Chapter 4

Beep beep beep.
I hit snooze and rolled over. Next thing I know Alfred it shaking.
"Idontwannagotoschool" I grumbled
"Master Richard is taking you" Alfred replied
I rolled out of bed and Alfred showed me the uniform I was supposed to wear.
"Thanks Alfie" I said
He smiled. I attempted to comb my hair flat but it just wouldn't stay. I walked out into the dining room. Dick was eating but Bruce wasn't. I sat down with a plate of waffles.
"Percy" Bruce said "I was talking with Dick and we've decided to train you"
"Really?!" I jumped up from my chair and hopped up and down
"Yes" Dick said
"This only means you come on patrol with me." Bruce said "not actual missions."
"When do I start." I asked
"After school"

"I don't wanna go" I groaned
"I didn't either when I was your age" Dick said
"Where is this place anyway"
"It's in the city" he said "it's called Gotham academy. Well actually the one your going to is more of a elementary academy. I never went there until high school."
"I hate school" I said "I can't stay focused."
"You'll be fine" Dick said
We pulled up in front of a bunch of buildings.
"Oh don't tell anyone about me and Bruce." Dick said "if anyone asks just tell them about the...situation"
"Okay bye Dick" I stepped out of the car. I wasn't planning on announcing to the world that Bruce was Batman anyway. He wore a mask for a reason.
"I'll pick you up right here" he said "or Alfred"
"Bye Dick" I said and I walked up the stairs and into the courtyard.
Kids were in groups so I just decided to find my first class. It wasn't hard to find. A few kids were all ready there. A girl with blonde hair and calculating grey eyes stared at me when I walked in. I sat down at a desk and she came over.
"So your the boy staying with Bruce Wayne." She said
"Yeah in his nephew Percy."
"I'm Annabeth" she said still studying me "Have we met before?"
"I don't think so" I said with a shrug
"You remind me of... nevermind"
The bell rang and the day went on normally.
I wasn't able to pay attention or read the board at times but I was used to that even though it did annoy me. I did notice Annabeth looked like she was having trouble to. And this was confirmed when she asked the teacher to tell her what one of the words said. Finally it was lunch. I saw one of the teachers staring at Annabeth. Suddenly his face turned towards me. That gave me chills. He started to walk over to me but luckily the bell rang.

School finally ended and I walked out the doors and went to wait for Dick. In the end Alfred pulled up in a black SUV.
"Hello master Perseus" he greeted
"Percy" I corrected but I knew that he wouldn't listen.
I ate a snack and quickly went down to the batcave. When I got there pull up bars were set up. Something that looked like and obstacle course was set up.
"Good your home" Dick said "let's train."
