homophobe friend

⚠️TW: F maggot slur, mentions of beating, murder, rape, sexual harassment and assault, mentions of fire, homophobic bitch⚠️

so y'all remember that one chapter where i sent a message to homophobe friend for being as asshole to a friend

she responded a day later, so here's some screenshots and my hindsight comments

some side notes before we start:
-yes, i am an immature angery child
-i speak fake smart language when i'm pissed off
-yes i'm an attention whore

great. now y'all don't have to comment it because it's now known

that last message on her end was sarcastic

don't say retard to me. that's an old term used to describe autism and down syndrome. using it against me, who doesn't have anything along those lines, is offensive to those who ARE autistic or have down syndrome.

in addition, she's gonna be grateful that "libtards" and feminists exist if she ever gets catcalled, groped, or satan forbid raped. i'm not at ALL wishing any of that upon her, i'm just saying that me along with other friends have already experienced sexual harassment and we're not even in high school yet. it's not pleasant. it's not okay. and the fact that she's trying to dismiss the exact party that would help and support her if something like that happened is something she might regret later on.

if you're a female who says "libtard," fine. but don't dismiss the entire party. so-called libtards are the ones who are against sexual harassment or assault, no matter what clothes you wear.

also the bi slur thing was sarcastic on my part

also forgot to mention: she took forever to respond to these messages, and it was later found out that as this happened she was screenshotting my messages and sending them to a homophobic group chat. i was doing a similar thing with some ally friends, but i actually responded within a decent amount of time

OKAY OKAY i know i provoked her, but i was being sarcastic like withthe bi slur thing. i forgot that we were texting and she couldn't perceive my tone, so the f slur on her behalf is kinda on me and i take responsibility for that

also, yes, bis have the f maggot slur pass. anyone in the LGBTQIA+ community has the pass. this is the first time i've used mine, and i don't plan on using it again anytime soon. i also don't plan to use it to refer to any person.

and ik there's gonna be that one person who says something like "iT rEfFeRs tO a cIgArEtTe u hOe" and yes, in the past it has, if you're referring to a cigarette, fine. but the second you use it to refer to a human being is when it becomes a slur. back when gays weren't accepted, they would roll up gays in carpets or fabric and light their hair on fire, burning them until they died, like cigars and cigarettes. that's when it became a slur boomer

1) this book now has 1.72k reads?!?!?

2) the words blurred in red are the schools we go to/will go to

3) i'm aware this isn't a blog but it's shorter than saying"i have a story in wattpad where i express my gay"

for the record, i'm a baptized person and my parents say i'm Catholic, but i'm not. i have found the strict rules of Catholicism to be slightly toxic for me personally. i know lots of people are gonna disagree, but it's just my personal experience

and the reason i kept up the Catholic façade here was because
a) she might report me
b) i was ready to debunk her religious arguements against gay people because gay Catholics do exist and are valid

that's true. in our Catholic-fied sex ed class, we were taught that if we experience homosexual desires we're supposed to become nuns or priests. i think that's why it took me so long to accept myself. i didn't want to be a nun because, no offense, but nun life looked miserable to me

that's also true. when Europeans came to America, they forced Christianity onto Native Americans who already had a religion set up. Natives were beaten, raped, and killed if they didn't convert and practice Christianity. and yet, those Natives who did convert against their will are considered saints. it's sickening.

the person whose name is blurred in purple is my ally friend who i respect ✌️

and so later homophobe makes a post on hee private snap saying "when briar and her gay clan gang up you"

which was the final straw for me

you can call me a fag, provoked or unprovoked, fine

you can call me a libtard

fuck, you can come to my house and try to beat the shit outta me

but when you rope my close friends into it, you cross a FUCKING line. you have motive to attack me. but you have no motive, nor do you have the RIGHT to attack my friends.

i realize that names of my friends were not given, but basically the entire class knew who it was. i prolly said this before, but she screenshot and sent each of my messages to a group chat before replying. lotta effort for shitty and factless replies.

so one of my ally friends went off (fuckin thank you sm)

and the other ally friend suggested we tell someone at the school. which, yes, she could get in trouble for, but they couldn't do much about it now. plus the school would definitely tell my parents, no matter how many times i'd tell them that i'd probably be in danger at home.

we tried to get the email of the guidance counselor, but we couldn't find it.

also some rando contacted one of my ally friends saying not to listen to homophobe's bs

which.. yes but who are you?

anyways thanks so much to my ally friends luv u guys

and yes i exposed homophobe's name because i'm too lazy to crop it and i don't respect them anyways

also, thank you for being here. whoever is reading this, thank you. for listening to my dumb gay stories, for reading this entire angery  bi text drama.

thank you 💖💜💙

you're amazing, each and every one of you.

and i'll probably be doing a face reveal chapter soon because milestones
