Error's Day 3


No pov~

You clutch your new blanket, hiding yourself under it. You choke out another sob trying your best to breathe. Why couldn't you breathe? You shake under your blankets as you try to control your breathing, but you are unable to.

You don't remember what caused the panic attack, but here you are. You aren't totally convinced that the past few days with Killer, Dust, Error, Nightmare, and the rest wasn't just wishful thinking and a dream of yours as you stay trapped in the dark void.

You jolt horribly as you feel something touch your shoulder. You whip your head to the side, the blanket falling off your head as you do, only to be met with Error's concerned face. He seems to be glitching more than normal, and has a look of pain beneath his worried front. You don't think, you just leap into his arms, hugging him tightly as you sob.

Error tenses as your small arms wrap around his form. He could feel himself want to crash, but for the first time he manages to push through that feeling. There is a child in need of comfort practically begging him, specifically to help them. So, cautiously, Error wraps his arms around you small, shaking form and rubs your back soothingly.

"Ple-ase, p-please, pl-ease t-tell me this is r-eal. Please, p-p-please, ple-ase, let this be m-more than just another d-d-dream in that h-horrible place!" You sob out in Error's chest. Error blinks and sighs, patting your back. "It'S oKaY. It'S rEaL." Error whispers, holding you more securely. Stars, this was breaking his heart. What could have done this to such a sweet kid like you?


You shakily sit up straight, still in Error's arms as you manage to calm yourself. "S-Sorry... I- ... Sorry." You mummer. Error sighs as he scoots to the headrest of your bed, still holding you loosely. "Do YoU wAnT tO hEaR a StOrY?" You look up at Error, rubbing your eyes of stray tears. "Wh-at kind of story?" Error smiles slightly. "HoW aBoUt HoW i MeT yOuR dAd?" You nod, quite interested in the story.


Error smirks as he looks over the crumbling universe before him. Another glitch taken care of.

As Error takes in the destruction, the sound of liquid being splattered can be heard by Error's trained hearing. Error clicks his tongue and lets out a low growl. He spins around only to be met with his enemy; Ink, the self proclaimed protector of the multivere. "InK." "Error." The two skeletons stare each other down, Ink reaching for his paint brush, as Error's hand twitches.

The show down was interrupted as Ink suddenly gets restrained by dark shadows as a new skeleton walks out of the shadows of a nearby tree. "I was quite enjoying the negativity being emitted from this destruction. So, I would appreciate it if you would let the skeleton do his job." The tar covered skeleton tells Ink, gesturing to Error as he speaks.

Error looks at the skeleton confused. It was clear that this creature wasn't from this universe, and he was clearly different from the other glitches. After all, he WANTS Error to destroy this universe.

Ink struggles in his restraints, glaring at the skeleton. "Let me go! He's going to destroy this universe!" The skeleton chuckles lowly, the sound sending shivers down Ink's spine. "Clearly. That's kind of the point, no? I was just about to do something similar so who am I to stop someone from helping me out?" Ink stops struggling and stares at him in shock. "W-what? You- you were- who are you?!" The dark skeleton blinks his one eye widening in surprise for a split second before his smirks. "Of course! How rude of me, I am known as Nightmare, the King of nightmares and negativity. A pleasure, I'm sure. However, I am a bit surprised that the so called protector of the multivere doesn't know of me."

Ink freezes, a look of shock and terror appearing on his face. Error wouldn't admit it, but he himself was scared of this new skeleton. Especially after his rival reacted in such a way after a simple introduction. "Yo-your Dream's brother?!" Nightmare rolls his eye. "Yes, yes. Not too surprised that he would be where you got your information from really, but it is a bit satisfying to know that my evasion tactics have actually worked." Nightmare pauses, the surroundings growing dark and cold as Nightmare's cordial mood turns serious. "Now, you are a soulless creature, correct? As a show of appreciation for helping me confirm my little experiment, allow me to show you a taste of what emotions are really like."

Ink screams out in pain as tears freely flow down his face his ever changing eye color and shape goes black as a black substance starts mixing in with his tears. Error takes a small step back, terrified at the show of power this new skeleton is displaying. Not even he had been able to make Ink scream out in pain like that, and he'd been battling Ink for years.

Soon the screaming died down to silence as Ink had passed out, still sobbing him his sleep. Nightmare carelessly drops the protector in a portal, as if discarding a broken toy. Nightmare then turns to Error and gives him a slight smile. "Sorry about that, that prick has been getting on my nerves for a while. I couldn't just sit back and let you handle it again." Error nervously fiddles with the end of his hoodie sleeve as he stares at Nightmare. "WhAt Do YoU mEaN bY tHaT? FoR hOw LoNg HaVe YoU bEeN tRaIlInG mE?!"

Nightmare shakes his head, snapping his fingers taking back his influence on the world around him and creating a small dark apple. "I haven't been trailing you, it just so happens that some of the universes I had planned on harvesting from aligned with the universes you were planning on destroying. In your destruction you were providing the negativity I was planning on collecting myself, so I simply let you do your job. I didn't want to interfere if I could help it, but that pompous prick grated on my nerves a bit to much this time. So, I suppose I should apologise in advance because now my prick brother is going to interfere with your work as well. If you want I could lend you a hand against him if I'm in the area."

That made Error pause. As much as he loved the void, if he had both Ink and Dream on his tail, he couldn't afford to do this alone. Normally Ink and him would fight to a stand still. Ink needing to go refill his vials and heal himself, and Error needing time to gather more energy after spending it all on his battle. It takes quite a bit to destroy all the code in a universe, after all.

However, factoring in Dream to the equation would be devastating for Error, the sparkle prince could heal Ink and give him actual emotions, even if only while Ink is in range of his aura, to keep Ink going and motivated. Error lets out a sigh and looks up to Nightmare. "WhAt ArE yOu AfTeR?" Nightmare smirks as he takes a bite out of the black apple. "These." Nightmare says holding up the half eaten apple. "They empower me, and... I need that power for something." Error nods. "AlRiGhT, aNd WhY dO yOu DeStRoY tHe UnIvErSeS yOu Go To, To CoLlEcT tHeSe... ThInGs?"

Nightmare sighs as he finishes his snack, looking to Error. "I don't destroy every universe I go to when I harvest. I only destroy the universes that have reached the end of their usefulness, or if I feel that the multiverse is getting to it's max capacity." Error freezes at his words, staring at Nightmare wide eyed. He knew about the capacity problem too? Yes Error does think that there are too many copy universes, but that doesn't mean he wants to eliminate all universes. Only the copies. Only the Universes that bring nothing new to the table. But to think there was someone else out there who understood about the balance of things and was trying to keep the multivere from breaking down was astonishing.

Error could feel a wide grin slowly break into his face. "YoU kNoW aBoUt ThE bAlAnCe IsSuE tOo?!" Error asks excitedly almost bursting at the seems. Nightmare chuckles lightly. "Yes, I do. I also know that it extends past simply universes needing to be destroyed so new ones can be created. In any one universe there can't be too much negativity or positivity. To the universes that have too much negativity, I harvest that excess energy and eat it, allowing things to go neutral until my brother can stop by. To the universes with too much positivity, I expend a bit of my energy to balance things out and causing some problems and conflicts." Error nods adamantly. "YeAh, YeAh! I'vE nOtIcEd ThAt ToO! AlThOuGh, I cOuLdN't ReAlLy Do AnYtHiNg AbOuT iT. NoT mY jUrIsDiCtIoN bUt, It Is YoUrS!"

Nightmare laughs, "You pick up things fast. I can see why fate chose you to be the destroyer. Tell you what, if you ever get too lonely in your little Anti-void you can always find me and stay with me. I could use the company. That, or if you need help with my bro or the Squid." Error smirks as he nods. "YoU kNoW wHaT? I tHiNk I'lL tAkE yOu Up On ThAT oFfEr."

Nightmare smirks back at Error, sinking into the shadows. "Well then, see you around... Partner." His voice echos around the area, the universe collapsing into a white void as soon as he does. Error smiles to himself as he opens a portal home. He may have to deal with the fairy prince of sunshine as well as the rainbow power ranger, but he now has a companion as well as a possible new friend. It's been forever since Error had one of those, discounting Blue he supposes. But, while Blue is nice, he still doesn't get why Error has to do what he does and tries to reform him or something.

Error looks around the empty void, and for the first time in a long time, feels happy and satisfied, despite Ink trying to stop him again.


You smile at Error as you put some distance between you two now that you're calmed down. "So that's how you met? That sounds so cool! Also, can Papa really do that? The whole making people feel bad thing?! Cuz if so that's so cool! He can make people stop fighting because he can make them feel bad about it!"

Error chuckles and calms his glitching down. "YeAh, I gUeSs YoU'rE rIgHt. HaVeN't ThOuGhT aBoUt It LiKe ThAt BeFoRe. YoUr DaD oNly ReAlLy FiGhTs DrEaM, aNd ThAt TyPe Of ThInG dOeSn'T wOrK oN hIm. So, I gUeSs I fOrGoT jUsT hOw PoWeRfUl YoUr DaD cAn Be." You giggle as you hug your pillow. "Yeah! Papa's the greatest! He can stop anyone from doing stupid, bad things!"

Error rolls his eyes before suddenly standing up. "Oh! ThAt'S rIgHt! I fOrGoT wHy I wAs HeRe In ThE fIrSt PlAcE. I wAs GoInG tO gIvE yOu A pReSeNt." Your eyes light up as you quickly crawl to the foot of your bed. "What is it?!" You ask excitedly, watching as Error brings in a large bag. He smirks sitting next to you and gestures to the bag. "WhY dOn'T yOu OpEn It AnD fInD oUt?"

You quickly year out the tissue paper, only to be met with several pairs of button eyes. You find ten knitted dolls of all the skeletons in the house. There was the goopy form of your dad with only one cerulean blue button eye, a Killer doll with black buttons and black string falling from them down to his chin, a Dust doll who's hood was fastened to the top of his skull so it wouldn't fall off, just like the real Dust's gravity defying hood, there was a small cross doll who also had a small doll of Chara fastened to him by Velcro, and a cute Horror doll who also had a hole in his head, just like the real one. Next was a doll of Black who's scarf was SO soft you couldn't help but rub your face against it, then there was the Red doll who had his typical scowl frozen on his face and a soft fur hood that you loved just as much as Black's scarf. Then there was a small doll of Error himself who had unusual button eyes that mavhted the real skeleton's, and a small version of Death who's cloak somehow looked like it was constantly shifting.

Your favorite however, was the last doll. You let out a small gasp as small tears appear in your eyes. You carefully pull out a small doll of Nightmare before he became goopified. He even had a small crown fastened to his skull. You tightly hug the doll and try to keep yourself from crying as to not worry Error. "Thank you so much Mom!" You exclaim, not even thinking about what you just called Error.

Error was about to correct you, but stops himself. You just look so happy, he couldn't just take that from you.

Error smiles as he ruffles your hair, for some reason he doesn't feel like his hand is searing from the contact, in fact it felt quite nice. "No PrObLeM. KiD." You look up to Error with happy, sparkling eyes. "Do you think you can teach me how to knit please?!"

"As YoU wIsH."
