quirk to shoot at her.

She disappeared and reappeared behind me using the lights as a way of movement.

'This will be very fun'


I walked down the hall my hand clutching my bag tightly.

I was still nervous since I didn't know the roads really well and had to ride the train home.

I could hear stomping and turned to see Bakugou who seemed in a very bad mood.

'You seem mad. What's wrong?' I signed, ready for the simplest of things that could make him angry

He scoffed and started on a rant about how much he was annoyed that he had to do so much extra training since he failed the provisional license exam.

I giggled and he paused.

"I-uh- where the hell are you going? I'm headed to the train station." He said.

'oh I'm going there too.' I responded.

He nodded in understanding and we continued walking in a comfortable silence.

We made it to the train and filed in. There were no seats left so we were forced to stand.

I popped my earbuds in and swayed to the music. The train came to a lurching stop (that I was not ready for) and I lost balance. Bakugou caught me with a glare and I sheepishly smiled back.

I stepped off the train and began my walk down the road.

I got to my house and hesitated before deciding I would do my homework in the park. I walked to the park and took a seat on the bench. I pulled out my homework and got to it.


I sat in my desk, enjoying the silence while I could. (L/N) walked in and took her seat.

I turned around leaning on that stupid Deku's desk. She turned to look at me. I signed over to her.

'You know, I still don't have a nickname for you.' She smiled awkwardly

'what ones were you thinking' She signed back clearly nervous.

'well there's sparky, sparks, shit face, and doll face.' she smiled for real.

'I like sparks, it suits me' she signed. I shrugged nodding in agreement.

I looked back at her taking in her beauty and...


I clicked my hearing aids back on. I moved into Deku's seat so no one else could hear.

"Where did you get those bruises?" I asked sternly she seemed to panic, her eyes darting back around the room rapidly. I was about to say something else when Aizawa walked in.


I sat at my usual table, but I scanned the room. Sparks had avoided me all day and I planned to get some answers as to where the hell those damn bruises came from.

I watched her peek around the corner from the hallway and sneakily get in line. I quietly got up ignoring the questions from the idiots I normally sit with. I got in line behind her and slowly creeped up on her.

'god, I look like a creep, don't I?'

I tapped her on the shoulder and she whisked around to see me. She took in a breath and faked a smile. I told her to get her lunch while I waited. I walked over to the side and she seemed almost


Was I hurting her feelings? Did this have to do with her family? Was I pressuring her too much?

She finished getting her food and walked with me to the roof.

We sat down and I waited patiently as she started to eat her food. She gave me several nervous glances but otherwise seemed pretty calm.

"So," I began. She visibly flinched causing my eyebrows to furrow. "Where'd the bruises come from, eh?" I asked, a little harsher than intended. She sighed and set down her bowl of soba.

'yesterday, I tried to do my homework in the park, but a couple of kids from Shiketsu saw me and beat me up for being mute.' She finally explained herself.

"How often does that happen?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

'Pretty often, it's actually the reason I dropped out of Shiketsu.' I shook my head. I was disappointed.

I had actually thought about walking her home yesterday but I guess my pride got the better of me


I nodded. She finished her lunch, and we sat there in comfortable silence, just like we had on the walk home yesterday.

The bell rung and we went back to class.


After school I walked her home everyday. Making sure no-one ever touched or talked to her in a bad way ever again.

We would meet up at the gates take the train and then go to her house, after that I would walk back to mine.

Today in particular was special. She was going to stay and study with ponytail (even though I offered to help), then walk home by herself. She promised she would be ok.

I got on the train and hopped off like usual. I was going to head in sparks house direction anyway since my house is easier to get to that way. As I was walking a taller boy wearing a Shiketsu uniform yelled at me from across the street, making me stop in my tracks.

"Oi, where's the mute little brat?" My blood began to boil as I turned to look at him.

"What did you just say to me?" I asked through gritted teeth.


"What are you deaf? I said where's the mute brat?" The Shiketsu boy yelled back.

Bakugou's hand began to crackle with explosions, his eye twitching, his anger growing more and more.

(L/N) rounded the corner looking down at her feet. She heard a small crackling and looked up to see Bakugou about to have a face off with one of the Shiketsu students who bullied her.

She could see exactly where this was about to go and used her quirk to get there faster. She stood a few meters behind Bakugou. She knew his explosions could get crazy. She tried grabbing his attention. Without sound he wouldn't know she was there.

Bakugou threw a punch at the student hitting him square in the face. (L/N) gasped thinking of what to do.

Bakugou got ready to light an explosion at the boy when he heard an unfamiliar voice calling his name.

"Bakugou, Bakugou please you have to stop!" (L/N) yelled at him causing both him and the Shiketsu student to stop in their tracks.

"W-What?" The Shiketsu student was shocked.

(L/N) grabbed Bakugou's hand and took them down the street using the street lights.

They stopped in front of the park and she let go of his hand. Her knees trembling from over exertion of her quirk.

She tumbled into his arms and he lifted her up with ease.

He carried the seemingly weightless girl back to her house. Knocking on the door.

Her mom answered and was shocked to see a very handsome boy carrying her passed out daughter in his arms.

She invited him in and he took (L/N) up to her room setting her down carefully.

He sat down next to her bed, his back leaning against it.

'Damn, her voice is amazing.' He thought to himself. His head leaning back and his eyes drifting shut.

She rolled over her eyes cracking open.

She realized where she was and shot up in her bed. She looked around and saw a very peaceful Bakugou. She smiled and shook his shoulder. He groaned pushing her hand away. She giggled and shook him less gently. He opened one eye looked at her and was immediately awake.

"Good morning Bakugou." She chuckled.

"Wait I spent the night! Oh my god my moms gonna fucking kill me." He yelled standing up.

She stood up with him a small laugh passing through her lips again.

"No, silly, you fell asleep for 10 minutes, your fine!" She spoke up again.

He paused for a moment.

"You should really talk more. Even if it's only to me." He stated.

She tensed before sighing. She nodded walking to the door and leading me out.
"See you tomorrow." She whispered, just barely audible.
He smiled softly and kissed her forehead.
"See you tomorrow sparks."
He walked out the door and didn't regret anything he had done.
