Rin Itoshi

im sorry for the hiatus
senior year sucks
you finally graduated from highschool,and you joined a local college in your town. you were happy about starting a new chapter in your life and experiencing new things.

you text you're online friend rin that in a day itll be your first day,rin congratulates you and wishes you the best.
rin and you know each others for 3years throught the internet,you met in a random game and had a nice feeling and added each others in socials. since then you were inseparable,rin's personallity makes you laugh sometimes due to his bitchiness but he remains a nice guy.

he told you he plays footbal which is not a common liking of yours,yet you still enjoy watching people play it,you're more of a music person.

the day passes and its finally the morning of your back to university. you get up hyped but nervous,you do your hair and get dressed after a nice shower and you leave you're home saying bye to your parent.s

arriving to your compus you meet with a friend of yours that joined the same college and who will be your classmate.
tje compus is an open garden surrounded by tje building where u can see kt from the halls.
you and your friend are standing next to plenty of students waiting for the class assignements and timetables while listening to chase atlantic.

meanwhile,rin is observing you from the third floor without you knowing he studies in this sale college. he never mentioned it.

he looks at you from afar,while you're slowly moving your head to the rythm of whatever song you are listening to with your friend.

his friends arrive but he still fixes you,you feel observed and with reflex you lift your head locking eyes with rin,it takes you seconds to reconize him but before you do rin disapears with his friends throught th hallway full of students. you stand still wondering if it was really him or not...

am i leaving yall with an open end? totally
tell me in tje comments what can happen next
