Part 6: Not What They Think

[Y/n POV]

I'm making my way to the simulation room for my test. I know that everyone here thinks I'm some sort of brat with nothing else to do. But to be honest I could care less. I enter the simulation room only to see that it was some sort of training arena. Obstacles and training dummies fill the arena. In the center of it all was a house for military training.

I look up in the stands and see pretty much everyone from team rainbow watching. Then I hear the speakers turned on and Harry's voice filled the room.

Harry: "(Y/n) Wayne, today you are to complete a simulated hostage situation. You are to save the hostage without any casualties."

(Y/n): "Should be easy enough." I say to myself.

Harry: "But you are to complete the simulation with no weapons. The house lights will also be out."

(Y/n): "Damnit Harry. You had to make it difficult."

I can hear multiple voices in the crowd. I could tell that some were confused and some were curious to see how this would play out.

Harry: "Go to your starting position and wait for the buzzer. Good luck."

I go to my starting position and wait. After a few seconds the buzzer goes out and I sprint to the house. I rappel to the second floor and enter through a window. Guessing by the toys, this is a child's bedroom. I start to sneak through the dark halls searching for the hostage.

[Taina POV]

Everyone was watching the simulation play out on a big screen in the arena. Too bad we couldn't see the rich boy's perspective. We could only see the recruits perspective. I could hear everyone talking to each other as they watch the screen.

Blackbeard: "You think he has a shot of pulling this off?"

Valkery: "I doubt it. He doesn't have a weapon."

Jager: "But he is going up against recruits."

Mira: "You say that like they have no experience with a gun."

Jager: "But they aren't exactly the greatest."

Valkery: "They may be recruits but they still have the advantage."

All of a sudden one of the recruit's body camera turns to static then goes black.


Smoke: "Holy crap, the lad is gonna do it."

Valkery: "Calm down, he only got one of them."

Gunshots can be seen going off in the camera feed. The flash of their rifles lighting up the hall. With every flash of the weapon (Y/n) gets closer and closer until he gets to his target.


Everyone was on the edge their seats at this point. Everyone as either in disbelief of cheering (Y/n) on. I was one of the people in disbelief.


I couldn't believe it. He managed to take 5 armed men out and save the hostage. It all seemed familiar some how. Like Deja Vu or something. Maybe I misjudged the rich boy. All the recruits can be seen exiting the house. Some were limping out and others were rubbing their heads. (Y/n) had to help one of them walk.

[Y/n POV]

I have went overboard, but on the bright side I completed my test. I sit the injured recruit down on a bench.

(Y/n): "Sorry about your leg."

Recruit: "Its alright. You were just doing your job. Where did you learn to do that."

(Y/n): "All I can say is that I trained with the best."

Recruit: "Fair enough."

I then see Harry walking in my direction.

Harry: "Well done (Y/n). You completed the simulation in record time. On top of that you finish without a weapon. Welcome to Rainbow." He says while sticking his hand out.

(Y/n): "Thanks for having me". I say while shaking his hand. "Now if you will excuse me I need a shower."

I then exit the arena. As I'm walking down the hall I get congratulated for my test. Which was different from the usual dirty looks I kept getting when I first got here. Then all of a sudden a women steps in my way and stops me.

(Y/n): "Can I help you?"

Zofia: "As a matter of fact, you can. I want to spar with you."

(Y/n): "May I ask why you want to spar?" I say while raising a eyebrow

Zofia: "Because I use to be the best a CQC, but now after what you did back at the simulation everyone says that your better."

(Y/n): "So you want to see if you can beat me to see who is better?"

Zofia: "Correct. Now meet me in the gym in a few minutes." She says while walking off.

I get to my dorm and change out of my military uniform and into some sweat pants and a long sleeve then make my way to the gym. When I get to the gym I see that no one else is in the room but that women who is already in the ring. I climb into the ring as well and start wrapping my hands.

(Y/n): "You know I didn't get your name back there."

Zofia: "My name is Zofia."

(Y/n): "(Y/n), but I'm guessing you already knew that." I say while finishing up my hand wraps.

Zofia: "Alright, first one to submit or get knocked unconscious wins. Ready?"

(Y/n): "Ready when you are."

In a split second she charges at me with a high knee. I barely dodge the attack. She then begins to throw a barrage of punches at me. I manage to block every single one. She then begins to slow. I take the opportunity and take a jab to her face. She then goes for a right hook only for me to block it and throw my own punch hitting right on the eye. She practically brushes off the punch and goes for a straight kick hitting me in the chest. I get knocked on my back. She then gets on top of me and starts to go for a knock out. I block most of her punches but the ones that do land still manage to do damage. She goes for another punch only for me to grab her fist and kick her off. We both stand up and regain our fighting stances. She then goes for a roundhouse kick. I grab her leg and get her in a arm lock. After what seemed like forever she finally tapped out. She lays on the floor in defeat. I stand up and help her on up to her feet.

Zofia: "Well I guess you really are the best."

(Y/n): "If I'm honest, I'd say we are evenly match."

Zofia: "But I lost."

(Y/n): "Well you are actually the first person to get close to beating me. You fight pretty well."

Zofia: "Thanks. To to bad yourself."

(Y/n): laughs "Well I need a shower. It been a long day."

We both exit the gym and both agree to keep the whole thing to ourselves. After exchanging farewells I go to my dorm for a shower. Today has been exhausting but productive. Maybe now people won't see me as spoiled.


Gone by Chiiild

This is one of the songs I listened to while writing this chapter.
