Chapter 5 - Harvest Festival

It was the most exciting time of the year in Quinqui. It was time for the harvest festival. This was a 7-day-long festival with parades, performances from acrobats, and a grand fair. Every year anyone related to Quinqui, no matter how far from home he might be, would make it a point to come. Even visitors from all over would gather here.

Bai Xian, the Celestial Tribe's crown prince Ye Hua and their little son Ah-Li had also come to the fox den for this celebration. Ah-Li and Gungun were both super excited to go to the fair. Mi Gu was trying to keep them interested in other things long enough so that they could go only after the sun would start to go down a little. Bai Xian was so not wanting to walk around in the hot sun and had tasked Mi Gu with this duty.

She herself had come to Feng Jiu's room and was helping her bathe and get dressed. Feng Jiu had recovered quite a lot, but her wound still hurt if she tried to move quickly or even tried to make her long hair. So Bai Xian had taken it upon herself to look after her favorite niece.

Dijun had ventured to the kitchen asking his mother-in-law's help to cook something tasty and nutritious for his wife. His mother-in-law was only too happy to oblige. Finding not much else to do by himself Ye Hua had joined in too. They all chatted and cooked away a whole feast with sweet and sour fish, noodle soup, congee, various types of vegetable dishes, and cakes. All of them were feeling very accomplished. Dijun and Ye Hua loaded two large trays with all the food and decided to go to Feng Jiu's room so they all could eat together.

When the two reached Feng Jiu's room, she had finished bathing and getting dressed. Bai Xian was combing her hair and they were chatting. "Please don't tell whatever I am about to say, to Dijun. I don't want him to feel any more guilty than what he is already feeling.", Feng Jiu was saying. Dijun signaled to Ye Hua to stop and not enter the room. They both placed the food trays on a nearby table and waited. Ye Hua signaled to Dijun that he will be back soon and left in search of their sons.

"Ye Hua is a true gentleman!", mused Dijun and continued to eavesdrop. His wife was about to tell something to her aunt that she thought would make him feel guilty. So? It wasn't going to be pretty. But he was quite thick-skinned and he could handle it. At least that's what he told himself at that time.

Feng Jiu continued reminiscing and talking to her aunt. She was talking about some of the hardest days of her life and it wasn't easy for her. But this was her aunt and she was one person Fengjiu did not mind just being herself with.

"I waited for Dijun for 73 days. Each day was harder than the one before, but I waited. Everyone told me he had chosen to go to the demon realm with Ji Heng. I chose not to believe them.  I went to the demon realm with Chong Lin to look for Dijun. There they told me that they had in fact seen him be with Ji Heng. I was heartbroken.

I returned home here and was crying inconsolably in my room when Uncle Zhe Yan walked in. He sensed something off with me, checked my pulse, and told me that I was pregnant. That moment. It changed my whole life.

I remember, that night I did not sleep at all. But by the time morning came, I had made up my mind. Uncle Zhe Yan had left me two pills - one that would abort the baby and another that would preserve him. He also left a note saying he would support me no matter what I picked.

This was my baby. Mine and Dijun's. The only man I have ever loved. This baby was a symbol of my unconditional love for Dijun. I knew he had loved me sincerely too. Maybe after seeing Ji Heng in trouble, he had decided to spend the rest of his life with her. But I knew when he had told me he loved me, he had meant it. I would keep this baby and live for the baby. This baby would be my whole universe from then on.  I ate the pill that would preserve my baby.

Then I packed a few things - clothes, and some supplies to hide my birthmark, dress up as a man, etc. With that, I left Quinqui. First I went to the Sky Kingdom. Something in my heart was still not ready to let him go. I hoped to see him one last time. If he wanted to be with Ji Heng, all he had to do was tell me. I would get out of his way. But I didn't find him there. I knew I needed to be strong. For this baby, I had to pull myself together. Especially since I would be his only parent. So I let go of everything and left sky kingdom.

From there I went to the Nether world and checked up on Ye Quingti. I knew I would pay his debt no matter what. I left a trinket with Lord Xie Gu so he could reach me when he needed me to wake Quingti up. And then I went to the mortal realm and stayed there until... ", Feng Jiu left her words hanging but was interrupted by her aunt.

"Why mortal realm? Didn't you know you would be all alone and you wouldn't be able to use your magic either? How could you have acted so foolishly, Feng Jiu?", scolded Bai Xian.

"Gu Gu, I chose the mortal realm because I did not want anyone to find me. I knew if any of you had learned that I was pregnant, you would confront Dijun and make him take responsibility for me and the baby. I knew what it was like, to stay away from the one I loved, I could never wish that for him.", Fengjiu explained.

Bai Xian rolled her eyes indignantly and continued with the questions. "How did you manage your pregnancy? Going into labor? The delivery? Did you take care of yourself properly at all?" She was seriously concerned.

"I did the best I could. I went to the mortal realm and worked as a cook in a restaurant at that time. It was really hard work all day long. My body ached all the time and I was exhausted. But at least the owner, who was an old lady, was kind to me. She let me eat leftovers and also let me take breaks often in my last month of pregnancy. She even revived me when I passed out from 3 days of labor pains and she helped me deliver Gungun safely. I was so grateful to her, and always will be.

But her son showed up 3 months later and wanted to force himself on me. I fought back, made him unconscious, and ran away with Gungun. I did suffer a lot physically during that fight. I was also very sad to leave the old lady to look after herself. But, I had no choice, so I did what I could.", Fengju tried in vain to make light of it. Bai Xian was appalled at what she heard.

And so was Dijun. He felt he had been too naive in thinking he could handle whatever he would hear about her days in the mortal realm. He had really underestimated her hardships.

Her days had been hard. When she had given him up, she had also given up her family and friends. All because of him. He realized he could never repay her for the things he had put her through.

"You are a Princess of Quinqui. You are the Monarch of this kingdom. You are the Empress of one of the most prestigious, powerful, and revered gods in the Sky Kingdom. Yet, you had to work in a restaurant and pass out from labor pains with no one to look after you. That's just so ...... ", Bai Xian was so furious, so flabbergasted that she could not find words to express her feelings.

"How can you love someone so much? How can you love him so much?", she asked incredulously to Fengjiu.

"Love is mysterious in its ways.", Fengjiu replied with a faint smile. She knew her aunt was very angry. So Fengjiu reached for her aunt's hand. She hugged her aunt, wiped her tears smilingly, and continued explaining. "Gu Gu, I know you are angry at him after hearing all this. You are angry at me too. But please calm down. All this? It's over! We are together now and there's no place in this universe that I'd rather be, than by his side. Even while I was going through all the hardships, I never hated him or blamed him for any of it. My heart has always and only held unconditional love for him. And I am so glad that finally, we are together. He is the only one I have ever loved and will always love. Please don't be mad at us? Please?"

Seeing that she wasn't getting much further with these arguments, Feng Jiu tried to coax her aunt another way. She smiled a naughty smile with a twinkle in her eyes and said, "Of all the people in the world you should be the one to understand me, Gu Gu. Uncle Ye Hua even took your eyes. In normal circumstances, would you ever forgive someone who did that to you? But you not only forgave him but also married him!"

That did the trick. Bai Xian's anger melted away. No one could stay angry at Feng Jiu for long. With more tears in her eyes, Bai Xian planted a kiss on Feng Jiu's head and held her close.

Dijun was astounded by Xiaobai. How could she love him so much? Bai Xian was right. Xiaobai had every reason to be disappointed in him, to even hate him. But here she was, defending him in front of her family. He shook his head in disbelief and decided it was about time that the ladies were interrupted. He wasn't sure he could bear to know any more of the hardships this delicate woman had toughed out because of him. He wasn't that thick-skinned after all.

He picked up the tray of food that had gone cold and heated everything back up with magic. He saw Ye Hua return with both the kids and together they walked in. They sat in a circle and ate together. Both guys were urging their wives to eat well. They were happy when their wives praised the food they had prepared.

Dijun kept stealing weird glances at Xiaobai. She could sense something off about him. Was he worried about something? A small voice of panic sounded in her heart. Was he about to go away soon and leave her alone for a long time again? That thought scared her and made her very sad. But watching him smile at Gungun, she reasoned with herself that that must not be the case. She would ask him later when they were alone, she decided.

And she did get a chance to be alone with him soon. After the food was all gobbled up, Ah-Li reminded everyone that they must go to the fair after lunch. So Gungun, Ah-Li, Bai Xian and Ye Hua all got ready to go.

"I will bring you sugar paintings, mom. Tell me what kind you want?", Gungun said.

"Bring me back one dragon and one fox.", she replied and exchanged a meaningful look with Dijun. That did bring back fond memories and a smile to Dijun's face. She was happy to see her trick had worked to lighten his mood.

After they were all gone, Dijun closed the door behind them. He came back to her and gently helped her walk to the window. Although it was quite bright and sunny outside, the glorious willow tree in the yard provided just enough shade and a cool breeze on the window seat. They both sat there with Dijun wrapping his arms around Xiaobai.

"What's going on, Dijun? What's been worrying you? Please tell me. And please be completely honest with me, ok? No matter how bad whatever that is, I want to know. And I want to work together with you to make it better. I could sense you being sad and I am getting very worried thinking that you might be going away from me again. Is it that? Are you having to do something somewhere far away? If so, could you please, please take me along? I promise I won't do anything to drag you down. I will help....", Feng Jiu said looking into his eyes with sincerity and worry.

He could feel that she was getting really troubled thinking about this possibility. So he rushed to explain and put her fears to rest. "No, Xiaobai. Don't worry. I am not going anywhere without you. It's just that I overheard what you were telling your aunt about the time of Gungun's birth. I am feeling very guilty about that. As a husband, I have failed you. Miserably failed you. I've let you down. I am so very sorry.", Dijun's voice cracked.

Feng Jiu let out a long sigh and took his hands in hers. She looked at him, quite relieved that the worry wasn't anything about anything in their future.

She began to talk. "Dijun, what has passed, is gone by. No matter what, we can never change it. So please let it all go. As a wife, I do have my share of guilt to deal with. I misunderstood you, I was cold and distant to you last time we met in the Sky Kingdom, and I kept your son away from you for so long. I am learning from all these experiences. I am also trying hard to let it all go.

Our experience has shown us time and again that when we keep the other person in the dark, despite us wanting to protect them, eventually we end up hurting them. It's better to talk about things with each other upfront, rather than to deal with all the misunderstandings later. Don't you think so?", she asked him earnestly.

Dijun was amazed at her maturity and understanding. She was looking at him with her beautiful brown eyes and he was getting lost in them. He just wanted to dip his head down and kiss her.

But she was still waiting for him to reply. So he resisted the urge and spoke out loud, "You are right, Xiabai. We still have to learn to communicate well with each other. Despite all the miscommunication and misunderstanding, in my battle against Miyo Liu, you fought alongside me. You showed courage, righteousness, and sheer bravery. You volunteered to sacrifice yourself for our love. You are truly the only one who rightfully deserves to be my Dihou, my mate, my equal. And I will treat you as such going forward. I won't keep anything from you anymore. I will share everything with you - all the good, the bad, and even the ugly parts of my life."

Xiaobai giggled and extended her pinky just like Gungun would, "Then let's promise to always be completely honest with each other. Even if we think saying something will make the other person sad or angry, but between the two of us, let's say everything, let's share everything. Let's work together towards everything. Let's start afresh. Ok, Dijun?"

His Xiaobai was still willing to give him another chance. She was asking to start afresh with him. Dijun chuckled and gave her his pinky and then they both stamped on it with their thumbs. "When did my silly Xiao Huli become so very wise?", he patted her nose. "You amaze me with your love, Xiaobai. You went through so much and yet you don't resent me, don't blame me. How can you love me so much?", Dijun said caressing her face.

Xiaobai replied softly, "Dijun, this is love. No matter what happens, my heart can only have one feeling for you and that is love. Also, the things that happened to me in the mortal realms were mainly due to my decision of leaving everything behind and letting go. And to be absolutely honest, it isn't as if I had never questioned my decision or had never thought of coming back..."

Dijun interrupted her saying, "You did? Did you think of coming back? Then why didn't you? Your Fourth Uncle told Lian Song about how you gave up on the Unicorn Plant completely. He felt that's how you had decided to treat me, too. When I heard I was really heartbroken. But now I am curious how and why you thought of coming back. I know it's so unlike you to change your mind easily. "

Feng Jiu shrugged and started explaining, "Well, during the first few years of Gungun's life, I had the hardest time physically as well as emotionally. Of all those years, the first few days were the worst.

I still remember the first time I held him. The restaurant owner and one of her maids had just revived me and helped me deliver him. They helped me clean things up. They swaddled him up, gave him to me, and left with the instructions to return to work when I was ready for it.

When I first held him and looked at his face, I was so overwhelmed with emotions. I felt unmeasurable love for this tiny little being who instantly latched himself to my body and started feeding. I felt immense joy that this little miracle was mine. Unmistakably, undeniably mine. I realized I was no longer alone. At the same time, my heart was pierced with the unfathomable pain of missing you. I saw your handsome face in his little eyes, in his soft silver hair. I heard your musical heartbeats in his heartbeats. I felt your essence in him. And I just could not bear to be away from you any longer. I wept as I had never wept before. I wept for hours, till he had fallen asleep in my arms and I could cry no more. I am sure he must have tasted my salty tears. That was the time I thought of coming back and begging Ji Heng to take me as a maid in Tai Chen Palace. At least I would be able to see you from afar, be around you and serve you. I was so desperate, being your Palace maid seemed like a really good option indeed. Fortunately or not, my body wasn't strong enough. So I didn't act on that decision. Then it gave me time to rethink things. I decided to stay there and raise my baby by myself instead of getting you involved in complete chaos with my family.

Even during those times or the times when I went through numerous battles for various reasons, I never resented you or even blamed you for not coming to save me. I only missed you. After each battle or sickness or trauma, I only wished you could hold me in your arms. I wished I could see your loving gaze, your gentle touch. I wished I could just feel you around me. That's all."

Dong Hua's eyes teared up. He pulled her close and planted a soft kiss on her hair. "Debuqui, Xiaobai. For everything. And xie xie. For everything. Wo ai ni.", he said. Hugging her, he let out a long sigh as pain and relief washed over him simultaneously. If she didn't resent him during those times, this woman's heart was really made for him. She sensed the shift in his mood and wiggled in his arms to be more closer to him. "Wo ye ai ni, Dijun", she said.

He let her settle more comfortably and asked, "Are you tired, Xiaobai? Sleep a little if you are tired." He planted soft kisses on her forehead, on her eyes, on her nose. Leaning down, he whispered in her ear, "Be a good girl and rest for a while. I am here with you. We can take a small walk outside later if you feel better."

"Hhmm..", she said. Then she sunk her head on his chest and closed her eyes contentedly.
