09. Sinners Play As Saints

"We were overdue
but it'll be over soon"


Rosalind felt like she was in a horror movie. One would think things like this wouldn't scare her considering the content in her books. But this place looked haunted. She wrote about serial killers and murderers. Rosalind did NOT mess with ghosts.

The Batman kicked the door open with ease. A layer of dirt and dust fell with it. It was dark, almost pitch black inside. The three of them turned on the flashlights and moved cautiously inside. In their light, they could see WELCOME spray painted onto the wall in front of them. Beside her, Rosalind heard Gordon ready his gun just in case.

"No guns." Batman told him firmly.

"Yeah man," Gordon shook his head. "That's your thing. Be happy I took back my other one from her already."

It was true, Gordon had taken the gun back from Rosalind. He had scolded her about taking an officer's gun yet complimented her on her shooting abilities at the same time.

They headed further into the orphanage. Spray painted arrows on the walls pointed to their path. It was eerily quiet, just the sound of their footsteps and water dripping in the distance.

Rosalind followed closely behind Batman with Gordon bringing up the rear. Rosalind had seen enough movies to know to stay in the middle of the group.

A sudden noise made Rosalind jump. It sounded like someone was nearby.

"What's that?" Gordon asked urgently.

A figure appeared down the hallway in front of them. Instantly, they were in pursuit. The figure ran down the hall and into a dark room. The trio reached it seconds later, shining their lights into it. But all they saw were several dazed and disheveled people looking very confused.

"Dropheads," Gordon huffed.

Rosalind breathed a sigh of relief. Drop addicts were much easier to handle than ghosts. She assumed.

Suddenly, they could hear music playing in the distance. Ave Maria. A chill went down her spine.

"What the hell is that?" Gordon asked.

"Ghost choir practice?" She suggested as they began to follow the sound.

The song ended and applause was heard. They followed the sound to a pair of double doors that were spray painted just like the walls.


"Thank you," A familiar  man's voice said. "Thank you so much. Wasn't that beautiful?"

Batman opened the door to reveal an empty room with a projector in the center. It was on, projecting a video of Thomas Wayne.

"Thank you for coming today," He was saying. "I believe in Gotham. I believe in its promise."

Rosalind's heart lurched at the sight of the man who had been nothing but kind to her in the short time she had known him.

"But too many have been left behind for too long," he continued. "And that's why I'm here today to announce not only my candidacy for mayor, but also the creation of Gotham's Renewal Fund."

Her eyes wandered over to Batman. She wouldn't pretend to know what must be going on in his mind right now.

"Win or lose," Thomas said. "The Wayne Foundation pledges a one billion dollar donation to start a charitable endowment for public works. I want to bypass political gridlock and get money to people and projects who need it now, like these children behind me."

Rosalind looked around the room some more. On the wall beside her was written:


"Sins of the father," Gordon read out loud, pointing his flashlight at the writing on the opposite wall.

Rosalind's eyes trailed back to Batman again. She saw him stiffen. Her horrible thought from earlier made its way back into the front of her mind. Bruce was next.

She was not about to let that happen.
Above his head by the door, she saw something else spray painted.


Rosalind tried not to think about her books.

"Renewal is about growth," Thomas continued. "It is about planting seeds and renewing Gotham's promise."

"Shall be visited upon the son," Batman whispered, finishing the quote from the writing on the wall.

"Jesus, his next victim is Bruce Wayne." Gordon looked instantly at Rosalind, his eyes wide. "You gotta give him a call. You need to warn him."

"He won't answer at this time of night," Rosalind lied. "And my phone's off, so..."

Gordon frowned and turned his attention back to the video still projecting on the wall.

Rosalind felt a strong hand grab her arm and begin pulling her out of the room. She complied and quickly followed Batman out, leaving Gordon. She knew where they were going. If Bruce Wayne was the next target, that meant his home would be hit. The pair left the orphanage and leapt into the car. As they drove out, Batman looked at her.

"If he's been following your books in order," He said. "He should be up to the fourth one. What's the biggest thing that happens in it?"

"Black Friday," She said nervously. "Well, like three people get their throats cut open and there's a shooting but the finale was- oh my god."

Rosalind looked at him, her eyes full of fear.

"A bomb," She said. "A bomb in a mailbox. Bruce, Dory's there. And- and my dad-"

The car's engine revved and picked up speed. Rosalind's breathing grew rapid. She said a silent prayer, something she had never done before. She prayed for her father's safety.

Batman called the manor's phone. The ringing seemed to go on forever. Until finally someone answered.

"Hello?" Dory's voice came through. Rosalind breathed a small sigh of relief. At least she was alright.

"Dory!" It was Bruce's voice that came out. He sounded scared. He was. They both were. "I need to speak to Alfred!"

"Oh Mr. Wayne..." Dory said. Rosalind didn't like the sound of the sadness in her voice.

"Dory, where is my father?" She interjected.

"Oh Rosie, dear-" Dory said, sounding surprised to hear her.

"Listen to me!" Bruce exclaimed. "Something terrible is gonna happen!"

"I'm afraid it already has, sir," Dory said.

They came out from under a bridge to where the tower was visible. Rosalind let out a strangled gasp when she saw smoke billowing from the side of it. She clamped a hand over her mouth as tears began to prick her eyes.

This wasn't happening. This could not be happening...

"About an hour ago," Dory said tearfully. "I'm so sorry. I've been trying to reach you both."

Rosalind didn't hear the rest of what Dory said before the call ended. They sat in a stunned silence as Bruce drove faster than ever. Silent tears streamed down Rosalind's face as she stared straight ahead. She hiccuped.

He took her hand.

Bruce held her hand tightly as he drove well above the speed limit. But no matter how fast he drove, they were still too late.

When Rosalind learned that her father was alive but in critical condition she almost broke down then and there. But she was relieved. He was alive. That was enough.

The inside was smoke filled and burned. The fire had been put out but the heat remained. Sweat made her hair stick uncomfortably to the back of her neck as they stood before police.

"The package was intended for you," A detective was telling a now normal clothed Bruce. "It was a C-4 explosive sent in a mailer. We found this too."

He held out a flame proof envelope that was addressed to the Batman. He opened it to reveal yet another card. This one had eyes that seemed to stare right through them. On the inside it said "SEE YOU IN HELL."

Rosalind bit her lip. In Black Friday, that was what the main character had said to the villain before the big finale fight.

She was still holding Bruce's hand, practically clinging to him. He didn't budge, he didn't pull away or complain. He held onto her firmly, refusing to let go. At a time like this, they were each other's life boats. They needed each other to stay afloat.

The hospital was cold. Rosalind's coat was wrapped around her tightly as she and Bruce stared through the glass window at her father. Her eyes were red and puffy.

She and Bruce's arms were linked. She was almost curled into him like a child, her head down and shoulders hunched. His other hand rested on her back, rubbing small circles with his thumb.

Alfred looked rough, but he was alive. Rosalind kept reminding herself. At least he was alive. That was all that mattered to her.

"We've sedated him," The doctor told them. "We just have to hope he stabilizes. You should both go home, get some sleep. Is there anyone else to notify? Next of kin?"

Rosalind opened her mouth to reply, but Bruce beat her to it.

"No," he told the doctor. "It's just us."

The doctor nodded and walked away. The pair stood there in silence for a moment. Then, Rosalind wiped her eyes and looked up at him.

"I'm going to stay for a while," She said. "Go back, get some sleep. You need it."

"You need it more than I do," Bruce shook his head. "Rosie, you don't have to be alone right now."

"I want to be," She said. "I need to be. Please? Just for a bit. Then I'll go home."

Bruce hesitated for a moment before he sighed.

"Alright," He said. "Call me when you want to leave and I'll come get you. But you aren't going to your apartment. It's safer if you stay with me. The wing with our rooms were untouched by the bomb. And he can't hit the place twice in a night. You're coming home where I can keep an eye on you."

Reluctantly, Rosalind nodded. She was too tired to argue.

"Can you get Copper?" She asked. "Bring him with you. He's been alone for too long."

Bruce nodded, his shoulders slumping in relief that she agreed.

"I'm sorry," He told her. "About all of this. You are the last person in the world who deserves any of this."

Rosalind cut him off with a hug. She buried her face in his chest as fresh tears began to fall. He hugged her back instantly, stroking her hair soothingly. He whispered reassurances to her. He told her that it was going to be okay, that she was strong, that he wasn't going to let anything else happen.

Bruce pulled away but held her shoulders so she would look at him. He didn't say anything for a long moment. He just took in the sight of her. Frizzed, messy hair. Tear stained face. Eyes full of fear and fatigue and sadness.

She looked like the little girl he had met in the study all those years ago. In a way, she would always be that girl. But at the same time, that girl hadn't seen the light of day in a very long time.

But neither had he.

"I'll be back," he promised, pressing a quick but tender kiss to the top of her head.

Rosalind wiped her eyes and nodded before watching him walk down the hall. She turned and entered her father's hospital room. She sat in the chair beside the bed.

The monitors around them beeped monotonously. She looked down at Alfred. He looked so... small. She remembered that the last time she spoke to him they were arguing. It took everything in Rosalind to not start crying again. She wished that she could take everything back.

She hadn't been in a hospital in a very long time. Not since her mother. Rosalind lost the battle with her tears and her vision grew blurry. She reached forward and took his hand gently. He was warm to the touch.

"Dad I'm so sorry," She whispered tearfully. "I'm so so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen. I should of told you from the start. I know you don't approve but I know there's a part of you that would be proud of me. You taught me to be strong and that's what I've been doing. We're trying to help people, Dad. But we- I wasn't there to help you. I'm so sorry. I don't even know if you can hear me right now. But I can't lose you. Bruce can't lose you. ...We need you, Dad. I love you."

She wasn't expecting a response. The only sound was the monitor's continuous beeping. But she didn't need anything. She said what she wanted to.

Rosalind stayed for about an hour before she could barely keep her eyes open. She called Bruce and asked him to come get her. He left immediately.

The drive back was quiet. Rosalind had her arms wrapped around herself and stared out the window. Bruce glanced over at her every so often. But he didn't say anything, didn't pry.

Copper greeted them happily as they walked in the door. Rosalind pet him lovingly, wishing she could be as blissfully ignorant as he was.

"Go get some rest," Bruce told her. "I'm going to lock up."

Rosalind nodded and began to make her way to her room, Copper trotting after her. On her way up, she passed through the main room. She noticed that the giant stone table wasn't in its usual spot. It had been moved. In its place was a chart of sorts.

In the center was the Riddler's symbol spray painted onto the floor. Connected to it were six fragments from the case: MITCHELL, RENEWAL IS A LIE, SAVAGE, THE SINS OF MY FATHER??, NO MORE LIES - COULSON, and ROSALIND'S BOOKS? Each fragment had pictures from the case as well.

But stacked by Rosalind's name was a copy of each of her books. They were first editions that she had given to Bruce when they had first come out. He had jokingly made her sign each one, saying "they're worth more that way."

She kept walking until she made it to her room. Closing the door behind her, she kicked off her shoes and changed into clothes to sleep in. Copper made himself comfortable at the end of the bed by her feet as she climbed in.

But she didn't sleep. She stared up at the ceiling, feeling like she was going to cry again. But she seemed to have no tears left at the moment. So she was forced to stare up and let her mind spiral until she made herself sick with worry-

There was a knock at her door.

Bruce stuck his head in. He was illuminated by the dim light coming in through the window. He looked at her sympathetically.

"...Do you need anything?" He asked.

"I'm alright," She shook her head.

"Okay," He replied. "Get some sleep. I'll just... yeah."

He moved to leave but something in Rosalind's chest thundered up through her throat and out of her mouth before she could even think about it.

"Can you-" She blurted out. He stopped and looked back at her. "...Can you stay? Please. You were right. I can't... I can't be alone right now."

Bruce was silent. He looked surprised that she would even admit that he had been right. But after a long moment, he nodded.

"Yeah," he said. "Sure I- of course I will. I'll just, uh..."

He moved to sit at her desk. Rosalind noticed how tired he looked. Even in the dark, she could see the bags under his eyes and the heaviness of his movements.

"You need to sleep as much as I do," She said, scooting over in the bed. "Come here."

Bruce froze and looked at her as if she had just asked him to punch her in the face. He looked like a deer in the headlights.

"Please." She said.

He got into the bed.

Bruce laid there stiffly, as if he was afraid to brush against her. The bed wasn't small, they both had plenty of room. But he stayed close to the edge on his side. He laid on his back with his arms folded over his chest.

They both laid there in the dark for a while. But neither of them slept. Rosalind's eyes were up at the ceiling, her hands fidgeting every now and again, a nervous habit she had since she was a child.

"Rosie," Bruce's voice softly cut through the dark. "Go to sleep."

"I can't," She whispered back. "Today was fucking scary, Bruce. I don't even want to close my eyes because I'm... I am so scared."

"Don't be." He replied.

Rosalind turned her head to find he was already looking at her.

"I'm right here," he said. "Nothing's gonna hurt you while I'm around. I promise."

They stayed like that for a second, staring at each other in the dark. Rosalind's heart swelled with admiration. Before she could stop herself, she inched closer to Bruce, taking his arm and putting it around her. He tensed as she rested against him. He seemed scared to move, afraid he would disturb her. But he quickly relaxed. Bruce adjusted his arm so it was comfortable for the both of them.

"Thank you." Rosalind whispered, her eyes fluttering shut.

Bruce had told her a few days ago that he said 'thank you' because it made her happy every time. But when she said it, especially now with her practically in his arms, he felt like he could take on the entire world.

But he would never tell her that. Not now anyway.

For right now, all they needed was each other.


Alfred opening someone else's mail is a crime you should know better smh.

Anyway, THEM. Just THEM. This chapter was kind of short but when I think about what's coming... oh boy. Get ready you guys it only gets crazier from here on out.

As always, don't be a ghost reader! I love your comments and they really motivate me to write more. Feel free to leave any questions, comments, or concerns you have.

Until next time, love ya!
