Mystic_Mystery_Wofie asked:

For Dream: Do you regret doing anything in your past? If yes then what is it?

Dream: Heh... Yeah.... Mostly I regret not being there for Nighty when he needed it and being too wrapped up in my own issues to notice he was hurt.

For Nightmare: So does this means you already forgave your brother or no?

Nightmare: As I said before, I don't forgive him, but I don't hate him either. It's been a stupid long time of me constantly being hurt by him over and over. If he wants forgiveness he'll have to work for it.

For Author: Hope that this wasn't much a bother to you.....

Jules: Not at all! Thank you for your questions. :)

WeirdInternetPerson2 asked:

For the baby of the family: Do you forgive The SS for the mistakes? If not, why?

(Y/N): Of course I do! They just wanted to help, even if it wasn't really needed.

For Ink: When what REALLY happened finally was said, which emotion did you feel was the right one?

Ink: I don't really know. Mostly confusion. But that's because I don't know how to feel in that moment.

For my Haphephobic pal: How did you feel when the bab first hugged you?

Error: Really weird. Almost crashed, but it felt... Different somehow that time. I don't know, maybe parental instincts kept me from absolutely hating it?


For Nightmare: What would you do if You and Dream swapped roles?

Nightmare: I don't know. I'm an introvert, don't think I can see myself in his position. Too much social interaction.

For Dream: Have you ever thought about eating the negativity apple?

Dream: What?! No! Of course not! I saw how much pain my brother was in. Plus... I don't want my friends to have to be in the position I was in at that time...

For Error: What was your favorite moment with (y/n)?

Error: Probably either watching the Princess Bride with them, or watching them open up their gift on their final solo day with me.

For Blueberry: Have you ever thought about joining the Bad Sanses?

Blue: No, not really. I don't think I could actually help them with what they do, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends still!

For Cross and X-Chara: Would you ever share your chocolate with (y/n)?

Cross: We do that already.

Chara: Yeah! On book club night! Cross, (Y/N) and I all go into Cross' room and read books for hours on Thursday nights!

For Reaper/Death: How did you feel once (y/n) could actually touch you?

Death: Really ****ing relieved. I have been needing a hug since my Chara decided to give me a heart attack by "killing" Life with my weapon.

For the Murder time trio: Have you ever consider training (y/n)?

Killer: Oh we're definitely doing that.

Dust: That's actually what I wanted to do on my last day with the kid, but...

Horror: We all decided to wait until they turn ten to start on something like that.

For Dream and Nightmare: Will y’all finally get along and fix the balance between the Positive and Negative emotions?

Nightmare: Eh. Get along? Who knows. Keep the balance? Definitely.

Dream: I don't really understand this balance thing you all keep talking about, so I'mma just keep doing what I do.

For the author: Sorry for asking so many questions I’m just a curious person.

Jules: No problem. Copy paste tools are great.


What’s every ones fave moment with the childddd?

Nightmare: The flower crown incident.

Error: Same answer as before.

Cross: Book Club nights.

Chara: Hot chocolate chat!

Red: Being the first to find out the kid has magic.

Black: Discussing our music tastes. Or maybe teaching them the definition of a new word.

Killer: POKEMON!!

Dust: Prank war.

Horror: Probably cooking with them in the castle.

And where’d you get the idea to make this delightful book

Jules: Honestly? I just had a random thought of: Hey, what if the Bad Guys adopted a small child? Then this came out and became way too popular for a crack fluff fic in my opinion.

Lyn842 asked

Question 1: will they learn about the balance of the multiverse or are they still to stubborn to listen and understand?

Ink: I get it. Doesn't mean I won't keep doing my job.

Blue: Uhhhh... I don't really understand it at all, but I still wanna keep helping people!

Dream: I kinda get it now? But we still need to keep doing our side of the job, right? So... Keep doing what we're doing, right?

Question 2: will daddy nightmare change back to his normal Form some time or will he be forever goop dad?

Nightmare: Nah. I'm just like this now. When I ate the apples the overflow of negative magic resulted in this. As long as I live I'll look like this.

Question 3: how exactly did we made the Portal or informed cross where we were?

(Y/N): Oh! I used the leftover bit of magic in Papa's broken pen that I had in my jacket and forced it into the locket making it act like a magical beacon for Uncle Cross to find us and open a portal to us.

Question 4: what will happen to the a** zelus (or what his name was) 🙃

Death: Oh... Don't worry about him. He overstepped his boundaries and will now face devine punishment.

Yazmo123 asked:

Question 1: How did you get inspired to write this book?

Jules: As I said before, was just a passing thought that I got stuck on.

Question 2 : Whats YOUR favorite sans so far? :)

Jules: Either Epic or Nightmare.

Question 3 : What YOUR least favorite sans?

Jules: I don't know, depends on the interpretation. But, for the most part anything to do with Lust and his AU or really anything that makes me cringe too much.

StaryNight678 asked:

Question 1: is zelus a god? If he is say yes and no if not

Zelus: Yes, I am in fact a god.

Question 2: is zelus a sans or human?

Zelus: I prefer to take a humanoid form.

Question 3: do you have a book in qoutev?

Jules: No, I do not.

@WolfeDaBozz asked:

Question 1:Can you do a chapter whare (Y/N) gets a boy friend(Lust is what i would perfire :>)

Jules: Sorry, I don't think I'll do that. I have a hard time writing romance or anything sexual, it feels a little uncomfortable, ngl.


Question 1: Could we be classified as a Demigod of Balance?

Jules: Yup! That's exactly what (Y/N) became.

Question 2: Are there any ship children in this Multiverse? If so, who?

Jules: IDK. I didn't think that far.

Question 3: Would you call most of your readers supportive or not?

Jules: Most definitely! You all are such wonderful, supportive, and awesome people! I feel really lucky to have such a great community!❤

@ddgamning26 asked:

What au sans do you like my favorite is geno.

Jules: Probably Nightmare or Epic.

Oiplsstop asked:

Here are my questions. After this book, what other ideas do you have to write? Will there be more 'X reader' books? And what is your favourite food/drink?

Jules: Well, I'm probably going to do a SBI DnD au. I have an idea for a SBI x Sister! Reader AU and my favorite food would probably either be chocolate, or lasagna as for drink... Either hot chocolate or Coke-a-Cola.
