Part 9: The Team

[Y/n POV]

I just got to Harry's door to tell him a few more things. Not as Batman but as (Y/n).

(Y/n): knocks on door

Harry: "Enter."

I walk in an see him working on some papers.

Harry: "Ah (Y/n), how can I help you?"

(Y/n): "I came to talk more about the whole White Mask situation."

Harry: "Alright I'm all ears."

(Y/n): "I code named the toxin, Fear Toxin."

Harry: "Okay. How bad would it be if this stuff was used for an attack."

(Y/n): "It would be worse than any terror attack. When the person experiences these hallucinations they act out of fear. That can cause some to lose control and harm someone else."

Harry: "So whoever releases this toxin wouldn't have to do anything. They just watch everyone else tear each other apart."

(Y/n): "Exactly."

Harry: "That's not good. What do we do."

(Y/n): "I suggest getting a team ready. Once I find the White Masks next wearhouse or next plan you mobilize this team and put a stop to it."

Harry: "What about you."

(Y/n): "What about me?" I say in curiosity.

Harry: "Will you be helping this team as (Y/n) or Batman?"

(Y/n): "I will let you know. For now get a team ready."

Harry: "Do you have any suggestions on who should be on this team?"

(Y/n): "We are going to need a medic, and someone familiar with chemicals and gas. The rest is up to you."

Harry: "Alright I will get the team set."

(Y/n): "Okay I will talk to you later Harry."

I walk out of Harry's office and into my dorm. I go straight to the lift and go straight into the underground lair. I check for chemists that have gotten any massive amounts of money recently. None. Maybe a psychologist. I land on someone named Jonathan Crane. He is a professor in psychology am has gotten 10's of thousands of dollars inserted into his bank account over the span of a few months. In that time span he could have made tons of fear toxin by then. That's not good I need to find out the White Masks next move and and fast.

[Zofia POV]

After what happened in the cafeteria I don't know if I can trust completely (Y/n). At least not yet anyways. All of a sudden I hear Harry's voice through Herefords speakers.

Harry: "Can the following operators report to my office immediately. Doc, Smoke, Zofia, Caveira, Vigil, Dokkaebi, Tachanka, Thatcher, Finka, and Lion. Thank you."

I make my way to Harry's office and quick. I walk in and see everyone already in.

Harry: "Thank you for joining us Mrs. Bosak. Take a seat and we can begin."

Smoke: "I don't want this to come off as rude but what's this about."

Harry: "I'm glad you asked. There's a reason I called you specifically Mr. Porter. You have an extensive knowledge of chemicals and gases, which is exactly what we need for this team."

Finka: "What do you mean?"

Harry: "You all know by now that the White Masks have become a serious threat. But they are figuring out new ways to terrorize the world."

Thatcher: "What exactly are these new ways that you are talking about."

Harry turns to his safe and pulls out some sort of orange liquid for everyone to see.

Doc: "What is that?"

Harry: "This is a new kind of gas that the Masks have been developing."

Zofia: "How is it different from the gas that they used before?"

Harry: "This toxin can give anyone who comes in contact with it hallucinations of their worst fears. This can cause the person to act irrationally."

Smoke: "So what you are saying is that if this was released on a crowd of people they could possibly hurt each other."

Harry: "Hurt or something worse."

Caveira: "You mean they could kill each other."

Harry: "Yes. And it your job to make sure that doesn't happen."

Tachanka: "Alright then, what's our first mission."

Harry: "For now you don't have one. I just wanted to make sure you all know what to expect when you are called. So make sure you are ready at all times. Does everyone understand?"

Everyone: "Yes sir."

Harry: "Alright you are all dismissed, but remember to to called at anytime."

Everyone walks out of Harry's office and back to what they were doing. As we were walking down the hall a pulled Taina back.

Caveira: "What's this about?"

Zofia: "Is it true."

Caveira: "Is what true?"

Zofia: "That you have feelings for (Y/n). Not to make fun of you I'm asking as a friend."

Caveira: sigh "Ya, I do so what."

Zofia: "I'm saying not to make a move on him yet."

Caveira: "What do you mean make a move yet. Who said I was even gonna do anything."

Zofia: "I'm just saying not to get to close to him."

Caveira: "Why?"

Zofia: "Damnit, follow me."

I lead her to Grace's dorm to tell her what we found. I knock on the door and wait for a response. A few seconds later the door opens.

Dokkaebi: "Ya, what is it. Is this about the meeting?"

Zofia: "It's about (Y/n). Can we come in for a sec?"

Dokkaebi: "Ya sure."

We walk in and take a seat.

Dokkaebi: "So what's this about again?"

Zofia: "We need to tell Taina about (Y/n)."

Dokkaebi: "I thought we agreed to keep this to ourselves."

Caveira: "Wait, wait, wait, what the hell are you two talking about?"

Dokkaebi: sigh "(Y/n) was doing something last night. He wasn't in his room all night and he came back in some advanced looking suit."

Caveira: "What do mean? You think he snuck out and did something out of base."

Zofia: "What ever he was doing it something to do with those bruises you saw on his face."

Caveira: "Who else knows?"

Dokkaebi: "Me, Chul, Gustave, Zofia, Mike and now you."

Caveira: "So what do you plan on doing about it?"

Zofia: "For now nothing. Not until we know exactly what he's up to."

Caveira: "Alright can I go now I got things to do."

Dokkaebi: "Ya, but don't tell anyone. To many people already know about this."

Caveira: "Okay."

[Harry POV]

I just got finished with the meeting with the team (Y/n) told me to make when I get a call from him. I pick up and answer.

Harry: "Hello."

(Y/n): "Harry it's me I discovered one of the White Masks hideouts."

Harry: "Where?"

(Y/n): "Baffin Bay. A luxury yacht crashed and the White Masks are using as a safe space."

Harry: "Alright I will send that new team in. Have you figured out who you are going to help as."

(Y/n): "Let's just say you will need to send them during night."

Harry: "Okay I will let the team know."

I hang up the phone and call the team in.


From here on out I will be calling Cav by her operator name. Her real name will be used in dialogue though so just a heads up.
