♡ ~ Will you be my chicken nugget for life? ~ ♡

((Hawks Point of View))

The smell of strawberries, whipped cream, and pancakes woke me up. My eyes flitted open and I sat up slowly.

"Mm~ That smells good!" I yawned quietly and walked to the kitchen. Dabi was humming a simple tune. He was frying and flipping pancakes at the speed of light, using his quirk. When he noticed me watching him, he turned around was gestured for me to come closer.

"Good morning Dabi!" I put my head on his shoulder and hugged him from behind.

"Morning birdie" He gave me a small kiss in the forehead.

"This smells so good! Can I try them? Please?"

"Nope, not until I'm done"


He laughed and put a strawberry in my mouth. "There. Now sit your impatient ass down and let me finish"

I was going to object but he poked me in the side with a spoon. I sat down at the table and waited kind of patiently. After what seemed like an eternity, he brought the pancakes to the table.

"My best batch of pancakes so far. Enjoy"

I took a bite and fell in love immediately "Mmm! How'd you make these?"

"Strawberries, whipped cream, and pancake batter"

"Where's the whipped cream?"

"I mixed it in the batter right before I fried it"

That explains why the pancakes are light and fluffy, they taste like strawberries and whipped cream. I smiled wider and ate the rest of my food. When I was done, I put my plate in the sink and Dabi shooed me off to change my clothes, saying we were going somewhere special and that I should wear something warm since it's fall.

I found a cotton candy pink and blue hoodie I never remember buying. Eh... whatever. I barely even remember my own name so how am I going to remember every purchase I made? Impossible. I made sure to wear my white shorts and boots 'cause they matched. When I came out my room and went back to the kitchen, Dabi was asleep on the couch. Typical. I shook him awake.

"Hey Dabi! Dabiiii! C'mon let's go!" I tugged on his shirt. He woke up and pulled me down on the couch with him.

"I want to sleep forever" His voice was muffled. I took a deep breath and blew on his stomach like people do to babies. He jerked and let out a small laugh. I continued until he was ready to get up. He pushed my head playfully.

"Why are you like this baby bird?" 

"You love me for my outgoing, sparkling personality~!!" I struck a pose like Aoyama does so often in random times at class. Dabi covered his mouth and shook with laughter. He looked like he was going to explode. I struck another pose and he exploded in laughter.

"HAWKS OH MY GOD- BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA" He was cackling and wheezing at the same time.

"Now get your shit together and lets go" I poked the laughing man and he slowly got himself together. His face had a noticeable red tint to it. We left the house and Dabi lead the way this time. We walked down the sidewalk and crossed the street near our house. A car almost hit us even though the light was red.

"FUCK YOU DICKWAD" Dabi flipped the guy in the car off. I smacked him in the back of his head with my wing.


We continued walking. Dabi stopped at the Todoroki residence.

"Nat and Fuyumi wanted to have a video game thing."

"Alright! I'm gonna crush you in Mario Kart"

"In your dreams birdie" He smirked and we slid open the door. Natsuo nearly tackled Dabi.

"SHE'S GOING TO SNATCH MY SOUL! HELP!" He screeched. Dabi rolled his eyes.

"What did you do?"

"I might've accidentally blown up her Minecraft house"

"Not even Jesus can save you Nat. You know that right?"

"I don't wanna die!" He wailed. Fuyumi spotted him.

"I told you to stop messing with the TNT Natsuo!" 

Shit, she's scarier than All for One. This is family stuff and I don't feel like getting bitch-slapped today. I took a step to the side, distancing myself from the demonic looking woman. Dabi peeled Natsuo off him and took a step to the side too.

"Betrayed by my own brother!" Natsou gasped and ran for his life. We had to coax him down from the roof after that.

"It's okay! She's gone!"

"NO, ShE iSN'T SHE's jUSt WAiTinG"

After we got Natsou down, Shoto arrived. He looked sleep-deprived and ruffled up.

"What happened to you Sho?" Natsuo poked him. He froze Natsuo's finger on purpose.

"I didn't get much sleep last night..."

"What were you doing?"


"Midoriya?" I asked as innocently as possible. Shoto nodded sleepily.

"PFFFT-" Fuyumi nearly dropped her salad.

"How the hell did he do it before anyone else did?" Dabi laughed

"Top or bottom?"

"Nat!" Fuyumi glared at him.

"Top" Shoto smiled


I snickered. We settled in to play video games. Shoto kept losing, probably because he kept falling asleep. I came in second place a few times but Dabi, Natsuo, and Fuyumi had an intense sibling rivalry.


The door had opened and closed loudly. I jumped at the loud sound and cursed myself mentally because it gave Fuyumi the chance to pass me. I put down my controller and turned to see Endeavor, flopped on the floor, covered in scratches, and looking very tired. I flew over to him and poked his forehead.

"You're not looking so hot right now"

"Hhrrrugh" He tried to say something, probably shut up but he was too tired.

"Whats cooling you off Endeavor?"

"Hhhrrrrughhnnnrrrrmmm" He grunted.

"Need a hand hothead?" I held out my hand and helped him up. I think he was hit with some kind of quirk?

"Were you hit by a quirk?"

"Y-Ye-s" He struggled to form words. "T-h-he qu-ir-rk ma-ake-s m-e ti-re-d. I th-in-k i-t ha-s si-de effe-cts"

The quirk makes him tired? That's not so bad. Side effects? That's bad. Oh, he's bleeding.

Fuyumi paused the game. "Do you need help Hawks?"

"Nah, I got it"

"You're too nice Hawks" Natsuo rolled his eyes and smiled.

"I know but it's a hero's job to help everyone. Even fellow heroes with bad tempers"

"To-oo ni-c-e. Sh-ou-ld'v-e le-f-t m-e th-e-re. Do-n'-t de-s-er-ve ki-n-d-ne-ss"

Too nice. Should've left me there. Don't deserve kindness. My brain quickly decoded what he said. I guess he feels a bit guilty.

"There, there, Endeavor. You have done some bad things but you've done good things too. You saved my life when I was a child and inspired me to be a hero. Without that push, I would've never become a hero." I talked to him to keep him awake while I cleaned his wounds with a first aid kit. He flinched and I had to jerk my hand away because his skin had heated up fast.

"So-r-r-y" He mumbled sleepily.

"No problemo! Now where's your room?" I propped him up and half-walked, half-dragged him to his room. It took me a few minutes to find it. His room was plain and simple. A small bed, a closet, and a nightstand. I laid him down and put a cover over him. As I started to leave, he started talking more normally.

"How do you tell some people sorry? They'll hate me forever." He was mumbling but I could hear. I think the side effects is that he thinks aloud? Either way, he's spilling his thoughts.

"Hey! Guys! Your father is unknowingly apologizing and I think you should listen." I hissed. Dabi and Fuyumi came first, with Natsuo and Shoto being dragged along. Endeavor's eyes were closed and he wasn't moving. He was just talking.

"What's going on?" Fuyumi whispered as we crowded around the bed.

"He was hit by a quirk and I think one of the side effects is that he thinks out loud?" 

"I want to apologize to Touya and Shoto the most but I know they'd never forgive me...."

Dabi and Shoto looked at each other in surprise.

"Fuyumi has been so forgiving, even more than the others so I owe her the biggest thank you..."

Fuyumi smiled softly

"Natsuo was neglected as a child and I know he'd never forgive me but I'd like to try..."

Natsuo folded his arms.

"How in the world do I ever make it up to Rei... She wants nothing to do with me... I've already signed her out the hospital... Gave her the divorce papers..." He mumbled

The siblings were entranced.

"I guess I can keep... putting most savings into... the credit card... they can keep using it..."

Is that why he doesn't have that much stuff? He puts it all in the card? So he's been trying to find ways to make it up to them, even though he knows they won't forgive him that easily. He must be scared of rejection.

"Moving out... soon... tell them later... won't mind much..."

"He's moving out?" Shoto hissed

"Paid for house... they can keep it as long as they want... about 20 years of savings on that card... I'll give it to them..."

"I never knew he was putting money in the cards on purpose"

"It does make sense how the cards had never ran out of money" 

"Why would you hurt children like that... human beings not tools... They shouldn't have to be a hero because I said so... Touya went on his own path and... that was smart of him... Shoto could never use his right side and even drop out the hero course... It's his decision... Fuyumi's a good teacher, I'm glad she found something... Natsuo is smart... great college student..."

It seems like the quirk was wearing off.

"Sorry..." He fell asleep completely. We walked out the room in silence.

"Even though he hasn't been the best of fathers, we haven't been the best of kids. We have a reason to be mad but we should at least give him a little credit for trying" Dabi spoke first. Everyone looked at him in confusion.

"You hate him the most. Why are you loosening up now?" Natsuo squinted at him.

"Because I was a villain with a track record. My old teammates had hurt Hawks badly. I felt bad for my actions and that I didn't help him earlier so I asked for forgiveness. Hawks gave it to me that very day even though I was still labeled as a cold-blooded murderer. Now, I have a boyfriend and my life has been great. All because he was kind and able to forgive me."

Shoto looked at me "Is that why you were in the gay bar?"

"No! That part was an accident. We didn't look at the sign!" I cut in because Dabi opened his mouth with a smirk on his face. He has going to say something weird, I just knew it. We avoided that disaster at least.

"But you have the keenest vision ever. How'd you not see it? And if you walked inside, you should've noticed the behavior of the people inside" Natsuo pointed at me and grinned

"I had better things to do! Like finish my spicy chicken tenders from KFC."

"But you should have-" Shoto had a grin on his face

"Shush child. I didn't notice until we were almost dragged off by drunk man with quirks"

"That day, didn't you claim to be my boyfriend to stop a guy from r-"

"Don't encourage them!" I hissed at him. He put his hands up in surrender.

"Ooh-" Natsuo started but I glared at them all. 

"Good grief, you look like a bird-demon that's wearing pastel clothes" Shoto laughed 

"Hmph!" I crossed my arms and pouted. Dabi pulled me next to him.

"He doesn't like being personally attacked with feelings and theories." Dabi snickered.

"I have a theory that Hawks might be related to Present Mic. Like a cousin." Shoto grinned. Oh dear lord no.

"What? Why?" Natsuo was curious about this crazy theory.

"Well he wears yellow glasses with his hero costume like Mic and has headphones. His personality is a lot like Mic's, they're both loud blondes with a emo as fuck boyfriend clearly they have a thing for grumpy people-" Dabi made an offended noise "-And did I mention they both look like birds? Mic is like a cockatoo and Hawks is a chicken-"


"That is actually a very valid point. They do have a lot of similarities." Fuyumi tapped her chin.

"Bloody hell? Mic and I are just very good friends not cousins"


"Don't make me question my life Shoto" 

Dabi's phone pinged and he pulled it out his pocket. I tried to peek but he moved the phone away mumbling something about me being a 'nosy bird'. Shoto had a mischievous glint in his eye.

"There's something you're not telling me" I squinted at Shoto and Dabi. They snickered

"If you really want to know-" Dabi showed me his phone screen

Class 1-Gay





Invisbitch: Shut up or you get no hugs

Mina: :(

Mina: [Mouth Shut]

Mina: ... :(

Inivisibitch: Good now you get a hug! UwU

Mina: uwuwuwuwuwuwuwu

Bakugou: Good lord, why was this made?



Mina: :O Kiri-baby what happened?

Kirishima: Bakugou threw my crocs out the window at Tokoyami and now I'm pissed. Greatly.

Bakugou: He actually scares me. I think I fucked up badly this time so I'm hiding somewhere.

Jirou: He's in the yard. :>

Bakugou: ...Fuck.

Kirishima: Found him.

Kirishima: Get of the chat before I murder you painfully and slowly. :)


Bakugou: For the first time in forever, I need help- Someone save me please, Kirishima is going to murder me.

Deku: ...

Deku: Now you know how I feel. Kick him once for me Kirishima!

Kirishima: Will do

Bakugou: FUCK

"Mina is lovable but a real crackhead sometimes"

"She's honestly one of the kids I would adopt" Dabi smiled.

"How's Toga?" Toga transferred out the hero class, to the business class because says: 'Live my life my own way! I don't have to break my back saving others who will probably be scared of me! I'll become a successful person, not a hero!'. She's following her own path and that's all that matters.

"She's great, she says she loves her class and she's going to be the best businesswoman in Japan!"

"You two sound like great teachers!" Fuyumi smiled. 

"He's the good teacher. I'm the one who sits in a corner and waits until I'm supposed to do something" Dabi grinned.

"I'm good cop, he's bad cop" 

"I'm glad you two have found something you love to do!" Natsuo gave us a thumbs up and went back to swapping conspiracy theories with Shoto.

Dabi's phone pinged again and he swore silently, making Fuyumi rap him on the head for using bad language.

"We have to go" He hissed 

"What? Why?" Shoto looked at him confusedly

"The school said something about an emergency..." Dabi trailed off with fear in his eyes.

"If anyone touched Midoriya or my classmates, I'm kicking ass"

"If it's the right person who touched them, they'd be dead" Dabi stated grimly

"How come whenever shit happens, it always comes around to you two?" Natsuo accused.

"'Cause the universe knows we kick names and take ass, now hurry up" ((If you get the reference I applaud you))

"Be safe disaster-magnets" Fuyumi smiled kindly

"Be good Dear Sister" Dabi ruffled her hand and yanked me off the couch. Shoto was already outside. 


"FUCK YOU! AT LEAST YOU CAN GET SOME EXERCISE" Dabi called to the already running teen. He used flames to blast himself into the sky and rode a wave of ice across the rooftops. Showoff.

"He's a great boyfriend" I sighed and easily kept up with Dabi who was walking slowly. "If I was in trouble, would you go that fast for me?"

"Birdie, I would never let you get yourself into a frickton of trouble in the first place."

"But if I did, would you save me?"

"I'd save my time and effort" He didn't even miss a beat. I punched his shoulder and he laughed. His smile was a little more wide today. "Just kidding! I'd save you birdie, and hunt everyone would dared to touch you down to the ends of the earth. I'd kill many bad guys for you baby bird."

"Hooray! I'd destroy an army of Nomus for you Dabi-chan~" I made sure to sound extra flirtatious at the end of the sentence to see his reaction. He choked on his air and coughed into his fist. His face went a bit red.

"Gay panic!" I laughed. He pinched the bridge of my nose and I whined.

"Dabiii-chan! Dabiii-chaaan! Dabiiii-chan!" I sang softly in his ear. His face was a little redder than usual. I guess I'm trying to trigger a gay panic now.

"Baby bird." He had authority in his voice. I backed down for a second.

"You don't like the nickname Dabi-chan? 'Cause I am not above calling you Extra-Crispy Bacon"

He kissed the top of my head. I guess he likes the nickname! We arrived at U.A. The building was quiet. We walked around the building and I spotted a light in the distance.

"There!" I pulled him along. The light I saw was a small lantern. There was a note attached.

'To the Pro Hero Hawks and the Ex-Villain Dabi, we want information and we want it now. There are lights placed all over this forest. You will be checked at every turn. Come prepared and you'll find you prize.'

"Well shit" I muttered and Dabi straightened up.

"Let's do this"

We walked into the forest and I quickly spotted another note and lantern.

'Remember when Hawks was kidnapped and everyone thought he was dead? Why'd you go back to one of your captors?'

"You were being serene and calm. I remember looking into your eyes. All I saw was guilt and regret. So I knew you were being honest!" I answered easily. We plunged deeper into the forest. It was peaceful and I could hear the chirps of birds and the rustle of animals. This is actually pretty fun.

Dabi spotted the next light.

'Why do you love him Dabi?'

"You're the kindest, brightest, and cutest person I've ever seen birdie. I don't even know how I convinced you." He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. For some reason, I dropped my guard just listening to the animals that lived in the forest and holding Dabi's hand.

"This is nice" I put my head on Dabi's shoulder.

"There's the last one"

It was a carving in a tree and it was right next to a small shed. I ran my finger over the carving. Dabi checked the shed.

'Here in the forest, is where love is declared and where you will be happiest'

"Love will be declared? Dabi there's something weird about this message..."

He wasn't in the shed. There was a small light up arrow. 'Follow me~'. The song Rather Be played in the distance. I hummed along.

Oh, oh, oh
We're a thousand miles from comfort, we have traveled land and sea
But as long as you are with me, there's no place I'd rather be

A few fireflies picked up in the distance and formed an arrow. That's weird. I followed the fireflies to a small clearing. Dabi was standing there, smiling.

"Thank goodness!" I smiled. Dabi grabbed my hand and held it tight.

"Keigo Takami, you've been my boyfriend for almost a year. We've been through highs and lows together. I used to be a cold hearted guy with daddy problems and you changed me for the better."

I would wait forever, exalted in the scene

As long as I am with you, my heart continues to beat-

Is this really happening? I think I know what comes next. Yet, I was completely stunned.

A quiet explosion of color was above us. Instead of the sky, there were pictures of Dabi and I. They slowly changed and morphed.

With every step we take, Kyoto to The Bay,
Strolling so casually~
We're different and the same, gave you another name
Switch up the batteries

♡~ Me cuddling Dabi while he drew in his notebook ~ 

♡ ~ Dabi working at a desk while I brought him coffee ~ 

Us waltzing around the room to a simple jazz song ~ 

♡ ~ The Halloween festival when Dabi wrapped his tail around me while I hugged a bear he got for me ~ 

♡ ~ Us watching movies and cuddling together ~ 

♡ ~ Me using him as my personal pillow ~ 

♡ ~ Us singing softly and grading papers in sync ~ 

Dabi moved my face so I was looking at him. His eyes were full of love. I smiled to him softly. He got down on one knee. 

If you gave me a chance I would take it!
It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it~
Know with all of your heart, you can't shame me
When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be~

"Keigo Takami... Will you be my chicken nugget for life?" He pulled out a small box and opened it. There was a metal ring inside with a red jewel and a blue jewel on it. It's beautiful. He's beautiful. I felt tears come to my eyes at all the special things he's done just to lead up to this. The song played softly in the background.

"Of course!" I smiled with tears in my eyes. He smiled and stood up. I felt the ring slip on my finger but I was focusing on his ocean blue eyes. 

"I love you birdie"

"I love you more Dabi-chan!" I kissed him on the mouth. We stayed like that. His lips were so soft. I've been kissing him since forever but this time it was special.

"THE SHIP HAS OFFICIALLY SAIIIILED! WE DID IT!" I heard Mina scream in joy. Then the applause came. Slowly, everyone came out of their hiding spots. 

Shoto, Fuyumi, and Natsuo were there. All of Class-1A and some people from Class 1-B. Toga had tears in her eyes and she was smiling. Aizawa, Mic, Midnight, and all the teachers were there. Miruko and Ryuko were grinning. The girl who helped with the haunted house, Camie was there. Nezu was there. Almight was there. Everybody was here.

"WE DID IT GIRLS AND AOYAMA! IT WENT PERFECTLY!" Hagarake, Aoyama, Mina, Momo, Uraraka, Tsu, and Jirou were jumping up and down and squealing.

"They planned everything out. I'm impressed. Those girls and boy know what they're doing" Dabi had a proud smile on his face. I looked at the ring on my finger. It shined in the light. There was a small fire emblem with wings on it. Dabi showed me his hand. An identical ring was on it.

"Congrats pretty bird!" Toga ran up and gave us a hug. I hugged her back.


All I felt that day, was happy. We had a big celebration in the Class 1A dorms. There were balloons and cake. Hagarake, Aoyama, Mina, Momo, Uraraka, Tsu, and Jirou ended up being the wedding planners because they did an awesome job. At the end of the day, I was tired. Today was the best day of my life but it doesn't mean it wasn't tiring. Dabi carried me on his back.

"Fiancé... I think it suits me..." I yawned. 

"It really does. You know, I thought I might've been going too fast for you birdie"

"Hah... I'm the fastest guy in Japan... You were going a little slow for me actually. Even if you had asked me last month and proposed with a ring pop while we were in the middle of a battle, I would've said yes..."

"Good to know. I think the shipping squad is going to force you to wear a dress. I already heard them talking about what color it should be"

"Black... Black with my diamond emblem on it..." 

"Alright. I'll tell them."

We arrived home. All I remember is Dabi laying me down and him joining me later.

Fiancé. All I've been seen as in my life was a hero, playboy, spy, tool, heavyweight, Big Bird, and boyfriend. Now I'm a fiancé. I think it suits me well.
