CHAPTER 22: Staircase

"You cannot make someone understand a message they are not ready to receive." —Anonymous


IT'S ABOUT sunset on a Saturday at the rooftop where they usually hang out. Jisoo and Taehyung set up two chairs and a table they found lying around the building and decided to study there. They agreed that it will be their own personal lair from now on.

"Wow, you actually answered 43 out of 50 correctly, this is a great start!" Jisoo uttered while marking his paper with her pen. Then, she looked up towards him, "I'm surprised, you're quite sharp if you actually try and if you stop complaining," she commented.

Taehyung scorned, "I'm surprised I actually learned something from someone who usually acts like a middle school kid."

"Hey!" she frowned at him, "We need to fix that rude attitude of yours," Jisoo nagged while pointing her pen to his face.

"I'm not rude," Taehyung raised a brow at her.

"You are. You should not insult people, okay?" she continued lecturing him, "With me, I don't mind because I know you are just a tsundere," she added and laughed.

"A fucking what?" his forehead creased. Somehow, he felt insulted even not knowing what the word means, "Are you cursing me in another language?" he asked but Jisoo tapped his mouth softly with her pen, as if scolding him.

"What the?!" he backed away and held his mouth in shock.

She's getting bolder every day.

"You're the one who's cursing all the time!" Jisoo nagged and she put out her palm in front of him. He stared at her extended hand and looked up to her face with a smile of menace.

"Ugh, I didn't even agree—"

"Come on," Jisoo pushed her hand in his face more, "A dollar. Gimme."

"Tsk," Taehyung sighed deeply and brought out his wallet while glaring at her. He gave her a dollar which she quickly took.

Jisoo clapped gleefully and guffawed, "I'll be a millionaire in no time!"

She's an angel, they said. She's a saint, they said.

"Didn't you propose this to help me out of my habit of cussing? You should not celebrate milking me like this," he complained while watching her examine the dollar like it's a pot of gold.

"This is extortion," he flicked her forehead to get her attention.

"Meh," she simply shrugged and playfully placed a hand on his shoulder, "I accept you for who you are. Even if you're a cuss machine."

"Then let's call the deal off," he told her and squinted his eyes. She shook her head seriously.

"But we all should know at least basic conversation manners and respect," Jisoo said while laughing at him. She's clearly enjoying their agreement that for each curse word he says, he needs to pay her a dollar.

Originally, it is supposedly insults he says but he'll go bankrupt on the first day so they decided with curse words. She scolded him about being too harsh the other day so he ended up getting scammed in this deal. Taehyung rolled his eyes, groaning while slouching on his seat.

"Now, now, we still have two subjects to finish," she uttered in a professional tone as she snapped her fingers in haste, "We're starting on this page," she continued and flipped through the book.

"I hope the university just burns and all the records become ashes," Taehyung lazily said with his head on his hand, yawning lethargically.

"Taehyungie!" Jisoo gave her a warning stare.

"Alright, alright," he dismissively said and grunted as he scooted closer to listen to her explanations and they spent hours studying longer.

To: Taehyungie

Listen to class, I'll be asking your classmate later if they see you dozing off ¬_¬ Andddd don't forget to pass the activity we completed, oki?! (≖ ‿ ≖ ) got eyes everywhere mwehehe~ (`∀')Ψ

JISOO PUT her phone in her pocket after sending Taehyung a message. She's on the way to the meeting with her org after just finishing her classes.

I need to drink water after I arrive. Why does it have to be on the seventh floor, after all? I can barely catch my breath.

Suddenly, she slowed down on her track when she noticed heels stopping on the staircase landing.

She instantly knew who it was.

"It's been a while," Irene greeted once they met gazes.

There is a long, high, staircase in between them.

Stairs made with brittle rocks... The lightest of steps she takes, it will crumble. She has been climbing the stairs for a long time. No matter how much she tripped, she tried to chase the image of her back at the summit.

Yet some stairs are unreachable, unclimbable even.

The closer she gets, the bigger their distance becomes.

Jisoo noticed that Irene is not with her friends today. She smiled timidly at her, "Hello. I'm glad you're back."

"Glad?" Irene chuckled in disbelief, "It's just the two of us, stop playing goody two shoes," her face dropped into a frown as she looked down at her.

"We all know you hide so many things," she added.

Jisoo didn't say a word, she cannot say anything. She ended up sighing in exhaustion, "You know I don't want to do this today, Irene."

She climbed up to go to the next floor because she want to reach their clubroom peacefully is but of course, that means she needs to pass by Irene.

The latter quickly grabbed her arm to stop her, "Did you enjoy it when I was gone?" she leaned closer to Jisoo's ear and whispered, "You probably preferred I never come back, huh?"

"I don't," Jisoo glanced at her with blank and serious eyes... Far from her usually sparking orbs.

"Oh, what angel are you," Irene sarcastically replied, her nails digging deeper on Jisoo's arm. She gritted her teeth as she glared at her.

"Let go of me," Jisoo winced and tried to shrug off her hold.

"You're right," Irene spat in a tone laced with spite and sarcasm, "Get lost," she shoved Jisoo's arm away with force.

However, because Jisoo is standing in an unstable position and since it took her by surprise, she lost her balance and tumbled backwards, her feet slipped from the step of the stairs.


Irene's eyes widened and she reached her hand to her.

Jisoo tried to grab her hand.


Their skins grazed one another but their fingers failed to intertwine with each other's.

A second of doubt whispering behind her ear and it was a moment too late.

Irene's hand paused in the air, almost grasping something in her reach but hesitating to hold on and offer.

Then, there was a thud.

And a sudden surge of realization.

"Holy shit," Irene moved from her frozen spot. she trembled and took down one step. Her heartbeat pummeled like drums.

The sight of Jisoo lying on the floor.

"Yeah, don't worry, no one's bothering me here anymore—" a voice echoed through the corridors before she could act. Jennie appeared in a phone call and instantly saw Jisoo sprawled.

"Oh my god!" she shrieked for a second and rushed to her aide. Jennie felt someone's presence and looked towards Irene who was reclining on the wall beside her, strength drained from her and face pale.

"You..." she uttered with her voice accusing.

"I—" Irene looked at her in bewilderment of the events, her eyes dilating in panic.

"Irene! You're just here... What the hell?" Yeri's voice trailed off and she halted from going down when she saw the scene.

"Fuck, let's go," Yeri quickly went to her friend and grabbed her, "Irene, let's go!" she yelled and dragged her away.

Before Jennie could stop them, they ran to the upper floor already, she cursed under her breath. She felt her hands trembling as she darted back her attention back to Jisoo..

"Hey, hey," she lightly slapped her cheek to try and get a response, "Can you hear me? Shit, she's bleeding," Jennie noticed the small pool of blood from her head.

Irene and Yeri, who were escaping to the third floor, passed by Jinyoung reading a book. His eyes followed the two girls weirdly as he walked towards the way they just came from. He didn't care much and shrugged it off to focus on reading again.

"HELP!" Jennie's shout echoed from the floor below. He didn't recognize who was screaming for help but it caught his attention.

Huh? What is that?

He rushed down since he is really heading to the direction where the voice is coming from. What he didn't expect is seeing Jisoo who is lying unconscious with a girl he is not familiar with beside her.

"Shit, Jisoo!" he dropped his book and ran towards them.

"What the hell happened?!" Jinyoung frantically asked as he carefully lifted Jisoo's head, checking her before holding her in his arms.

"I don't know! I just found her passed out already!" Jennie told him in panic.

Jinyoung didn't answer anymore as he ran through the hallways to bring her to the infirmary. Jennie picked up her things scattered and followed after them. Jinyoung quickly arrived at the clinic.

"Help! She fell off the staircase," he shouted worriedly which alerted the university nurse right away.

"Oh my god, what happened?" the nurse guided him to place her on a bed and proceeded to treat and examine her.

"We're not really sure. Is she gonna be okay?" Jinyoung asked while staring at the nurse cleaning Jisoo's blood. Jennie finally caught up and went behind him to look at Jisoo's condition.

The nurse simply nodded and instructed them to wait on the couches and stay because they will be questioned after the school authorities arrive.

Jennie quietly put down Jisoo's things while breathing heavily from running. Jinyoung turned to her direction, "Wait here, I'll contact her friends," he said.

He went outside and dialed a number. On the first ring, it answered right away, "Hello Nayeon..."

"WHY WOULD you push her when there's someone to witness?!" Yeri paced in front of Irene. They were inside the auditorium where they usually pass time by. The other three girls are there too.

"I didn't do it!" Irene finally let out the words stuck in her throat. Her knees wobbled as she held onto the chair before sitting down, "Goddamnit."

"But that is what it's gonna look like!" Joy told her and shook her head. She honestly felt guilty and bothered inside.

"You don't think she's hurt badly, right?" Seulgi asked and stared at her, "Irene you shouldn't have left if you know you didn't do it."

Irene remained silent while looking at her hand. Ironically, her hands sting, her nerves feel itchy and it wouldn't stop shaking.

She could've reached her.

That, she knows deep down.

I don't care, she told herself.

Irene started biting her nails, I don't care about her.

She bit her nail harder while repeating it to herself like she is convincing her own mind. Then, she tasted blood when her nail broke. Irene clasped her hands together and felt her shivering more intensely. She hugged herself before her friends could notice her trembling. She didn't want it to show.

"I hope she's okay," Wendy whispered while staring off into the empty space.

"Do you think you'll get in trouble over this again?" Joy, who was beside her, asked. Irene didn't look at her friend.

"Your dad could get you out of this, if it's not gonna get worse, right? It's an accident after all," she heard Yeri add.

Her eyes remained blank as the image of Jisoo haunted her.

I doubt that.

"WHERE THE hell is your clinic?! Hello?!" Hoseok looked at his phone when he heard the beeping tone, "This shitty phone decided to die right now?!" he cursed to himself and bumped into someone.

"Sorry," he dismissively apologized, pissed as he walked away but then the person tapped him on the shoulder. He stopped to look at who did it.

"Ho...seok?" the man asked hesitantly, "Hoseok, right?" he paused and looked at the guy. His brows furrowed trying to remember why he is familiar.

"Jimin! We met at a seminar last year. Jimin Park, remember me?" the latter uttered.

"Ah! Mr. Mayor," Hoseok nodded in recognition while Jungkook and Namjoon were confused over the encounter.

"Dude, quit calling me that," Jimin laughed at him.

"Yeah... Uh, sorry but I'm really in a hurry right now. Let's catch up next time but can you tell me where your clinic is?" Hoseok said hurriedly. He wanted to prolong the conversation but he cannot stay still in nervousness right now.

"Uh, I think that building?" Jimin pointed at the building across from them, "I'm not yet accustomed here since I just transferred."

"Excuse me for interrupting but we have two infirmaries on the campus. Do you know what college the clinic you are searching for is?" Namjoon interrupted and caught Hoseok's attention. He just noticed that Jimin is with his two friends, as he assumes.

"Oh... I didn't have clear instructions since the call got cut off so I'm not sure," Hoseok told Namjoon.

Namjoon nodded at him and continued, "If you don't mind me asking, what or who are you here for? Maybe we'd know by then?"

"A friend of mine was injured. They said she fell off the stairs," Hoseok sighed while he tells them, "I know Jisoo is in the college of—"

"Jisoo?" he got cut off as the three asked in unison.

"Y-yeah," Hoseok was confused as he stared at them, "You guys know her?"

"Is she the one hurt?" Jungkook finally spoke, unknowingly dismissing the question.

"Yes—" Hoseok got cut off again.

"What the fuck happened?" Jimin interjected with an evident worry in his tone now.

"I don't know dude, that's why I'm rushing to see her condition," Hoseok looked at him and answered.

"Let's go check the infirmary near the gymnasium. That's where serious injuries are taken to," Namjoon calmly said to them and led the way.

It was a five minute walk and when they reached the quiet corridors towards the infirmary, Hoseok recognized a girl heading their way. He slowed down on his tracks as they met Lisa who was running in the hallway.

"Lisa!" he called her.

"Hoseok, finally! Geez. I was just about to search for you!" she ran to him the moment she saw him, her eyes were swollen, probably from crying. Hoseok instantly welcomed him in a sideway hug.

"Don't worry, I met a friend of mine around," he gestured towards Jimin and Lisa looked at the three guys, she gave them a polite yet timid smile.

"Where is Jisoo?" Hoseok asked as he fixed her messy hair from crying. Lisa looks like a mess.

She didn't say a word as she just showed them the way. Then, they met Rosé at the door, "Hey," she greeted and smiled weakly.

"I'll go get her things in the locker. She still hasn't gained consciousness so we might need to go to the hospital just to make sure," Rosé told Lisa before she left the clinic while the four newly arrived guys entered.

TAEHYUNG put down his phone because Jisoo is still not answering the call. He bit his lip in excitement. It was an odd, new feeling for him but nonetheless, he is happy to show her the result of his test today. He got an A score in his subject.

Sure, he didn't enjoy being forced to study but now that he received the result, it was surprisingly satisfying.

I can't wait to tell her.

He stared at his paper, the professor was suspicious of him and he almost cackled at the face of his classmates who obviously were not buying it and shocked because they seem to belittle him. He felt triumphant.

There are only a few students around the campus since it is a half-day schedule.

When he raised his head, he slowed down on his steps when he saw Rosé with a panicked face. He noticed her holding Jisoo's things because he recognized her notebooks and the books they use. Rosé met his eyes once she noticed his presence.

He didn't know why but his intuition warned him. His chest hammered.

"T-taehyung..." she stopped in front of him, looking conflicted in telling him. His eyes scanned Jisoo's things again before he caught Rosé's gaze.

"What happened?" he uttered in a sharp tone, he has a great feeling that he wouldn't like what comes after.

"Jisoo..." she trailed off and sighed. Taehyung balled his hand into a fist while anticipating what she would be telling him.

"She had an accident."

It echoed... The words echoed to him, her voice ringing in his ears.

Taehyung dropped his exam paper after hearing what she said and processing it.

The paper fluttered and got blown by the wind. It flew away but the cold air left him trembling.

The stupid paper he wanted to show her flee from his fingers... Just like how the smallest pint of happiness he felt earlier slipped away from his grasp.

And it slowly disintegrated like dust.
