The World Outside the Window

Your P.O.V (Four weeks later)
You took a deep breath and took a step outside, holding your hand over your eyes to protect it from the sun and the flashing lights of the press. "Ms. Dehai! What was the exact reasonings behind the Joker's attack?" "What do you plan to do for the families who lost loved ones?" "Do you think this will affect the current polls?" You kept your mouth silent as your bodyguards and assistant waved them off. You turned to the crowd. "I'm not doing it! Not anymore!" You waved them off but they swarmed like bees. "Stop it! No! NO!" They clawed at you, fingernails scraping your skin, catching in your hair. You looked through the mass of bodies and caught sight of some familar green hair. The Joker stood on top of your car, laughing with pistol and knife in hand. Behind you, the window of the hospital room shattered; The only protection against the outside world was gone. The crowd held you down as The Joker walked up and stabbed you, letting the knife stick in your gut. You cried for help but no one came. The Joker leaned forward next to your ear. "Long live the Dehai family." He whispered before there was a gunshot and everything went black.
    Your eyes shot open and you quickly sat up, sheets falling off throwing you out into the bitter morning air. You shivered. Your silk nightclothes was far from sufficient in Gotham when it came to keeping you warm. You glanced over at the opposite side of the bed, finding it empty. Bruce must of left early for work again. You glanced over at the bedside table, looking for your phone. You had to call to get picked up. It always seemed to rude to you to just let Alfred drive you home.
    Glancing over to the table, you caught sight of a note with your name encircled on it. You smiled and picked it up. It read: Hello Y/N. I had to go off early for work again. Have to get some work done before the election party tonight. Hope you're not to mad. I've already arranged for Alfred to drive you home when you're ready. Call me when you can. Best wishes,
~ <3 Bruce
    You grinned and set down the letter. "Always thinking ahead huh?" You mumbled. Just then, you lifted your head to the sound of a knock on the door. "Come in!" You called your, smoothing down your hair. Alfred opened the door and walked in, breakfast table in hand. "Sleep well?" He asked. You forced a smile as you thought about your nightmare. "Like a god." You said, half jokingly. Alfred set down the tray and looked you in the eyes. "I don't know much about gods but I'm fairly certain they don't sleep. What is it?" Alfred asked, seeing through your lie. You cleared your throat awkwardly, embarrassed by his concern.
    "It was just a nightmare. It wasn't real." Alfred nodded. "Ah but where did the idea of the nightmare come from I wonder?" He poured you a cup of tea. You watched the steam billow off the top as it cooled. While Alfred went to draw the curtains, you glanced over at the tray. A glass of water, a piece of toast, a muffin, eggs, and bacon. (If you don't eat these I'm sorry. Just replace it with something else.). Next to them was todays newspaper. Picking it up, you unfolded it to the first page. It read 'Election Day' on the front. Underneath was a smaller article about the current candidates and a smaller article on you. "I should have removed that page." Alfred said, glancing at your article. "You shouldn't stress yourself over that anymore." You shook your head. "It's ok Alfred. What's done is done."
    Shortly after the Joker incident, you had dropped from the election. As expected, it was blown out of proportions by the press. The reason was simple enough. You had explained it countless times. 'It was too much stress and after that night, everything you had stood for had turned against you. You needed time to heal and think.' That's what you told the press. But you knew it wasn't over yet. After all, the Joker was still out there and he was still bent on revenge.
You turned the page in the paper, lifting slightly to avoid Alfred's gaze. Seeing you didn't want to discuss much more, Alfred gave a small bow. "Well if that's all, I shall take my leave." As he turned to go, something came to mind. "Wait! Alfred? Mind if I get a ride home?" Alfred smiled and bowed. "Oh corse. I'm ready whenever you are." You nodded gratefully as Alfred left the room. "Thank You." You said softly.
    You sat on your sofa with your knees tucked up to your chin. Your eyes danced across the TV screen as you watched a heated discussion about the two remaining candidates. You closed your eyes and sighed. You were currently debating weather to go to tonight's campaign event. After all, did you really want to be there when they announced the new mayor?
    You opened your eyes to the sound of a clang in the kitchen. It must of been the new maid. "Ivy?" You called out, walking over. "Are you alright?" You walked into the the room to see the blonde pigtails and frilly maid dress leaning over the sink. "Just peachy Ms. Dehai!" She said. Your eyes widened with horror as you realized it wasn't your maid. "Harley! What did you do to Ivy?" You yelled, backed into the wall. You swallowed nervously as the blonde turned around, showing her white, pale face and crazy eyes.
    "Now now sweet cheeks! No need to get yourself in a tizzy!" She walked over and put her face inches from yours. "Are you here to kill me?" You asked. She shook her head. "No no. I'm just here to give you a message, a gift from Mr. J." You were curious but said nothing. Harley walked around to the counter and grabbed a bottle of wine. "Oh! Mr. J's favorite. Must admit, you're style in wine is much better than your clothes." She struggled to open it for a moment before the stopper popped out. She grabbed a glass and poured, the red liquid glistening like blood.
    "I hope you really go to the election party tonight." She said after taking a sip. "Mr. J really wants to see you go out with a bang." You narrowed your eyes. "What does that mean?" She grinned. "Fire on the election floor. Careful it doesn't blow up in your face. That party is the bomb." Her smile stretched across her cheeks as realization hit you. "You're going to bomb the party?!?" She smiled. "Bingo!" She raised a finger. "Mr. J is giving you a choice. Let the people die or die trying to save them." She walked over to the open window and hopped up. "It's like they say. Die a hero or live long enough to become the villain... Hm!" She said, thinking. "Kinda like that phrase. Maybe I should copyright that." Harley stared at you for a moment before growing board with your frozen stature. "Well see ya!" She jumped from the window and you ran over, watching her land on a mattress with a red X marking the center. Her and her goons must of placed it there earlier.
    You stumbled back and slumped to your knees. "Oh my god." Your heart was racing but your mind refused to work. What could you do? Slowly, you're mind began to function again. You had to get to a car and get down to the election grounds. You shakily pulled out your phone and pressed the call button. You held the phone to your ear, listening. It rung once, twice,... On the third try the line was picked up. You waited to make sure he was listening before you began.
    "Y/N?" "Oh my god Bruce." You said, breathing hard. You were stumbling down the hall and into the garage, grabbing a pair of keys. "Don't go to the election party tonight. The Joker... Bomb..." You said breathlessly. "What are you talking about?" He voice grew more serious and worried. You shook your head as you quickly got into the vehicle. "The Joker set up bombs at the election party. If I don't tell them they'll all die!" You started the car, letting the engine roar.
    "Wait are you going there?!" Bruce yelled over the phone. "I have to. The Joker wouldn't of warned me about it unless he wanted me to go. He wants my death to be a public one." "He want you to die in a public event! Don't go then!" You shook your head. "No. That won't work. I realize I don't know much about that madman but I do know one thing; If there is even the slightest chance I can get there before him I can stop it." "Then don't go! I'll get the police-" You cut him off. "If I didn't go at all I'm sure he would activate the bombs just out a spite." You said, tightening your grip on the wheel. Feeling yourself begin to choke up, you decided to hang up. "Sorry Bruce. Got to go now." As you pulled the phone away from your ear you head Bruce yell. "No Y/N! Please! I l-". The sentence was cut off as you cut the call. Blinking away the tears, you focused on the road, stepping on the pedal a bit harder.

Bruce's P.O.V
    "No Y/N! Please!" Bruce begged, slamming his hand down on his desk. Though he didn't show it, he was panicking. "I love you!" He finally said but the call had already been cut off. The words felt strange rolling off his tongue. He couldn't remember the last time he had really said that to anyone. He desperately tried calling you again But you refused to answer.
    Quickly Bruce pressed his private call button. "Alfred." He said sternly. "Yes Master Bruce?" The voice replied. "Get my suit ready." "Already done sir. It has been ironed and pressed, ready for tonight." Bruce growled. "My OTHER suit." Alfred was silent for a moment before he replied. "...Yes sir." Bruce looked up out the window of his office off toward the direction of the capital building where the party would be. "Please be ok Y/N. I'm coming." Bruce mumbled before grabbing his coat and, swinging it over his shoulder. As he passed his secretary he told her sternly. "Cancel the rest of the meeting I have today. I have a party to go to."

A/N: Heyya!! Finally finished this chapter. Can't believe it's almost over. Two or three more chapters left. Thank You guys so much for your support. This chapter came out a little late cause I didn't have a lot of time to work on it this weekend but I hope you enjoyed it all the same. You guys are awesome. Stay that way. :D
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon (AlBInO RaCcOOn <3)
