~Proposal Planning w/ The Shipping Squad~

{A/N: I have officially decided that Dabi always wears his U.A. uniform to work, even if he's working as a detective 'cause he thinks it "Looks good on me". UvU

((Dabi's Point of View))

Hawks was out teaching Class 1-B and I only work as a part-time teacher now. I have a case to work on for the Nighteye Agency but something else is on my mind. I want to... propose to Hawks. I want to stay with him for the rest of my life. I've fallen hard for this man.

"Heyyy Dabi-sensei!" Mina bounded up behind me and looked over my shoulder.

"Just Dabi, remember? I don't like being called sensei"

"Okay! So, what are you thinking about?"

"Uh... I have a case to solve. And a drug dealer to apprehend."

"Ooh! Could I see?"

"Uh yeah. They never told me I couldn't show anyone."

I slid some of the papers over to her. The case is about a drug dealer. They somehow administer illegal drugs and have never gotten caught. They don't even have a record. The police has had an eye on them for a while but never catches anyone with drugs. There's no enough evidence to arrest them. I have a few mugshots of the suspects and a file about the recent activity but nothing else. I'm supposed to find out how these people get their drugs around and apprehend them. Seriously? I've cracked a few cases on my first day but this is my second day with the case.

"Should I contact someone smarter than me?" Mina pulled out her phone.

"Uh okay, sure."

She pressed a few buttons and put the phone on speaker.

"Hello? This is Momo!"

"Hey parental figure!"

"Oh! Hello problem child."

"So, we have a mystery to solve and Dabi said it's okay to call someone for help!"

"Cool! I'll be down from the dorms in a few seconds! Where are you?"

"Hawks's classroom"

"Alright! Here I come!"



Mina and I continued to look over the notes. There was nothing there that looked suspicious except a smudge on the paper I swear I didn't do. I spotted something on Mina's paper. Another person was around the corner in the photo. 

"Hey, can I see that one?"

"Yeah sure"

I stared at the photo. All I could see was the person was wearing a straw hat and a t-shirt with blue flowers on it. Momo came inside the room. She looked excited.

"Ready to help!"

"Good. Can you go through those mugshots and see if there's a person who has a straw hat and blue shirt?"

It's a long shot but she was happy to search. Mina continued going through my theories about how they did it.

"What's this?" She held up one of the doodles I had drawn. It was a theory about Tokoyami that I made up in my free time. I had even sketched a little mugshot next to it.

"Oh, I like to doodle sometimes" I shrugged, a little embarrassed.

"Do you have one of me?"

"I have one of everyone in the class. When I'm relaxing in the corner and scribbling madly what do you think I'm doing? I can never sit through Hawks's lectures when he covers other teachers classes."

Hawks likes to get to know everyone so he takes other teacher's classes when they need a break. I usually get dragged along.

"Could I see them?"

"I thought you were supposed to be helping Queen" I teased. She was a queen for Halloween and she's been calling me demon. So I get to call her queen.

"But I want to see them! Pleeease Demon?"

"Go ahead your majesty. They're in a black notebook in my bag. It says SketchBook on the front. You can't miss it"

"Thank you Satan!"

"Hey Dabi? I found something." Momo tapped me. "There's a guy who's wearing the same outfit on this paper too. And it's a clearer shot of him."

I looked at the man. He was tall but not tall enough to be noticed. His facial features were weasel-like and he seemed to have fangs and nails. He was also very skinny. Just like a weasel. The streets in the photographs are right next to each other. The photographs were also took a few minutes apart from each other. He might've crossed the road.

"So the weasel crossed the road to sell illegal drugs." I muttered.

Momo and Mina looked utterly confused by my statement. I snickered at their expressions. Then, I explained my thoughts to them carefully. After I filed a report into the system, I packed up my stuff. My phone will notify me when I get answers.

"So Dabi, what were you thinking of before I got here?"

Marrying Hawks.

"Uh... Well... Can you keep a secret?" Mina and Momo nodded excitedly. "I want to propose to the bird."

Mina squealed and clapped her hands together. Momo had a happy glint in her eye and she smiled.

"When are you gonna do it?"

"Well... I don't know if I should... Would that be rushing it? If I go too fast, I might push him away..." 

Momo grabbed me by my shoulders and shook me until my brains were scrambled.

"What are you talking about?! This is the fastest hero in Japan for god's sake! You couldn't be going too fast at all! And you'd never push him away 'cause Hawks is obviously head-over-heels in love with you!"

"Cool your jets and stop scrambling my brain" She let me go and I flopped over, a bit dizzy. This girl has serious muscles.

"What if we told you, we're the best planners in the business?" Mina grinned. I blinked and sat up.


"We can help you plan the proposal, as long as we get to be there!" Momo and Mina had the biggest grins on their face.

"...Sure. Let's do this." I nodded and Mina squealed.

"We need backup!" She whipped out her phone and typed so fast I could barely see her fingers. Soon Hagakure, Uraraka, Tsu, Aoyama, and Jirou burst in.

"WE'VE HAVE COME TO PLAN MONSIEUR~" Aoyama literally twinkled so brightly I think my eyes are going to fall out.

"Now, we don't have all day! I've decided that it will go down on Saturday so they can spend Sunday cuddling each other! All in favor?" Mina was the leader.

A bunch of 'Aye's echoed around the room. I smiled. My fate is not in my hands at all. I think I like it that way though. They were really good at planning this romantic stuff and they're some of my most lively students. I still can't help but worry I might be rushing- I mean it's only been almost a year since we started dating. But I'm 200% sure about this. I love Hawks and I want to show him how much I love him.

"Are you gonna be ready for this Dabi? It's gonna be epic!" Hagakure cheered

"I've never faced anything so nerve-racking"

"Our ship will sail all the way! You just gotta sit back and watch the masters at work ribbit!" Tsu reassured.

"Notre navire naviguera entièrement, vous pouvez compter sur cela ~ !!" Aoyama smiled and twinkled. ((Translation: Our ship will sail fully, you can count on that~!!))

"Thanks Aoyama"

Aoyama stopped in his tracks. "You can speak French?"

"I learned in middle school and remember some of it. Ever since I realized you spoke french I took a few refreshers."

"Tu es vraiment un grand professeur Monsieur Dabi~!!" Aoyama sparkled even brighter. I felt my pupils dilate when I tried to look directly at him. This should be a second quirk. ((Translation: You really are a great teacher Mister Dabi~!!))


For the rest of the week, we planned the proposal. Soon, the whole class was in on it. 

On Saturday, I woke up with anxiety. I just hope today goes well. Either I lose my everything or I gain a husbando.



Sorry it's so short, my friend who runs this account- (AmajikiTheFoodHero) is messing with me and plus-ultra spamming me weird pictures. Anyways, hope you enjoy 'cause we'll be working together on the story. I think the story might end soon though, cause it can't go on forever and Tamachan wants to start stories from other fandoms!

Hope you enjoy! -Nejire

P.S- On this account I go by Nejire and we just started sharing the account a few days ago! Check out the chatfic 'cause it belongs to me now >:3
