As Isabella finished tying her combat boots in double knots, she stood sceptically in front of the semi cracked mirror that balanced against one of the brick walls. The outfit she had been given was tight; exceptionally tight. But it was supposed to be like that. Fortunately, the material was perfect, she could stretch, fight, jump; all things she tested whilst putting it on. The all black outfit was topped with a slimline bullet proof vest, which she just hoped wouldn't come into play.

Isabella gathered all her things, sliding the ear piece into her ear carefully before pulling her wild hair into a high pony tail, keeping it out of her way. She knew she'd have to sneakily attach the listening devices to the others, or else they'd most likely refuse.

As she began her venture back down the stairs, Isabella frowned deeply, hearing arguing from the room she had left the group in. She knew they were difficult, but they really couldn't go two minutes without having a disagreement.

"If you think I'm letting you hand yourself over to Eteon, you're out of your mind." Deckard declared harshly, slapping his gun into his belt. They'd also been given a change of clothes, but Hattie wanted to wait to explain her plan before she changed her appearance. 

"I just need to get inside, get the machine and get out. I can do this. It's just like a Mick Jagger." Hattie pleaded, clasping her hands, glancing between her older brothers with wide eyes. She knew they couldn't deny her anything, Hattie just needed to push them far enough. 

"What's a Mick Jagger?" Hobbs questioned with a puzzled expression as Isabella drifted into the room unnoticed. She almost laughed at how tight his bullet proof vest was, she felt bad for the poor guy. It could not have been comfortable. 

"It's something we used to do when we were younger, it's an inside man on the job. They create a distraction whilst the others get what they're after." Isabella explained, looking over at Hattie worriedly, "You know how dangerous it is for you to go in there. Let me go instead." 

Before Hattie could reject her offer Deckard scoffed, pacing the room before turning to the girls with a stern expression, "Neither of you are going in there. We just need a plan." 

"We don't have time Dec, I am literally going to implode in less than thirty six hours time. We need that machine, and if I hand myself over, they'll take me right to it. Then you guys can come in and save the day if that's what you're so desperate to do." Hattie explained sensibly as Hobbs shrugged, agreeing with her logic. 

"She's right, that could work. If they get the virus out of her, we can get in and grab her before they have chance to kill her." Hobbs urged, crossing his arms and Hattie nodded, taking his side. 

"That's not a risk we're willing to take." Owen argued, standing beside his brother supportively as Isabella watched from the side lines. Both of them had a point, but Hattie's idea seemed just a little more promising given the fact that she had a solid plan. 

"Well I am, so is he." Hattie pointed to Hobbs who nodded firmly, before she glanced over at Isabella with a convincing look, "Isabella, you are the deciding vote. You know I need to do this." 

Isabella sighed, not daring to peer at the Shaw brothers who were already staring daggers into her side, "Hattie's right. It's the best way to save her."

Deckard sighed, staring at the trio with a betrayed look in his eye before turning to his brother. They seemed to have a silent conversation in their heads as they both nodded reluctantly, "Fine, Hattie goes in, finds the machine, nothing more. Us three will have to find another way in." 

Hattie beamed whilst Isabella looked between the group, waiting for some sort of instruction, "What am I doing then?" The blonde stood with her stands on her hips, staring at the Shaw brothers who shook their heads simultaneously. 

"You're not coming." Owen announced boldly, turning back around to sort out some weaponry on the table behind him. Before she could even begin to protest Deckard grabbed her arm softly, pulling her away from the others who began to gather their things. 

"Before you start, just listen to me." Deckard muttered, taking a glance over his shoulder to check nobody was ease dropping. Isabella stared up at him, her eyebrows furrowed in anticipation. 

"We can't take you with us, it's way too dangerous. Eteon are one of the worst organisations I've ever run into. Brixton almost killed me, and I thought he was my best friend. Just trust me Bella, stay out of it." He pleaded, a desperate tone laced his voice, and Isabella couldn't help but feel worried. 

It wasn't often that Deckard got anxious, never mind scared. If he thought Eteon was a big threat, they were a lot worse than they all imagined. 

Isabella tilted her head, resting it on her shoulder as she stared back glumly, "I understand, and I know how much Brixton meant to you, but I can help. At least let me come and stay on look out. I won't get involved, I'll just wait outside, I'll get an escape car or something. Please, just let me help you, for Hattie's sake."

Deckard paused for a few moments, tapping his chin in thought. He was split, but at least with Isabella's compromise she was out of the action, and therefore out of danger. 

"Fine." Deckard decided, as Isabella grinned thankfully, wrapping her arms around the uncertain man in front of her. "Thank you." She whispered, pulling away as Marianna strutted back into the room. 

The brunette coughed authoritatively as Hattie adjusted her jacket, waiting for the plan to be put into motion. "Do you want me to hand her over, make it look less suspicious." Marianna offered with an unbothered expression. It was clear that she was used to this sort of thing - whatever it would class as. 

Hattie took a deep breath, nodding her head confidently, "Please." 


"Well isn't this cosy." Hobbs sneered sarcastically as the remaining four entered a derelict shack that lay just beyond the air strip where they were supposed to be taking off from. 

Deckard had the most bold, yet potentially stupid plan ever, deciding that the best way into the Eteon complex was parachuting in. Fortunately for them, Marianna had a pilot on speed dial who promised to be there within an hour. Now it was a waiting game. 

Isabella looked around interestedly, wiping the stringy cobwebs out of her face as she made her way to the shattered window, ignoring the most likely snide comments that were being exchanged behind her. 

All she could think about was Hattie. Isabella knew that Eteon would do everything in their power to get the virus out and back into their hands, but that didn't mean they would keep Hattie alive after they had it. The virus was her only leverage. With that gone, she would be as good as dead. 

"Izzy!" Dec raised his voice, as Isabella snapped out of her thoughts, twisting round and responding to him with a quick hum. He watched her carefully, staring deep into her eyes as she tilted her head, waiting for him to say something. 

"You still up for this?" He questioned, almost interrogatingly as the three pairs of eyes settled their focus on the blonde. "Of course, it's for Hattie." Isabella responded bluntly, shrugging her shoulders as if she didn't even need to think about it. 

Ever since they were little kids, both the Shaw and Ford family would have done anything for one another, and that wasn't going to change any time soon. Isabella knew that if she was in Hattie's situation, they'd do exactly the same to help her, so she was determined to save her best friend, no matter what the cost was. 

"You ever jumped out of a plane before?" Hobbs asked sceptically, tightening his parachute on his back as Owen watched out for the pilot. The tension was high in the shack, everyone was on edge, silently praying that the plan would work, and even Isabella - who usually remained calm -struggled not to snap back at the overly cocky man. 

"For a matter of fact, I have actually." She retaliated, narrowing her bright eyes warningly as Hobbs held his hands up in defence jokingly, turning back to sorting out his weapons. 

"Ignore him, just follow my lead." Deckard reassured, gesturing for Isabella to lift her arms for him to tighten her parachute safely, even though she had checked it five times her self. Even though she loved the Shaws, their over protectiveness occasionally became slightly irritating. 

"He's here." Owen announced suddenly, his gaze flickering to a tall, lean man who was strolling towards one of the small planes. The pilot was anxiously glancing around, clearly nervous to see the people he'd be flying. Isabella didn't blame him. After meeting Marianna, she wasn't surprised the pilot prepared for the worst. 

"Let's move." Hobbs called out, strolling out the door as the trio remained behind. Isabella chuckled quietly, turning to Deckard with a pure look of amusement, "Does he think he's in charge?" 

"He doesn't think, that's why I'm in charge." Dec smirked, gesturing for his brother to head out as Owen picked up his bag and made a move. Isabella felt an arm wrap round her shoulder as Deckard appeared beside her cheerfully,

"Let's go kick some ass." 
